
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[55] The covert operation

Logging off from 'Game of Kings', I immediately checked Discord, where a message from Drusus awaited me. Opening the chat, I saw his latest update on the situation in the New Roman Empire.

Drusus: "The eastern faction is losing their shit over Valerian's decision to annex Vespera. The capital is a fking mess, man. Protests and riots breaking out everywhere."

I couldn't help but let out a low chuckle, typing back rapidly.

Me: "Well, that's what happens when you have a leader who can't see past his own nose. Valerian's stirred up a hornet's nest."

Drusus: "No kidding. It's like he handed us the perfect fking storm on a silver platter. This uproar is exactly what we needed."

Me: "Yeah, talk about unexpected blessings. How's the mood over there? Think this could tip things in our favor?"

Drusus: "Absolutely. The eastern faction's pissed, but they're also scared. They know they can't control the situation. And with Vespera reaching out to us, Valerian's looking more like a fool every day."

Me: "Perfect. We needed this chaos. It's our golden ticket to moving in and taking control. Keep pushing the narrative. We want Valerian to look like the villain in this drama."

Drusus: "Already on it. I've got people spreading rumors, fanning the flames. We're painting Valerian as a power-hungry tyrant who's overstepping his bounds."

Me: "Good. And the military? They still on board with all this shit hitting the fan?"

Drusus: "Some are wavering, but that's to be expected. The key players are still in my pocket. As long as we keep the gold flowing and the promises grand, they'll stick with us."

I leaned back in my chair, a grin spreading across my face.

Me: "Looks like our plan is coming together better than we thought. Chaos in the capital, Vespera in our pocket, and the military questioning their loyalties. Couldn't have scripted it better."

Drusus: "Just gotta keep the momentum. We're close, man. Close to turning this whole fking empire on its head."

Me: "Yeah, we're on the brink of something big. Let's not fuck it up. Keep me posted on any new developments. We need to stay one step ahead."

Drusus: "Will do. This is our time, Wang. We're going to make history."


With the deadline for Vespera's annexation looming, the Sea Wolves and the Pirate League were in a race against time. In the days leading up to the ultimatum, Elara had worked tirelessly, her recruitment efforts swelling our ranks to an impressive 10,000. The bulk of our new forces, numbering 7,000, had already been stationed in Vespera, blending into the city's infrastructure and preparing for any eventuality.

Meanwhile, a crucial part of our strategy was unfolding on the waters of the Grand Canal. Under the guise of merchant vessels, the Pirate League's fleet began their covert passage. The operation was a masterclass in deception and logistics.

Each ship, meticulously disguised to avoid raising suspicions, moved through the canal with precision. The vessels, ranging from small cutters to larger galleons, were staggered in their entry to maintain the appearance of normal merchant traffic.

On the decks, pirates donned the garb of traders and sailors, their usual weapons concealed, replaced with crates and barrels typical of trading ships. Below deck, however, they were armed to the teeth, ready to shed their merchant disguises at a moment's notice.

The movement of the fleet was coordinated with near-military precision. Every day, as the sun rose, a new group of ships entered the canal. They maintained a steady pace, ensuring that their passage appeared routine and unsuspicious to any onlookers.

At the helm of each ship, captains with years of experience in both piracy and navigation guided their vessels. They communicated through a series of coded signals and discreet radio messages, ensuring that the entire fleet moved as a cohesive unit while maintaining the facade of independent traders.

In the waters of the Grand Canal, the ships passed under bridges and through locks, the crews working diligently to keep up appearances. The pirates interacted with canal officials and other merchant vessels with rehearsed ease, exchanging pleasantries and conducting mock trade negotiations.

Each night, as the ships moored at designated spots along the canal, lookouts were stationed, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of NRE patrols or unexpected threats. The tension was palpable among the crews, but discipline and the promise of the impending conflict kept them focused.

By the end of each day, another 100 ships had successfully navigated the canal, gradually amassing a formidable fleet in the Med Sea, hidden in plain sight. It was a slow, methodical process, but necessary to maintain the element of surprise that was crucial to our plan.

Back in Vespera, I monitored the progress of the fleet, receiving regular updates from the captains. The city itself was a powder keg of tension, with our newly expanded forces discreetly fortifying key positions and preparing for the possibility of conflict.

All the pieces were falling in place. Now, it was time to light it up.

Q: Are you interested in ancient history?