
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[50] Discord strategy session

Back in the real world, I quickly booted up my computer and logged onto Discord. My mind was racing with the implications of Drusus's plan. I set up a private chat with Elara and Cassandra, two of the most influential players in my circle.

Once they were both online, I wasted no time. "You're not going to believe what just went down in New Rome," I began, typing furiously.

Elara's response was immediate, her text tinged with her usual boldness. "Spill it, Wang. What kind of shitshow did you get yourself into now?"

Cassandra's message followed, succinct and to the point. "Details, Wang. Quickly."

I laid it out for them. "Met with Senator Drusus. He's planning a fking coup against the NRE emperor. Wants to split the empire and start his own nation. Says he can get 100K members to join him right off the bat."

Elara's response was a mix of disbelief and excitement. "Holy shit, that's insane! A coup? Is he out of his damn mind?"

Cassandra was more analytical in her reply. "Risky move. Could destabilize the entire region. What's his angle?"

"He's pissed with the current regime. Thinks he can do better," I typed back. "Claims he's got support from a chunk of the NRE army. He wants Sea Wolves and the Pirate League on board."

Elara seemed to relish the chaos of it. "This could be a major power shift. We could be looking at a whole new playing field."

Cassandra, however, was more cautious. "We need to consider the consequences. Aligning with a coup has its dangers. And the NRE isn't to be trifled with. They have resources, connections."

I added, "Drusus is confident he can pull it off. But it's a massive gamble. We're talking about taking on an empire with 100 million members and a million troops."

Elara's adventurous streak was evident. "Fuck, that's a battle worth fighting. But can we trust Drusus? What if he's just using us for his own gain?"

Cassandra's strategic mind was in full swing. "It's about leverage. If we join him, we need guarantees. Control over territories, resources. Can't go into this blind."

I agreed with her. "Exactly. If we're doing this, we need to play it smart. We have a lot to gain, but even more to lose."

Elara chimed in, "We need a sit-down with this Drusus. Lay down our terms. If we're going in, we're going in with our eyes wide open."

Cassandra concluded, "Arrange a meeting. We'll assess his proposal. But remember, we're not committing to anything yet. This could be a trap."

"We're not exactly in the business of playing safe now." I pointed out. 

"Wang's not wrong here. Its go big or go home." I could feel Elara's smirk behind her phone.

"Alright. I am gonna take a nap now. See you two beautiful bastards tomorrow." Cassandra then sent a kiss emoji.

"Cya." I said.

"Cya." Elara said.


Logging into 'Game of Kings' the next day, I made my way to Senator Drusus's private villa, a palatial estate on the outskirts of New Rome. The villa, a testament to digital luxury and power, stood imposingly against the virtual landscape.

I was ushered into Drusus's study, where he sat behind a massive desk, his avatar's eyes gleaming with anticipation as I entered.

"Wang, good to see you," Drusus greeted, standing to meet me. "I trust you've considered my proposal?"

I nodded, getting straight to the point. "We're interested, but this needs careful discussion. I've arranged a secret meeting in Vespera, three days from now. Elara and the three Pirate Emperors will be joining us."

Drusus's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and excitement evident in his voice. "The Pirate Emperors? You're bringing them into this?"

"Yeah," I replied, watching him closely. "If we're doing this, we're doing it right. They have the influence and power we need. But they won't sign on without a damn good pitch from you."

His expression turned serious, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, I understand. This is a major opportunity. I won't let it slip through our fingers."

I leaned forward, my tone firm. "Just be fking clear, Drusus. No bullshit. If this goes sideways, it's not just your head on the chopping block. We're all taking a massive risk here."

Drusus nodded vigorously. "I'm aware of the stakes, Wang. I've been planning this for a long time. I'll lay everything out – the strategy, the resources, the benefits. They'll see the potential."

"Good," I said. "And keep this under wraps. If word gets out about this meeting, it could blow up in our faces."

He assured me with a determined nod. "You have my word. Discretion is key. I'll prepare everything for the meeting. Vespera, three days. I'll be there."

As I stood to leave, Drusus extended a hand, which I shook this time, acknowledging the significance of our alliance. "This could change everything, Wang. We're on the brink of something monumental."

I gave him a nod, my mind already racing with the potential outcomes of this meeting. "Just be ready to convince them. They're not easy to impress."

Q: Do you use Discord?