
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

[4] Meeting

The large wooden building where the meeting was held had a rustic charm, its interior buzzing with the energy of Lyrinthia's committed players. About twenty people were gathered, a mix of familiar and new faces. As I entered with Elara, the chatter subsided, and all eyes turned towards us.

"Everyone, this is Wang," Elara announced, gesturing towards me. "He's the new swordsman recruit. Don't scare him off on his first day."

A chorus of welcoming cheers and a few playful jeers echoed through the room. I nodded in acknowledgment, feeling a blend of nervousness and excitement.

"Alright, fkers, let's get this meeting started," Elara commanded attention as she moved to the head of the room. "First order of business: we're proposing to build a new marketplace. It's going to be a big investment, so we need to talk this shit out."

A burly man, who I assumed was one of the senior members, raised his hand. "How much are we talking about spending here, Elara?"

"We're looking at around 30K gold. It's a hefty chunk of our treasury, but it'll pay off. Better trading facilities, more income, and a fucking boost to our reputation," Elara explained, her tone firm but open to input.

A woman with sharp features spoke up next. "That's a lot of gold. Are we sure we can afford it without screwing ourselves over if something unexpected comes up?"

Elara nodded at her concern. "It's a risk, yeah. But we've crunched the numbers. With the increased trade revenue, we should make it back in a few months. Plus, it'll attract more players to join us, adding to our workforce and defense."

The room buzzed with murmurs as members weighed the proposal. I remained silent, observing the dynamics of the group, the way they communicated with a mix of seriousness and casual banter.

A young guy in the corner piped up, "What about the design and construction? Are we going to do it in-house or hire some fancy architects from outside?"

"In-house, all the way," Elara said. "We've got the talent, and it's cheaper. Plus, we can add our own Lyrinthia flair to it."

The discussion continued, with various members contributing ideas, raising concerns, and suggesting improvements. The atmosphere was collaborative, even as opinions clashed.

Finally, Elara called for a vote. "Alright, let's put it to a fking vote. All in favor of building the new marketplace, raise your hand."

Hands shot up around the room, a sea of raised arms signaling approval. I raised my hand as well, swayed by the arguments and the potential benefits for Lyrinthia.

"And all opposed?" Elara asked.

A few hands went up, a minority but respected for their dissent.

"Looks like the 'ayes' have it. We're building a new marketplace, folks. Let's make it something to be proud of," Elara announced, a satisfied grin on her face.

As the meeting was drawing to a close, a wiry man with a hawkish gaze raised a pertinent concern. "Elara, building a marketplace is all well and good, but what about security? We're practically waving a fucking flag to those raiders from the nearby larger nation. They're tenfold our size."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room. I could sense the underlying tension; the threat was real and imminent.

Elara, undeterred, stood with a confident poise. "I knew this shit was going to come up. Yes, there's a risk, but we're not going into this blind. We've secured an alliance with a regional power."

Whispers and exchanged glances filled the room. I leaned forward, intrigued by this development.

"A regional power?" the wiry man pressed. "Who the hell is willing to back us?"

Elara's eyes gleamed with a mix of pride and secrecy. "Let's just say they're a hundred times our size and have an interest in keeping the big bullies in check. Our marketplace could be beneficial for their trade routes too."

A sense of relief mixed with curiosity washed over the room. A lady with a calculating look asked, "So, we're aligning with a giant to fend off another giant? Sounds risky. What's the catch?"

"There's always a fking catch," Elara admitted with a shrug. "They want priority on trade deals and a say in some of our external policies. But it's a small price to pay for security and growth."

A robust man with a booming voice chimed in, "Are we going to become someone's puppet then? Is that the price for security?"

Elara shook her head vigorously. "Hell no. We're not anyone's puppet. This is a partnership, not a fucking takeover. We maintain our autonomy, we make our own decisions. They're just a big brother keeping an eye out."

I found myself nodding along. It was a delicate balance, but necessary for survival and growth.

The hawkish man seemed somewhat reassured. "Alright, if we're not selling our souls, I can live with it. But we better be damn sure they keep their end of the bargain."

Elara leaned against the table, her expression resolute. "We'll make sure of it. We're not naive; we know the stakes. But we're also not going to cower in fear. We're Lyrinthia, and we stand our ground."

Q: If you are an early civilization leader, what will you do?