
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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[62] Reddit reaction (part 1)

On Discord, I opened a critical strategic discussion with Elara and Cassandra, addressing the shifts in the geopolitical landscape and our next moves.

Me: "Listen up, we didn't bury the NRE; we just sped up what was already happening. It was a falling giant."

Elara: "So, what's the next play? We've spread our influence far and wide. Keeping control over everything is going to be a bitch."

Cassandra: "It's about fking time we delegate some of this. We're stretched too thin as it is."

Me: "That's exactly the plan. We need to redistribute control. The area we cover now is massive, and we can't be everywhere at once. We're going to bring in the other two yonkos to manage parts of it."

Elara: "The twins and Hawkins, right? Those old foxes will love getting a piece of the action. But are they reliable enough?"

Me: "They have to be. We're giving the twins control over Ayre. It's a strategic location, and they've got the finesse to handle it."

Cassandra: "Makes sense. Those two are cunning enough to keep Ayre in line. And Hawkins?"

Me: "Hawkins will take over Isla de Fortune. His experience and diplomatic skills are perfect for it. It's a crucial spot, and we need someone with a level head there."

Elara: "Alright, that leaves us with Vespera. It's a stronghold, but we can't get complacent."

Me: "Exactly. We keep our main force in Vespera. It's our anchor, and we need to fortify it. Make it impenetrable."

Cassandra: "And what about me? I'm not sitting on my ass while you lot have all the fun."

Me: "You've got the Devil's Choke. It's a vital trade route, and we need someone tough to control it. You keep the trade flowing and keep an eye on any fuckery that tries to pass through."

Elara: "This is a solid plan, but we need to be ready for any pushback. These new nations won't like us divvying up their playground."

Me: "They'll have to deal with it. We're the big players now, and if they want a seat at the table, they'll have to play by our rules."

Cassandra: "And if they don't like it, they can come and fking get it. We didn't come this far to back down now."

Me: "Exactly. We're going to consolidate our power, fortify our positions, and be ready for anything. Let's make sure the twins and Hawkins are on the same page. We need a united front."

Elara: "I'll reach out to them. Make sure they know what's at stake."

Cassandra: "And I'll start tightening the grip on the Devil's Choke. Let's see them try to squirm their way through."

Me: "Good. Keep me updated. We need to move fast and stay sharp. The game's changed, and we're writing the new rules."


On Reddit, a thread titled "Recent Events in GoK: History Repeating?" was bustling with activity as players drew parallels between the game's events and real-world history. The comments reflected a mix of analysis, humor, and insightful comparisons.

HistorianGamer42 📚🎮: "This feels like the fall of the Roman Empire all over again, doesn't it? The fragmentation, the power vacuum... it's like we're living through a virtual version of ancient history! 😲"

PixelatedSpartan300 👾🛡️: "Drusus is basically our version of Julius Caesar, except, you know, less successful and more backstabby. Et tu, Generale? 😂"

QueenOfStrategy 👑♟️: "The Sea Wolves' strategy is giving me major Venetian Republic vibes. Control the trade routes, control the game. It's all about the economics, baby! 💰🚢"

TheDigitalCrusader 🗡️🛡️: "Anyone else getting Teutonic Knights flashbacks with the Final Teutonic Order? Talk about historical fan service! 😎"

RogueHistorian 📜😏: "So, are we ignoring the fact that The Inquisition is like a medieval CIA? Religious zeal and secret police vibes. 😈"

PixelPiratePlunder 🏴‍☠️💰: "Cassandra at Devil's Choke is literally controlling the Suez Canal of GoK. Modern problems require medieval solutions, I guess. 🤣🌍"

MedievalMemesLord 🤴😹: "A military dictatorship in Roma? Guess it's back to good old Roman dictators but with less Julius and more Brutus. 🤔"

VirtualVikingRaider 🚣‍♂️🪓: "Britannia's naval power is like the British Empire at its peak. Rule, Britannia! Rule the waves! 🇬🇧⚓"

TheArmchairGeneral 🛋️🎖️: "Honestly, this game's politics are more complex than most real-world scenarios. It's like a mix of every political drama ever. 🍿"

EmpireEnthusiast 🏰👀: "Watching NRE fall was like witnessing the Ottoman Empire's decline in fast forward. Just without the fezzes. 🤷‍♂️"

GeekyGaul 🤓🏺: "I'm here for the parallels with ancient civilizations. Next, we need a Carthaginian-style comeback. Elephants when?? 🐘"

DigitalDiplomat 🌐🤝: "The way these new nations negotiate and backstab each other, it's like a virtual Congress of Vienna. Except with more swearing and less dancing. 💃🗣️"

WarriorPoetOnline 🗡️✍️: "Elara's leadership style is giving me Boudicca vibes. Fierce, proud, and not taking any crap. 😤🔥"

TacticalThinker 🧠🕹️: "The Sea Wolves are like a mercenary version of NATO, but with more direct control and less bureaucracy. 😅"

ByzantineBoi 🕌👦: "This game's historical references are on point. It's like watching a mix of the History Channel and Game of Thrones. 📺👑"

VikingAtHeart 💔🛡️: "Anyone else think the Sea Wolves' expansion is like Vikings on steroids? Raid, trade, settle - rinse and repeat. 🛥️⚔️"

TheSilentAssassin 🗡️😶: "Drusus's assassination was straight out of a Shakespearean tragedy. Drama, betrayal, and a whole lot of stabbing. 🎭"

DigitalEmpress 👑💻: "The rise of these new nations is like the birth of Europe's nation-states. Just more virtual and with cooler graphics. 🌍💫"

KnightInShiningArmor 🛡️✨: "The Teutonic Order's rise? It's like we're reliving the Crusades, but everyone's got better internet. 😄"

RenaissanceMan1485 🎨📖: "The mix of politics, strategy, and warfare in GoK is like living through the Renaissance. Except with fewer paintings and more pixelated battles. 🖌️🔥

Q: Do you use Reddit?