
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

System Wielder

I sat slumped against the cold brick wall of an alleyway, my body a canvas of pain from the relentless beating inflicted by the System Wielders. Blood trickled down my brow, mixing with sweat and dirt. Every breath was a struggle, each movement sending jolts of agony through my battered frame. I stared at the cracked pavement beneath me, resigned to whatever fate awaited.

"Look at this Maimed. This pathetic Impaired being. To think this guy is the Braniac of Blue Monarch Academy," sneered one of my assailants, his voice dripping with contempt as he pointed a finger at me.

"He's so pathetic! I almost feel bad for the guy," giggled the other, a girl whose smirk held no sympathy, only mockery.

The leader of the group cracked his knuckles, a cruel grin spreading across his face as he approached. "Well, let's put him out of his misery. A defect like him doesn't deserve mercy."

My heart pounded in my chest. 'I'm gonna die… I'm gonna die before I even got the chance to begin my life. Why do people have to be this way? Why is strength the only thing that matters?' I thought, anger and despair mixing in my mind.

'No, it isn't evil,' I corrected myself bitterly. 'There's no such thing as evil in this world. Only the strong and the weak, and I've always been on the weaker side.'

'Pathetic… If I am to die here, at least let me die trying instead of letting them snuff me out like this!' I willed myself to stand, using the wall for support, my legs trembling beneath me.

"Well, well, it seems The Crippled has a bit of fight left after all!" the leader taunted, his aura flaring around him, eyes glowing faintly with power. "For the weakest guy in the academy, you have a lot of heart. Too bad you won't live to savor this moment. Your death… is inevitable."

In Esoria, there were only two types of people who mattered aside from Royalty and the Goddesses: System Wielders and The Savior. Everyone else was treated like less than people, like slaves or even dirt.

"Say goodbye, Kieran," the leader smirked, his hand crackling with a sphere of lightning energy.

"You lasted longer than I expected… and that's saying something coming from a Maimed like you."

His chilling laughter echoed in the alley, sending a shiver down my spine. My body refused to move, frozen with fear and resignation. I closed my eyes, leaning heavily against the wall, and let out a soft sigh, surrendering to the cruel fate closing in around me.

'My Goddess...lend me your strength...I beg,' I prayed in my head, hoping for a miracle.


"For the love of Flair! Another attack from those Demon Queens? That's like the fifth one this month," my sister Evelyn exclaimed, her voice filled with dismay as she watched the news on the TV.

I set aside my assignment, lifting my head to glance at the screen. The news anchor reported the aftermath of a recent attack on a nearby city, showing the devastated state it was left in. Despite the destruction, the city had been saved by a System Wielder of Rook Rank.

"Today we have with us, Alastair Belmont! The Rook Rank Wielder!" the journalist announced, giving Alastair an enthusiastic yet respectful smile.

Alastair returned the smile at the journalist, his light green eyes shimmering in the afternoon sun. "It is a pleasure to be here."

"Ugh! This guy again," My sister scoffed, preparing to change the channel.

"Evelyn, wait," I intervened, wanting to hear more about the heroic actions of the Wielder.

She glanced back at me, a puzzled expression on her face, before reluctantly setting the remote down. "I just don't see what's so special about this dude. He's just a Rook Rank, no biggie."

'And you're just a Pawn...why are you hating on this man? He just saved an entire city and you're scoffing at that? City Level Wielders rarely exist in today's time,' I thought to myself, casting a somewhat judgmental look at Evelyn.

"Mr. Belmont, I would like to discuss the recent outbreaks in attacks as of recently. The Seven Queens of Hell have been very active haven't they? It has been reported that the Fifth Gate of Hell: Envy had appeared, a Seven Star Quest and Leviathan, Lady of the Seas, had appeared and caused mayhem for Homiheim," the journalist inquired, maintaining a steady tone as she addressed Alastair.

She continued, "She had managed to flood and destroy half of Azeroth City before you and your team arrived to stop her. There were 121 casualties during her attack."

Alastair closed his eyes briefly, a solemn expression crossing his face as he nodded. "Yes. As you all know, the Gates of Hell have been appearing as of recently in search for The Redeemer, The Liberator, and The Savior. To recap, The Redeemer is a Bishop Rank Wielder, The Liberator is a Rook Rank Wielder, and as you know The Savior is in a league of their own."

"As The Liberator, I hold enough power to force the Demon Queens to retreat but I can not defeat them. Only the Savior can strike them down for good, but as you know...in this generation we are without a Savior meaning we can not truly get rid of these threats," Alastair finished, explaining the situation.

To add on to his statement, Wielders are ranked similar to Chess Pieces. First you have your Pawns, Beginner Wielders, entry-level even that only hold basic skills and talents. They are seen as apprentices.

Next, you have the Knights. They are more experienced, more skilled on the field and they typically act as defenders and enforcers. These types of Wielders would be your Law Enforcements, Judges, Firemen, Hospital Workers, etcetera.

