
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

First Quest

[Date: 1/31]

[Time: 3:50 PM]

[Location: Blue Monarch Academy]

Stein stood across from me, his steely gray eyes locked onto mine. A shiver crawled down my back as I met his gaze. Around us, onlookers gathered, murmuring in anticipation of the fight.

"What's the matter, Kieran? Got cold feet?" Ulric sneered, his cold chuckle sending another wave of chills down my spine.

"He's scared," Bothild giggled, her arms crossed under her chest. "He's never faced anyone like Stein."

'I am scared...his presence is terrifying. I really can't fight him or I'll die. I need to find an escape,' I thought, taking a step back.

Stein vanished into his shadow, traversing through it at lightning speed. He emerged from my shadow, launching a swift roundhouse kick. I barely managed to dodge, stumbling out of the way.

'Shadow Traverse... If I hadn't sensed him, that would have landed a Stealth Strike for sure,' I thought, my eyes glued to Stein as I performed a hand gesture.

{Suru: Esoteric Darkness won't work on Stein. Remember when Ulric absorbed your Lightning Threads and got a speed boost? The same will happen here.}

I grunted softly as Suru's digital interface appeared beside me. 'Then what should I do? I don't want to make him stronger...'

{Suru: Time for a Battle Lesson!~}

[Tutorial: Learning the Elemental Chart]

{Suru: First, dodge this attack, then retreat to your left and counter with a spinning kick to his ribs!}

I focused, using my Hypersensitivity to slow Stein's movements. I ducked under his hook punch, moved left, and launched a fast spinning heel kick to his ribs, knocking him aside. I followed up with a double palm strike, sending him skidding backward.

{Suru: Nice! Now, quickly. There are six basic elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark. Then the Advanced Elements: Sound, Lightning, Metal, and Ice. Finally, the Divine Elements: Life, Death, Soul, Holy, Demonic, and Aether/Sky.}

{Suru: Stein's element is Dark. The perfect counter is Light!}

I nodded, performing a different hand gesture. "Esoteric Light Technique: Photofield!"

[Grand World Activated.]

HP: 171/197

MP: 185/185 -> 125/185

A bright light enveloped us, eliminating all shadows in a moderate area. A spiritual angel emerged from the light, setting the Photofield in effect.

{Suru: Perfect! Remember, you only have 15 seconds before this field disappears! Make it count!}

I dashed toward Stein, launching a swift punch, but he dodged effortlessly. His left eye twitched with annoyance as he delivered a clean blow to my stomach. I coughed hard, falling to my knees.

HP: 171/197 -> 101/197

MP: 125/185

'He strikes hard... two more hits like that and I'm done...' I thought, my vision blurring.

"You're pathetic," Stein spat, pressing his foot against my head. "Ulric told me you got the strongest system, but now I see it's nothing special. You make my friends look weak."

He forced me to bow, grinding his shoe into my head. "In this world, there are the weak, pathetic, disabled, and crippled like you... and then there are the strong, like me and the Blue Falcons. Scum like you don't deserve to see the dirt on my shoes. It would've been best if you died...maybe you would be able to say hello to your worthless parents again."

Stein's words pounded in my head. 'What... did he say about my parents?'

"The Achilles Family is a weak bunch, nothing like the Belmonts, who have served directly under the Queen of Homiheim for generations. Your family is just low-class warriors who take the scraps we leave behind."

Stein's sadistic smirk made my blood boil. "Your parents were killed by Knight Rank Wielders. But it's no surprise; they were just pawns waiting to be knocked off."

He laughed, grinding my forehead into the ground.

I grit my teeth, memories of my parents' demise flashing in my mind. "Shut up..."

"What's wrong, Defect? Can't handle the truth?" Stein asked, stomping on my head.

HP: 101/197 -> 72/197

MP: 125/185

I grunted in pain, my breathing heavy. My heart raced with anger and sadness as he mocked my family. "I said, SHUT UP!"

My yell echoed through the courtyard, my iridescent energy flaring around me and throwing Stein off. He jumped back, eyes glued to me as I slowly stood, anger burning in my gaze.

"Oh look! You've made him mad!" Bothild laughed, pointing at me.

Meadow watched from a distance, her hand over her chest as she felt my energy surging with rage. She hesitated, knowing Stein would overpower her, but she couldn't leave me alone to die.

"I won't let you talk down on my family. I refuse to let someone like you speak poorly about my parents!" I bellowed, iridescent lightning crackling around my body.

I dashed toward him at lightning speed, launching lightning fast strikes toward him. Stein dodged each of my strikes, a condescending smirk playing on his lips as he watched my movements. He threw a punch at me but I used my forearm to push his arm down, landing a powerful right hook toward him that slightly staggered him.

