
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


[Date: 2/1]

[Time: 3:17 PM]

[Location: Blue Monarch Academy]

Stein's team stared at us with pressurizing gazes, slightly intimidating us. We were already tired from our battle against Conrad and barely had enough stamina to fight, but we had no choice. Stein walked forward and looked down at me directly. I met his gaze, not backing down from him. I stood up to meet him eye to eye.

"This might be a class exercise… but I'm not afraid to send you to the Infirmary. You've barked up the wrong tree, Crippled," Stein said, his tone low and intimidating.

I scoffed a bit, my gaze locked onto his. "And what's stopping us from running, letting the time run down, and winning the exercise by default?"

"Simple~ We simply put you down in less than five minutes and take the banners..~" The woman giggled, stepping forward.

The woman who stepped forward was an interesting one. Her name is Estelle McFadden, The Wicked Wild Witch, aka the Bullet Witch. She's an outlaw, banished from the Diabolis Group of Witches due to her killing the previous leader in "A Game" of Bullet Roulette. She had long dark green hair, lime green eyes, and sharp teeth. She wore a cowgirl outfit and a dark brown long coat that flowed behind her.

"Estelle…" Meadow said quietly, clearly intimidated by her presence. She knew too well about her reputation and resented her. "I'll never forgive you for killing Ylene… you're a monster."

Estelle laughed and held her shotgun casually across her shoulders. She gave Meadow a toothy grin, her eyes faintly glowing ominously. "A Monster..? No… I'm a demon. Ylene was just foolish enough to fall for my tricks. She paid the price."

Meadow's heart pounded with a mix of fear and rage. She couldn't believe she was facing the woman who had taken her cousin. She grit her teeth as she stared at Estelle. "She was my cousin..! Do you not have any sympathy?!"

Estelle laughed once again, stepping forward. "What are you going to do, little girl? Huh?! You're gonna avenge some washed-up magician? With your power? The Bloomers only know one trick while witches like me… are way more versatile. You have no chance at beating me or the rest of us!"

I stopped Meadow from stepping forward and looked back at her. Meadow looked at me and it was almost like she knew what I was saying. She gently held my arm, squeezing it lightly then sighed, sitting back down.

"I don't appreciate you provoking her like that. Holding the death of her family over her head as such. It's disgraceful… inconsiderate… and highly disrespectful," I said, looking at Estelle with a glare.

"Oh please. Like I want to hear it from the Normal who luckily got some handouts. You don't belong here, kid. Defects like you need to be run out of town… or better yet, need to be dead like your folks," Estelle said with a dark smile.

I stared at her then closed my eyes.

"Enough, Estelle. I won't allow you to keep disrespecting the last of the Achilles Family. As a Solomon Family member, we hold high respect for them as we do the Belmonts," the man clad in black armor said.

This chivalrous man was named Renfred Solomon. Not much is known about him personally other than he's a direct descendant of Solomon himself. No one has seen him outside of his armor and cloak, even without his armor he dons a mask to cover his face. All we know is that he calls himself The Harbinger of Dark Faith.

"Pipe down, you Holier than Thou knight. You may be a Knight Rank like me, but I won't be afraid to put a bullet straight through your dumb helmet," Estelle scoffed, turning her head away from Renfred.

Renfred didn't respond as he didn't feel the need to waste energy arguing with Estelle.

"Anyway—" Estelle began then groaned as she was blown away by a repulsive force.

Stein looked surprised and turned back to see Estelle crashing through a table. He looked back at me then groaned as I landed a clean strike to his face, using my Crimson Orb to blow him away as well.

I grit my teeth then stood up straight. "Die this… Defect that! Maimed this! Crippled that! You bastards annoy me," I said, my iridescent energy matching my emotions and pulsing around me with a fury.

Renfred summoned his sword, seeing that battle has now commenced. He looked at me then stepped forward, but noticed Devina had stepped in front of me. He stared at her for a moment then took a step back.

"I know I'm not going to be as strong as a Solomon Family member, but as a fellow sword fighter...I want your battle to be against me," Devina said, her tone a mix of determination and nervousness.

