
Game of Schemes: A Song of Ice and Intrigue

A man gets killed by a jealous husband for sleeping with his wife. He gets transmigrated to his favourite TV show with an OP system.

StoicWrites · TV
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9 Chs

Thorns Among the Roses

The morning sun streamed through the dusty windows of the Whispering Rose, illuminating a scene of faded grandeur. Ripped tapestries hung from the walls, their once vibrant colors muted by neglect. Cobwebs draped the chipped marble statues like ghostly shrouds, and a thick layer of grime coated the ornate furniture.

Brad surveyed the desolation with a determined glint in his eyes. This wasn't a brothel, it was a tomb. Yet, beneath the layers of neglect, he saw potential – the potential for a jewel that would outshine all other pleasure establishments in Lys.

His first task was assembling a crew. He couldn't renovate the entire place himself, not if he wanted to open any time soon. Standing in the deserted foyer, he addressed the meager gathering he'd managed to find. There was Groleo, a hulking Lyseni with a shaved head and a suspicious glare, and Elara, a wiry woman with a sharp tongue and a knack for repairs. A pair of younger men, twins named Teo and Leo, completed the motley crew. Their eyes flickered nervously between Brad and the dilapidated surroundings.

"Alright, listen up," Brad said, his voice ringing with forced confidence. "This place might look like a dragon's forgotten outhouse, but it has potential. We're going to turn it into the most luxurious pleasure house Lys has ever seen."

Groleo grunted, his voice a low rumble. "Easier said than done, fancy pants. This place is falling apart."

Brad met his gaze. "Which is why we're here. Elara, you're in charge of repairs. Start with the roof – we don't want any leaky surprises during a client's… well, you get the idea."

Elara, her gaze as sharp as her tools, gave a curt nod. "Leave it to me."

Teo and Leo exchanged nervous glances. "What about us, boss?" squeaked Leo, the smaller of the twins.

"Cleaning," Brad declared, a smile playing on his lips. "Every nook and cranny. We want this place to sparkle."

A chorus of groans met his pronouncement. Brad chuckled, a touch of sadistic amusement flickering in his eyes. He knew the work wouldn't be glamorous, but it was a necessary starting point.

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. Elara, with surprising efficiency, became the undisputed leader of the repairs, barking orders and wielding her hammer with equal skill. Groleo, initially skeptical, proved to be a surprisingly hard worker, his brute strength invaluable in hauling away debris. The twins, surprisingly fast and agile, scoured every surface, their initial apprehension replaced by a begrudging respect for Brad's vision.

Brad himself wasn't idle. He spent his days scouring Lys's markets, searching for the finest materials – silks as soft as spiderwebs, marble polished to a blinding shine, and furniture carved with a touch of decadent flair. He bartered with cunning honed in Westerosi courts, stretching every coin he had left from his gambling exploits.

One evening, as the exhausted crew nursed aching muscles in the makeshift tavern Brad had set up in a corner of the building, the System's voice echoed in his mind. "Recommendation: Secure additional funding for expedited renovations. Explore alternative revenue streams."

Brad frowned. He'd already stretched his finances thin. Another night at the gambling den was tempting, but the risks were high. He needed a more reliable source of income.

"Alternative revenue streams, huh?" he muttered, stroking his chin thoughtfully. He glanced around the room, his gaze lingering on Elara. "Elara," he began, "you mentioned you were good with repairs, right?"

Elara, wiping sweat from her brow, eyed him warily. "Aye, what about it?"

"Do you know anything about fixing… other things?" Brad asked hesitantly.

The woman's eyes narrowed. "Like what?"

"Weapons. Armor. Maybe even… other tools of the trade, so to speak."

Elara's lips curled into a sly smile. "Now you're talking my language. There's always a market for a good fixer, especially in a city like Lys."

An idea sparked in Brad's mind. "Then maybe we can offer a… complimentary service to certain… clientele. A way to, uh, ensure their… discretion." He winked.