Stein's HP: 267/287 -> 232/287

Stein's MP: 183/203

'What the— That one... actually hurt...' Stein thought, finding his footing quickly then blocked my kick with his forearm.

I bellowed as I surrounded my leg with esoteric energy, breaking through his guard and staggering him again. I swept his legs from beneath him with a swift kick, following it with a burst of wind to knock him into the air. I grabbed his ankle then slammed him onto the ground then spun around, throwing him into the fountain.

Stein grunted as he hit the fountain, his head hurting from the damage he was taking. He panted softly as he used the fountain as support to stand on his feet. 'What...is this..? How is he doing so much damage to me..?'

Stein's HP: 232/287 -> 195/287

Stein's MP: 183/203

'Adrenaline Boost..! Because his HP is in the critical zone, he's given an Adrenaline Boost which boosts his stats by 50%,' Meadow thought to herself as she watched, clutching her necklace tightly. 'But it only lasts for five minutes...he needs to make every second count..!'

"Esoteric Light Technique: Piercing Light!" I bellowed, clapping my hands together then an orb of light energy formed in front of my fingertips, releasing a laser of light directly at Stein.

HP: 72/197

MP: 125/185 -> 105/185

Stein grunted as he disappeared into his shadow, watching the laser pierce through a tree behind him. He traversed the shadows toward me, emerging with a swift punch, but I dodged and aimed my hands at him, firing a laser at point-blank range.

Stein turned his body into shadow energy, narrowly avoiding the devastating blow. He reformed a few meters away, panting softly. 'This is getting dire. He's going out for blood...'

I bellowed, rapidly firing lasers at Stein, each one a testament to my anger. Stein evaded as best he could, but the speed and number of lasers made it increasingly difficult.

Desperate, Stein sent a wave of dark energy at me, knocking me back to buy himself time. He heard his friends cheering him on, and the onlookers watched the battle with awe and concern. Stein knew that if one of my lasers hit him, it would be over.

Stein took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as he steadied himself. "You think you can win this, Kieran? I'll show you what real power looks like," he growled, gathering dark energy around his fists.

I gritted my teeth, feeling the strain of the fight weighing on me. My iridescent lightning crackled more fiercely as I prepared for his next attack. "I'm not backing down, Stein. Not until you pay for what you said about my parents."

Stein lunged at me with a burst of speed, his fists enveloped in dark energy. I braced myself, focusing on his movements. As his punch came toward me, I sidestepped and countered with a swift kick to his ribs, followed by a palm strike to his chest.

Stein's HP: 195/287 -> 165/287

Stein's MP: 183/203

He staggered back, snarling in frustration. "You're persistent, I'll give you that," he spat, his eyes flashing with anger. "But persistence won't save you."

He raised his hands, summoning a swirling vortex of shadows around him. The onlookers gasped, and I felt a chill run down my spine. "Shadow Vortex!" Stein shouted, releasing the vortex toward me.

I crossed my arms in front of me, summoning a barrier of light to counter the dark energy. "Esoteric Light Technique: Radiant Shield!" The light barrier clashed with the shadow vortex, creating a dazzling explosion of energy that sent shockwaves through the courtyard.

HP: 72/197

MP: 105/185 -> 85/185

The force of the explosion knocked both of us back, but I quickly regained my footing. I couldn't let up now. I had to end this fight.

"Suru, any suggestions?" I muttered under my breath, my eyes never leaving Stein.

{Suru: You need to disrupt his concentration. Use a combination of speed and light attacks to keep him off balance.}

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Got it."

I dashed toward Stein again, my movements a blur as I unleashed a series of rapid strikes. "Esoteric Light Technique: Flash Barrage!" Blinding flashes of light accompanied each punch, disorienting Stein as he tried to defend himself.

Stein's HP: 165/287 -> 120/287

Stein's MP: 183/203

He roared in frustration, swinging wildly to fend me off. "Enough of this!" he shouted, slamming his fist into the ground. Dark tendrils erupted from the shadows, snaking toward me.

I leaped back, dodging the tendrils. "You're not getting away that easily!" I shouted, channeling my energy. "Grand World!"

[Grand World Activated.]

HP: 72/197

MP: 85/185 -> 35/185

For 15 seconds, I had access to a plethora of abilities. I focused on creating a powerful light-based attack. "Esoteric Light Technique: Divine Lance!" A spear of pure light formed in my hand, radiating with intense energy.