Third, you have Bishops. These level of Wielder are seen at their respective Kingdom assisting the nobles and the rulers of said kingdom. They are strategic leaders who manage larger groups of Wielders and oversee significant operations. Every region has a High Bishop who are seen as The Redeemer.

Fourth, you have Rooks. These people are powerful and influential. They work closely with the King and Queen of the capital kingdoms of the regions they reside in. Each region has at least one High Rook who are seen as The Liberator.

Next, you have your Queen and King. The Queen is the highest ranking wielder, just below the Goddesses and the Kings are a tad weaker than the Queen. The Queens are typically seen advising or serving the Goddesses while also ruling over her people while The Kings are mainly used for military. There can only be Ten Queens and Kings at a time.

Lastly, you have The Savior, the ultimate rank, representing the pinnacle of power and authority. Only one can hold this title, achieved through a series of trials and battles. The only way to be a Savior is to complete two sets of trials, The Royal Trials and the Divine Trials.

"You went toe to toe with Lady Leviathan, yes? Even the Queens and Kings would have a bit of trouble with them due to the Demon Queens' immense power. You're an incredible Wielder, Mr. Belmont!" The journalist exclaimed, wanting to cheer up Alastair.

"Thank you, but if I was only a bit stronger...those number of casualties would've been reduced. There are only so many casualties because I'm not strong enough to stop them," Alastair said, his tone remorseful and soft.

"N-No, that's not true, Mr. Belmont! I'm sure there would've been more if you hadn't been there! After all, there's a good reason why Homiheim Citizens refer to you all as Heroes!" The journalist said, placing a reassuring hand on Alastair's shoulder.

"Tch..!" Evelyn scoffed at the TV, changing the channel finally. "Heroes...spare me the bullcrap. They don't respect him because he's a hero. They only respect him because he's strong. If a weaker hero were there and had died, he would've been ridiculed as a Cripple.."

I watched as Evelyn got up and walked to the kitchen. I continued to work on my assignment for the academy, resting my chin against the palm of my hand. 'I mean she isn't wrong...there are no Heroes or Villains unless we are talking about the Extreme Good and Evil like the Angels of Power and the Queens of Hell...Other than that, it's just the weak against the strong..'

My thoughts continued, 'However, Alastair is a Hero...he is Homiheim's Liberator. I can share your strifes, Evelyn... I'm the only one who can understand why you feel this way. Our parents perished because of System Wielders...'

Evelyn walked toward me, hovering beside me while sipping her soda. "You're still working on this assignment? Geez, what does she want you to do? Solve the Spirit Theorem using Angelic Scriptures?"

I smiled at my sister's comment, sitting back in my seat and glancing up at her. "No, it's for the Student Council. We are planning to host an event for the academy, but as usual I got stuck with all of the work while the others get to do whatever. It's the price to pay for being Normal."

Evelyn smiled at me, ruffling my hair affectionately. "Well, I'd rather you be normal than for you to be power hungry like most of these Wielders. Seriously, it's like we have forgotten what it means to be a System Wielder and now only focus on who has the most power.."

I closed my eyes at my sister's touch, letting out a soft sigh. "I wish I had some form of power though...maybe if I did, mom and dad would still be with us. Alive.."

"Don't blame yourself, Ran...you were young back then. You didn't understand what was going on, but now you do and you can use this time of understanding to grow. Mom and dad would've wanted that..." Evelyn said softly, her tone comforting and sincere.

I opened my eyes, looking up at her. "Thanks Eve..~"

Evelyn leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the top of my head. "You're welcome, little brother~"

I looked at the clock on the wall then stood up, gathering my things. "Alright, my classes will start soon. I'll see you when I get home."

"Stay safe out there, Kieran," Evelyn said, leaning against the wall and smiling at me.

I nodded then hurried out the door. I began to jog down the sidewalk quick, making my way down to Blue Monarch Academy.

Blue Monarch Academy was one of the schools that taught both System Wielders and Non-Wielders like me. I wasn't powerful at all, but what I lacked in strength, I made up for with intelligence. I was known as the Blue Braniac around campus for how smart I was and it was the only compliment I could ever get.


As I made my way around the corner, I was abruptly stopped by a massive fireball flying toward me. I swiftly dove out the way, narrowly evading the attack. I grunted softly as I stood up then looked around for my attackers.

"My, my~ I guess you were correct, Benedict. This loser does know how to dodge unlike most, Disabled," A woman giggled as she walked toward me.

'Great...I have to deal with these bullies now. My day just keeps getting better doesn't it?' I thought to myself.

"Right, Bothild. It's much nicer when our targets can actually move!" Benedict laughed softly, slowly approaching me and conjuring another fireball in his hand.

I took a few steps back, bumping into someone that stood behind me. I looked over my shoulder, grunting softly. Before I could say or do anything, the man knocked me into the alley with a lightning infused backhand strike. I grunted as I slammed onto the ground, coughing and huffing softly.