Elara let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing through the dusty room. "I like the way you think, fancy pants. Let's see how many 'gentlemen' need their tools 'repaired' before they visit the lovely ladies upstairs."

A seed of unease sprouted in Brad's chest. This wasn't exactly the path he envisioned for the Whispering Rose, but the reality of the situation gnawed at him. He needed capital, and fast. Elara's proposition, while morally dubious, offered a quicker solution than another risky night at the gambling den. Besides, he rationalized, it wouldn't be permanent. Just a temporary measure to get the Rose back on its feet.

The next day, a discreet sign appeared outside the brothel - a single, polished rose with a crossed sword beneath it. The clientele that trickled in over the next few days was a far cry from the wealthy elite Brad had envisioned. Gruff mercenaries, nervous nobles seeking to erase past indiscretions, and even a couple of shady Lyseni merchants seeking repairs for… less conventional tools. Brad dealt with each transaction with practiced detachment, the System discreetly masking the origins of the repairs with a technological sheen.

Despite the discomfort, the income was steady. Elara, with a surprising business acumen, managed the "discreet repairs" side hustle with ruthless efficiency. The renovations continued at a quicker pace, the once-dilapidated rooms transformed into havens of plush comfort. Silken tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of mythological trysts and mythical creatures. Chandeliers, sparkling with ornately cut crystals, cast a warm glow on polished marble floors.

As the days turned into weeks, whispers about the newly renovated Whispering Rose began to circulate among the Lyseni elite. Rumors of exquisite furnishings, beautiful women, and a touch of "added security" piqued their curiosity. One afternoon, a richly dressed carriage pulled up to the newly painted entrance. A man with a signet ring the size of a plum and a face etched with the excesses of a life devoted to pleasure emerged. This, Brad thought, was their target audience.

He greeted the man with a charming smile, practiced words flowing effortlessly from his lips. He ushered him into a lavishly decorated room, showcasing the brothel's newfound elegance. The man, whose name was Lord Heren, listened with a bored expression, his gaze flicking impatiently towards the veiled figure standing silently at Brad's side.

It was Anya, a woman Brad had rescued from a particularly seedy establishment during his forays into the Lyseni underbelly. She possessed a quiet beauty and a strength that shone through her timid demeanor. She was the first woman Brad intended to offer as part of the Whispering Rose's new experience, hoping to cater to a more discerning clientele.

With a practiced gesture, Brad unveiled Anya, the air filled with a gasp from Lord Heren. Her beauty was understated, her eyes brimming with an intelligence that belied her circumstances. Lord Heren's gaze lingered on her for a long moment, a flicker of something akin to respect replacing his initial boredom.

"Interesting," Lord Heren finally conceded, his voice a low rumble. "But tell me, what makes this rose so different from the others?"

Brad leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Discretion, Lord Heren. The utmost discretion. And… a certain level of… security, should the need arise." He gestured subtly towards the crossed-sword symbol now etched on the room's door.

Lord Heren stroked his chin thoughtfully. The concept of a brothel that catered not just to his physical desires but also his need for secrecy intrigued him. After a moment's deliberation, he nodded curtly.

"Very well. Show me what this 'security' entails."

Brad, a surge of triumph coursing through him, ushered Lord Heren into a hidden chamber. There, Elara stood, a wicked grin on her face as she demonstrated the "repair" services available to discerning gentlemen who wished to keep their visits to the Rose a well-guarded secret.

Lord Heren emerged from the demonstration, a satisfied glint in his eyes. "Now, that's certainly different," he remarked. "Prepare your… rose, and have her ready for my visit tonight."

As Lord Heren's carriage pulled away, Brad allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. The Whispering Rose was back on its feet, attracting a clientele that promised not just wealth but also influence. But a nagging doubt lingered in the back of his mind. Was this the kind of establishment he truly wanted to build? The System, silent once again, offered no guidance. He was creating a haven for pleasure, fueled by whispers and the threat of violence.