Stein's eyes widened as he saw the Divine Lance. "No… you can't—"

I didn't give him a chance to finish. With all my strength, I hurled the Divine Lance at him, the spear cutting through the air with blinding speed. The lance struck him squarely, the explosion of light energy knocking him to the ground. He lay there, panting and battered, struggling to get up.

Stein's HP: 120/287 -> 50/287

Stein's MP: 183/203

I approached him cautiously, my iridescent lightning still crackling around me. "Do you yield, Stein?" I asked, my voice firm.

He glared up at me, his pride wounded. "This isn't over, Kieran. But for now… I yield," he muttered, the defeat clear in his eyes.

The onlookers murmured in amazement, the tension in the courtyard finally easing. Meadow rushed to my side, her eyes filled with concern. "Kieran, are you okay?"

I nodded, feeling the exhaustion hit me all at once. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just… really tired."

{Suru: Congratulations, Kieran. You survived your first actual Wielder Battle. But remember, this is only the beginning.}

I took a deep breath, looking at Stein as he struggled to his feet. "Thank you, Suru. This is just the beginning...I need to get stronger.."


[Date: 1/31]

[Time: 5:15 PM]

[Location: Azure Woodlands]

I walked down a path with Ms. Fleur within the woodlands on the outskirts of Monarch City. The woods were definitely eerie, the sounds of the nature around us proving that fact. We traversed the forest for a while before appearing in front of a holographic wall.

[Quest Area: Azure Woodlands Arena.]

[Req. Rank: Pawn]

[Req. Level: 1]

"Here we are. This is where you shall train and level up today. This Quest is rather simple, just defeat as many enemies as you can before the time limit is up or until you reach less than 25% of your HP," Ms. Fleur said, watching me walk forward.

{Suru: This is be a good time to explain Quest Areas now. Similar to Dungeons and Trials, Quest Areas can be found anywhere in the world. There are two types of Quest Areas: the City Area and the Field Area.}

{Suru: Places like Villages, Towns, Cities, and Kingdoms are classified City Areas. Peaces like Forests, Caves, Oceans, and Ruined Locations are Field Areas.}

"I see.." I said softly, placing my hand on the digital wall.

[Access Granted.]

[Fast Travel Unlocked.]

'Nice, unlocking fast travel certainly does make things easier. Alright, what kind of enemies will we find here?' I thought, walking forward and starting the quest.

{Quest Begin: Defeat as many enemies as you can.}

{Time Limit: 15:00.00}

"Kieran, be careful! You can die in the tutorial as well!" Ms. Fleur called out to me, flashing a smile at me.

I looked back at Ms. Fleur with an embarrassed blush on my face. "Thanks for the encouragement! I really needed that!" I replied, my tone sarcastic.

I looked forward and regained my train of thought, watching as the first wave of monsters approached from the shadows. It was a herd of Blue Kobolds and Bluecap Goblins.

|Monster Name: Blue Kobold

|Level: 3

|HP: 150/150

|MP: 90/90

|Monster Name: Bluecap Goblin

|Level: 6

|HP: 205/205

|MP: 100/100

I placed my hand on my shoulder and began to roll my shoulder, staring at the herd of monsters ahead. I assumed my stance, adding pressure to my fight floor then dashed forward toward the first few enemies.

'Esoteric Darkness Technique: Shadow Strike,' I chanted in my mind.

I landed a clean punch to a goblin's face, a second impact striking him via shadow and knocking him away. I rushed forward and landed a roundhouse kick to his neck, a second blow striking him once again and defeating him.



[Level UP!]

[Level UP!]

[You are now Level 3!]

[Grand World has Leveled Up!]

[Grand World's Duration increased: 15s -> 20s.]

HP: 197/197 -> 215/215

MP: 185/185 -> 199/199

Attack: 58 -> 64

Stamina: 42

Dexterity: 63 -> 70

Senses: 70

Luck: 50

'Yeesh...so there is RNG with level up boosts huh? This grind is gonna be painful..' I thought to myself, sighing softly.

I quickly glanced at my stats, feeling a surge of energy course through me from the level-ups. "Alright, let's see what else you've got!" I shouted, my confidence boosted by the progress.

I began to take down the Kobolds and Goblins left and right. The next wave of monsters emerged from the shadows, larger and more menacing than the first. A pair of Blue Orcs led the charge, their growls echoing through the woods.

|Monster Name: Blue Orc

|Level: 8

|HP: 350/350

|MP: 120/120

I took a deep breath, focusing my energy. 'Esoteric Light Technique: Radiant Slash!' I chanted in my mind, summoning a blade of light in my hand.

I dashed toward the nearest orc, slashing at its midsection with the glowing blade. The light energy cut through the orc's tough hide, leaving a deep wound.