'That... hurt..' I thought to myself, grunting softly as I slowly stood up.

"It's time clean the streets of Monarch City and show scum like you that you don't belong in this world. The weak can never become a Savior, let alone a Wielder such as myself!" The leader laughed as he walked forward, rolling up his sleeve.

I grunted soft then began to run down the alleyway, trying to escape them. 'I can't fight Ulric and his cronies...I need to find help!'

"Oh look, he's running," Bothild giggled, crossing her arms and glancing between Ulric and Benedict. "Shall we give him chase?"

"Of course we do...we clean up the streets of this pathetic town. He is garbage that needs to be taken out," Ulric said as he walked forward.

The three dashed after me, their speed much greater than mine. I noticed how fast they had caught up with, my heart racing and pounding against my chest. 'Get away from me..!'

Benedict appeared in front of me at blazing speeds, pressing a fireball against my midsection then blew me away. I groaned loudly in pain, crashing into a nearby wall. I slowly stood up then coughed a bit of blood as Bothild's spear of ice went through my stomach. I slowly slid down the wall, my body growing more weak. Ulric didn't give me time to rest, clapping his hands together and striking me with a powerful bolt of lightning.

I sat slumped against the cold brick wall of an alleyway, my body a canvas of pain from the relentless beating inflicted by the System Wielders. Blood trickled down my brow, mixing with sweat and dirt. Every breath was a struggle, each movement sending jolts of agony through my battered frame. I stared at the cracked pavement beneath me, resigned to whatever fate awaited.

"Look at this Maimed. This pathetic Impaired being. To think this guy is the Braniac of Blue Monarch Academy," Benedict sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he pointed a finger at me.

"He's so pathetic! I almost feel bad for the guy," Bothild giggled, the girl whose smirk held no sympathy, only mockery.

Ulric cracked his knuckles, a cruel grin spreading across his face as he approached. "Well, let's put him out of his misery. A defect like him doesn't deserve mercy."

My heart pounded in my chest. 'I'm gonna die… I'm gonna die before I even got the chance to begin my life. Why do people have to be this way? Why is strength the only thing that matters? This evilness is sickening...' I thought, anger and despair mixing in my mind.

'No, it isn't evil,' I corrected myself bitterly. 'There's no such thing as evil in this world. Only the strong and the weak, and I've always been on the weaker side.'

'Pathetic… If I am to die here, at least let me die trying instead of letting them snuff me out like this!' I willed myself to stand, using the wall for support, my legs trembling beneath me.

"Well, well, it seems The Crippled has a bit of fight left after all!" Ulric taunted, his aura flaring around him, eyes glowing faintly with power. "For the weakest guy in the academy, you have a lot of heart. Too bad you won't live to savor this moment. Your death… is inevitable."

In Esoria, there were only two types of people who mattered aside from Royalty and the Goddesses: System Wielders and The Savior. Everyone else was treated like less than people, like slaves or even dirt.

"Say goodbye, Kieran," Ulric smirked, his hand crackling with a sphere of lightning energy.

"You lasted longer than I expected… and that's saying something coming from a Maimed like you."

His chilling laughter echoed in the alley, sending a shiver down my spine. My body refused to move, frozen with fear and resignation. I closed my eyes, leaning heavily against the wall, and let out a soft sigh, surrendering to the cruel fate closing in around me.

'My Goddess...lend me your strength...I beg,' I prayed in my head, hoping for a miracle.

Ulric launched the sphere of lightning at me, the orb travelling toward me at lightning speed. My body was already too weak to move but with sheer determination, I threw my body out of the way and collapsed on the cold ground.

"Heh! Now you're really making this interesting for me!" Ulric said, his grin growing wider.

I slowly sat up, my heart beating much faster as the situation registered in my head from how close I got to seeing the afterlife. As I took time to recover, I looked over to see Ulric preparing another attack.

'Why me of all people..? Why..?'

Suddenly, a few digital interfaces appeared in front of me.

[Trial of Human Spirit: Begin.]

[Trial Difficulty: One Star]

[Skill Acquired: Hypersensitivity]

'A trial...? What— What am I to do..? Do they really expect me to defeat all three alone? Surely not... that's—' I thought to myself, my mind racing with thoughts.

[Trial Mission: Defeat Benedict, Bothild, and Ulric.]

[Trial Reward: System]

The realization hit me like a physical blow. This wasn't just a battle for survival against Ulric—it was a test, a trial of my very spirit. And the stakes were higher than I could have imagined. The reward offered a System, promised power, perhaps the very thing I needed to survive in this merciless world.

Gritting my teeth and steeling my resolve, I pushed myself to my feet, my muscles protesting with each movement. I glanced at Ulric, who eyed me with renewed interest and anticipation.

'No way this is my first trial… and with only Hypersensitivity..?' Despite the doubts and fear gnawing at me, I knew there was no turning back now.

It's all or nothing…