Renfred stared at Devina then readied his blade. "You do realize that you are just a Pawn facing against a Knight correct?"

Devina nodded her head. "Yeah...but I'm not allowing you to potentially make this a three against one and sit by watching. That's not what friends do."

Renfred nodded his head then got into his stance. "Very well. Do not cry for what happens next.."

Those words sent chills down Devina's spin and before she would react, she was struck with a powerful slash, knocking her back. Renfred rushed forward and slashed in a circle, striking Devina once again before she could recover then knocked her in the air with an uppercut.

[Devina's HP: 350/350 -> 275/350]

Devina gasped for air and tried to block, but Renfred was too strong, immediately breaking through her guard with a downward slash. Devina groaned as she slammed into the ground. She tried to get up, but Renfred kicked her in the air then began rushing her with a barrage of slashes and kicks. He landed a slash infused with dark energy, knocking her airborne again.

[Devina's HP: 275/350 -> 94/350]

"This is what Dark Faiths looks like," Renfred said in a cold tone, slashing at her.

Suddenly, Devina's body was pulled away by a gravitational pull and landed in my arms. I dashed off, holding her in a bridal carry. Meadow slammed her cane against the ground, causing a wall of roots to emerge from the ground. She follow me and noticed Devina in a disturbing state.

"She's taken too much damage. He's too fast and too strong for her. She didn't even stand a chance.." I said, looking down at Devina as I ran back to the Training Area.

"Will she be okay? Those attacks looked like they really hurt her.." Meadow said, her tone a mix of concern and worry.

"She will be okay," I reassured.

As we ran, a howl was heard in the distance then a wolf slowly came into view from behind. I looked back, noticing the wolf then noticed Estelle riding on her broomgun above us laughing.

"Meadow, do you trust me. From the hour we've spent fighting together, do you trust me?" I asked as I ran forward.

"I do, but why are you asking that now?!" Meadow asked as she ran beside me.

"Don't hate me for this!" I said then launched my Azure Orb in the air.

"Wha—" Meadow began then noticed her feet slowly rising off the ground and she was quickly pulled with the orb and let out a scream. "Kieran!"

I activated my Hypersensitivity then began to swiftly avoid the wolf's attacks and kicked it back, causing it to yelp and run off for a moment. I looked up and noticed Estelle laughing as she fired bolts of fire at Meadow.

"Kieran! Get me down from here!" Meadow yelled as she was still hovering in the air.

I maneuvered the orb, allowing Meadow to evade each bolt then leaped onto a table and launched myself in the air and held my fingers out at Estelle like it was a gun. "Crimson Pulse.."

[MP: 290/290 -> 280/290]

I launched my Crimson Orb at Estelle, the orb flying across the skies quickly and striking Estelle directly on her face and knocking her off her broomgun with a powerful pulse of energy.

[Estelle's HP: 487/515 -> 453/515]

As I descended to the ground, I heard a screech and grunted as a falcon grabbed me with its talons then launched me to the ground.

"Kieran!" Meadow called out. She acted quickly, pointing her cane at me, causing an Alraune Bud to form beneath me and catch me.

I sighed in relief and pulled my Azure Orb toward me and allowed Meadow to land on the ground safely. I stood up with Devina still in my arms, looking down at her. "The Training Area is still a few meters away. We'll just win the exercise by numbers.."

"You would like that wouldn't you?" A voice said, emerging from the shadows.

I quickly turned my head then quickly noticed Renfred. My eyes widened and I stepped back. 'How did he catch up so quickly..? We had a clear head start...'

"Make this easy, Achilles. You can not win.." Renfred said as he approached us. "There is no more running.."

I looked at Meadow then handed Devina to her. "Go."

Meadow looked at me with Devina in her arms. "Wait, but you're a lower level than Devina and if she couldn't win, you can't either!"

"I know that but you have the banners. They will focus on you first so leave while I hold them all back!" I said then used my Crimson Orb to push Meadow forward.

Meadow grunted softly and looked back at me before running off with Devina and the banners.