[Critical Hit!]

[Orc's HP: 350/350 -> 270/350]

The orc roared in pain and swung its massive club at me. I barely managed to dodge, the club grazing my arm and sending a shockwave of pain through my body.

HP: 215/215 -> 190/215

"Focus, Kieran!" Ms. Fleur's voice called out, her tone serious now. "Watch their movements and strike with precision!"

I nodded, gritting my teeth. 'She's right. I need to be smarter about this,' I thought, reassessing the situation. The other orc was closing in, and the goblins weren't far behind.

I summoned another Radiant Slash, this time aiming for the orc's legs. The blade of light cut through its knee, causing the orc to stumble and fall. Seizing the opportunity, I leaped into the air and brought my glowing blade down on its head, finishing it off.


[Orc Defeated!]

[Level UP!]

[You are now Level 4!]

HP: 190/215 -> 225/225

MP: 199/199 -> 210/210

Attack: 64 -> 69

Stamina: 42 -> 45

Dexterity: 70 -> 75

Senses: 70 -> 72

Luck: 50 -> 52

The remaining orc snarled and charged at me, but I was ready. 'Esoteric Wind Technique: Gale Force,' I chanted, summoning a powerful gust of wind that knocked the orc off balance.

I followed up with a series of rapid punches, each strike enhanced by the shadow energy, wearing the orc down.

[Orc's HP: 350/350 -> 110/350]

As the orc staggered, I summoned another Radiant Slash, delivering the final blow. The orc crumbled to the ground, defeated.


[Orc Defeated!]

[Level UP!]

[You are now Level 5!]

HP: 225/225 -> 250/250

MP: 210/210 -> 230/230

Attack: 69 -> 75

Stamina: 45 -> 50

Dexterity: 75 -> 80

Senses: 72 -> 75

Luck: 52 -> 55

Panting heavily, I turned to face the remaining goblins. "Come on, then. Who's next?" I challenged, feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The goblins hesitated, glancing at each other before charging at me in unison. I smiled, ready to take them on. 'Let's finish this.'

Ms. Fleur watched from the sidelines, her eyes filled with pride and concern. "He's growing stronger by the minute. But he needs to remember to stay focused and not get overconfident," she murmured to herself, clutching her sword tightly in case she needed to intervene.

{Suru: You're doing great, Kieran. Keep pushing forward!}

With renewed determination, I charged at the goblins, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. This was just the start, and I was determined to prove my worth.

I dodged the first goblin's strike and performed a Virgin Flare, surrounding my body with wind energy before following it up with a Shoulder Spin. "Esoteric Wind Technique: Finishing Lotus!" I bellowed.

A burst of wind knocked the goblins into the air. Propelling myself upwards, my eyes shined with determination. I formed Lightning Threads from my fingers, wrapping them around each goblin's neck. With a swift yank, I slammed them to the ground, their necks broken.




[Level UP!]

[You are now Level 8!]

HP: 250/250 -> 300/300

MP: 230/230 -> 290/290

Attack: 75 -> 80

Stamina: 50 -> Critical Growth! 75

Dexterity: 80

Senses: 75

Luck: 55

I landed gracefully, using the wind currents to soften my descent. I glanced at my stats, scratching the back of my head. 'Could be worse…'

{Suru: No one-liners after each level up unless it's funny!~ This isn't Emblem of Flames!}

"What? Isn't that just Fire Em—"

{Time Remaining: 0:00.00}

{Quest Cleared!}

{Results: Enemies Defeated - 35}

{Rank: C}

{Reward: 1,000 Credi}

{Suru: Oooh!~ You have earned Credi! Credi is the currency of Esoria and you can obtain Credi from completing Missions, Trials, Quests, Dungeons, and Raids! You can also sell Relics for Credi, which fetches a hefty amount! The amount of Credi you earn depends on your Quest Rank.}

"Good work, Kieran," Ms. Fleur said, walking toward me and placing her hands on my arms. "You feel a lot stronger than before, and your potential is higher now. I can't wait to see what you do when the Raid comes around."

I smiled at Ms. Fleur, feeling my chest swell with pride and gratitude from her praise. "Thank you, Ms. Fleur. I can't wait to show you all what I'm made of when the time comes."

"Good..~ Now let's head back. I know your sister is worried sick about you," Ms. Fleur said, leading me out of the forest.

A lot has happened today, and I couldn't be more proud of how I performed. Ultimately, I had to thank Flair for providing me this opportunity to become a Wielder. A few thoughts ran across my mind, though…the main one being how did Stein know about my parents' death and who killed them…