
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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[64] A new order

Following the dissolution of the New Roman Empire (NRE) and its division into five major nations and numerous city states, the GoK wiki provides detailed information on the population, area size, and military strength of these new entities. The world of 'Game of Kings' is a scaled-down version of Earth, making the geographical and demographic distributions particularly interesting.


Population: 12 million

Area Size: Britannia encompasses the regions equivalent to the British Isles, covering approximately 31,500 square km.

Military Strength: Known for their robust naval power, Britannia boasts a fleet of 200 ships and 30,000 troops, specializing in maritime warfare and coastal defense.

Kingdoms of the Franks II

Population: 20 million

Area Size: Spanning a territory that mirrors Western Europe, the Kingdoms of the Franks II cover around 101,000 square km.

Military Strength: With a strong emphasis on ground forces, they have an army of 50,000 well-trained soldiers, supported by advanced siege equipment and cavalry units.

Final Teutonic Order

Population: 15 million

Area Size: Occupying areas akin to Central and Eastern Europe, this nation spreads over 87,000 square km.

Military Strength: Known for disciplined and heavily armored knights, their military comprises 40,000 elite troops, adept in both offensive and defensive strategies.

The Spanish Inquisition 2.0

Population: 18 million

Area Size: The Spanish Inquisition 2.0's territory is approximately 80,000 square km, resembling the Iberian Peninsula.

Military Strength: They maintain a force of 35,000 soldiers, with a focus on religious zealots and specialized units skilled in unconventional warfare.

Various City States

Population and Area Size: These smaller entities vary widely in size and population, with some as small as a few thousand people in a few square kilometers, to larger city-states with populations in the millions and areas covering tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Military Strength: Each city-state's military capability varies greatly, with some relying on mercenary forces while others maintain well-trained standing armies.

New Imperium (Now Roma)

Population: 15 million (after the secession of other states)

Area Size: With a significant reduction in its territory, Roma now covers about 50,000 square km, centered around the Mediterranean region.

Military Strength: Despite its reduced size, Roma maintains a strong military presence with 45,000 troops, including elite guards and specialized units.


The historical comparisons on the 'Game of Kings' Reddit thread quickly escalated into a heated debate, with players challenging each other's knowledge and interpretations. The comments were a mix of earnest argumentation, playful banter, and the occasional sharp jab.

ArmchairCaesar 🏛️👑: "Half of you wouldn't know history if it bit you in the ass. The NRE collapse is nothing like Rome. It's way faster and messier! 🙄"

TheRealMachiavelli 📖😈: "Lol, ArmchairCaesar, ever read about the Year of the Four Emperors? Talk about fast and messy. Do your homework, dude. 🤦‍♂️"

KnightlyKnowItAll 🛡️🧐: "Seriously? Comparing the Sea Wolves to NATO? NATO wishes it was as efficient as these guys. 😂"

JoanOfArcReborn 🔥🗡️: "Elara as Boudicca? Please, she's more of a Joan of Arc, leading from the front and kicking ass. Get it right! 😤"

SpartanStrategist300 🛡️💂: "Some of you are stretching these historical parallels like crazy. This is a game, not a bloody history thesis! 😆"

ByzantineFanboy476 🏛️💕: "@TheRealMachiavelli, you tell 'em! These armchair historians don't know their Sulla from their Severus. 😏"

TemplarTactician1118 🛡️⚔️: "Final Teutonic Order like the Crusaders? More like Teutonic Order on steroids and with a better PR team. 🤣"

HistoryBuff88 📚🧐: "@ArmchairCaesar, ever heard of the analogy concept? It's not a one-to-one comparison. Chill out, man. 🤷‍♂️"

VikingRaider69 🚣‍♂️⚔️: "Vikings on steroids? More like Vikings with a brain. Sea Wolves are playing 4D chess here. 🧠"

CleopatraVII_Reincarnated 👑🐍: "All these men comparing themselves to historical figures, and here I am, just enjoying the drama unfold. Pass the popcorn! 🍿😂"

TheMedievalMerchant 🏰💰: "Y'all are missing the economic implications here. It's not just about battles and betrayals, it's about trade and control! 💹"

SunTzuSays 📜👀: "If Sun Tzu played GoK, he'd be a Sea Wolf, no doubt. These guys are all about the 'Art of War.' 📖⚔️"

RenaissanceRascal 🎨😜: "@CleopatraVII_Reincarnated, pass some this way too. This thread is better than cable TV. 📺😆"

DigitalAlexanderTheGreat 🌍🐘: "I'm just waiting for someone to pull off an Alexander and unite all these fractured states. Any takers? 🤔"

ModernDayMarius 🎖️😠: "@SpartanStrategist300, maybe we're having fun with the parallels? Ever thought of that, genius? 😡"

PunicWarsFanatic247 🌍🐘: "Everyone's arguing, and I'm just sitting here waiting for a Carthaginian comeback. Where's my Hannibal at? 🐘🏔️"

LadyOfTheScrolls 📜👩‍🏫: "This thread is a historian's nightmare... and dream. So much passion, so little accuracy. 😅"

AngryAthenian 🏺😡: "@DigitalAlexanderTheGreat, because uniting fractured states is just so easy, right? Read a history book, pal. 📚"

TheWiseCrusader 🏰🤔: "It's a game, folks. Let's not take these comparisons too seriously. But hey, keep the debates coming. They're entertaining. 😄"

LegionnaireLenny 🏺🛡️: "I love how everyone became a history professor overnight. Keep it up, I'm learning more here than in my actual history class! 😂📚"

Q: Do you know any armchair historian or arm chair general?