I looked at Renfred and iridescent energy began to flow around my body with more valor. I got into my stance, my expression a mix of determination and resolve. "We will win...I will get stronger and prove to everyone my Indomitable Spirit!"

Renfred stared at me then got into his stance. "Is that so..? Then I hope you're prepared to be put down just like Devina."

Renfred dashed toward me with a swing of his sword, but I narrowly evaded his slash then stepped backwards. I watched his movements closely, evading each slash to the best of my ability. Renfred feinted his next slash, causing me to dodge but landed a clean kick to my chest, knocking the wind out of me. I groaned as I crashed into a wall and fell onto my hands and knees..

[HP: 300/300 -> 210/300]

'He...hits too hard...but I can't let him reach Meadow...' I thought, slowly standing onto my feet.

Renfred was already on the prowl, knocking me upward in the air with a slash then grabbed my ankle, slamming me to the ground multiple times before hurling me away. Renfred wasn't finished, his ruthlessness evident in the way he bellowed as he stomped on my stomach. I groaned loudly in pain, feeling his foot driving me into the ground.

[Critical Hit!]

[HP: 210/300 -> 30/300]

Renfred got off my stomach then walked backwards, seeing my body caved into the ground. He stepped over me to follow Meadow but grunted as I grabbed his ankle. He looked down and noticed that I was still conscious.

'What..? Most people would be down once their health reaches critical levels...He doesn't have his Achilles Ability active to use Thetis's Gift so what is keeping him going..?' Renfred thought, watching as I used his body as support to stand up.

I stood up on my feet and looked up, my eyes shining with pure determination and adrenaline. "This battle isn't over...until I've fallen!"

Renfred grunted as I bellowed, my aura surging around my body. He jumped backwards and looked closed his eyes. 'Did...I just jump backwards..? There is definitely something about this guy I don't know..'

Estelle flew above us and looked down, coming to a halt. Her eyes fell upon me with a curious gaze. "What the...he's still standing..?"

I dashed toward Renfred and caught him off guard with my boost of speed then launched him away with a powerful kick. I landed on the ground and formed a hand gesture. "Esoteric Light Technique: Gabriel's Light!"

[MP: 280/290 -> 250/290]

A circle of light formed around me and a female angel emerged from the light and held her staff in the air. Her soothing light recovered all of my HP and MP then she disappeared along with the light.

Renfred looked at me in awe then chuckled darkly. "So... you plan to stall huh? I guess I should've beaten you unconscious!"

Renfred dashed toward me and slashed at me, but I evaded it and ran past him, wrapping Lightning Threads around his body then roared as I began to drag him along the ground. I spun around continuously then launched him in the air then used the building to wall jump above him in the air. I grappled him and dropped down flipping backwards.

"Esoteric Fire Technique: Sunset Drop!" I bellowed as I slammed Renfred into the ground with a burning Izuna Drop.

[Critical Hit!]

[Renfred's HP: 975/975 -> 805/975]

A massive smoke cloud formed in the air, alarming a few students around the area. Meadow paused in her tracks and looked back at the smoke cloud, her worry growing even more. She grunted softly and continued forward to the Training Area.


[Notice: The Exercise is now over! All students return to the Training Area!]

I groaned softly as I stood up, clutching my side. Looking up at the sky, I closed my eyes and let out a breath of relief. 'Meadow… you did it…'

[Date: 2/1]

[Time: 3:30 PM]

[Location: Blue Monarch Academy - Training Area]

"Good work out there, everyone! It's time to announce the winner of this exercise!" Ms. Fleur clapped her hands together with a bright smile. "Today's winners are Team Kieran, with three banners claimed!"

{Quest Cleared!}

{Reward: 25,000 EXP, Star Rating +3,000}

[Level UP!]

[You are now Level 10!]

HP: 300/300 -> Critical Growth! 400/400

MP: 290/290 -> 350/350

Attack: 80 -> 95

Stamina: 75 -> 84

Dexterity: 80 -> 95

Senses: 75 -> 80

Luck: 55 -> 69

"We did it!~" Meadow threw her arms around me, hopping up and down with joy.

I grunted lightly from the impact but smiled through the pain, hugging her back. "We did do it…"

Devina joined in, wrapping her arms around us. "We make… a pretty great team."

Conrad chuckled, crossing his arms with a proud smile. Arabelle giggled, floating beside him on her broom. Geta's eyes flashed with respect as he watched us.

Bothild pouted, puffing her cheeks. "That freak must have a cheat system… I refuse to believe he beat Stein's main team."

"He didn't," Benedict replied, holding an ice pack to his head. "Look at Stein and his team. Barely a scratch, aside from Renfred. They ran away, I assume. No way they could've beaten Renfred or Estelle. Both are Knight Ranks; no Pawn Rank Wielder can beat a Knight Rank, even with hacks."

"Tch… I can't believe this bullcrap," Ulric scoffed, lowering his head as he leaned against the wall.

"Alright, everyone! Class is dismissed! Great job on today's exercise! Keep up with your training, and remember, our next class is on the 10th!" Ms. Fleur dismissed us with a wave.

As everyone gathered their things and left, Meadow, Devina, and I headed off to celebrate our first big win together. Despite our pain, we were determined to make the most of our victory.

[Day: 2/1]

[Time: 4:30 PM]

[Location: Monarch City]

"To victory!" Devina cheered, holding up her glass.

"Yeah!~" Meadow giggled, clinking her glass with Devina's.

We celebrated at the Cerulean Lounge, with Evelyn treating us to drinks and food. She beamed with pride, nudging me playfully. "Well, well!~ Seems like my little brother has become quite the star in just one day. Not only did you get a nice victory, but you also earned two girlfriends in the process!"

My face turned beet red, and I sputtered, "I—They—We're just friends…"

Meadow giggled, glancing at Evelyn. "He's been a huge help, especially at the end when he basically saved both of us and sacrificed himself."

"Oh?" Evelyn's eyes twinkled as she looked at me. "You must've fully trusted in our Innate Ability, Golden Survival."

"Golden Survival?" Devina asked, sipping her drink.

"Yeah, it's an Achilles Family ability that's always active, even without a System. It grants us Near-Absolute Invulnerability. We can still feel pain, but we can't die unless a specific weak spot is hit," Evelyn explained.

"What?!" Meadow's eyes widened. "So you're basically immortal?!"

"Yep~ Every member has a different weak point. Mine is my arm, which is why I always wear this gauntlet on my left arm. Kieran's weak spot hasn't been determined yet, but most suspect he's a direct descendant of Achilles, so his weak spot doesn't exist unless exposed by a Mistletoe," Evelyn answered, smiling at Devina and Meadow.

"Whoa… No wonder this guy just wouldn't go down! Even against Conrad, he kept fighting and hit him with a Shadow Technique!" Devina exclaimed, looking at me proudly.

'That would explain how I kept moving after Renfred's near-fatal blow. If that's true…' I thought, looking at my hand.

{Suru: We're planning something dangerous, aren't we?}

'I have to see if it's true… If Evelyn is right, I can train without end and even tackle Dungeons solo,' I replied mentally.

{Suru: Even with your Nigh-Immortality, don't go alone. Bring someone on Field Area Quests, just in case.}

I nodded at Suru's concern. The celebration continued, filled with laughter and dreams of the future. Soon, it was time to head home.

Devina and Meadow walked home together since they lived in the same area, while Evelyn drove us back to our house.

"You know… Mom and Dad would be proud of you if they were still here. You're growing fast. Your potential might match Conrad's. He has Demigod Genes, and you might too," Evelyn said, eyes on the road.

I smiled at her words, staring out the window. "Maybe… but I know Mom and Dad would be proud. We've got to keep the Achilles Family alive…"

"That we do," Evelyn smiled, rubbing my head gently. "Get some rest, little brother.~"

I nodded, drifting off to sleep. My thoughts lingered on testing my ability and planning for the days ahead before Ms. Fleur's class resumed on the 10th.