
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

[37] The opening

Cassandra's summons arrived with an urgency that set the tone for the meeting. As I entered her chambers, I found her pacing, her usual calm demeanor replaced by a tinge of urgency.

"They're gathering their forces," she said without preamble, her one good eye fixed on me. "The other three Yonkos. We need to act."

I nodded, not surprised by the development. "That was expected. They're falling right into our trap."

Cassandra stopped pacing, turning to face me directly. "So, what's the fking plan? We can't just sit here and wait for them to strike."

I laid out the strategy, speaking with calculated confidence. "On the day of the attack, move all your ships out of the lair. Disguise them as merchant vessels. We'll spread them out – 30% to the north, the rest behind enemy lines. But here's the key: only fire on Blackbeard's ship."

Her expression shifted from agitation to interest. "Why only Blackbeard?"

"Because it feeds into the narrative we've built," I explained. "It'll look like you're in league with the others against him, deepening the mistrust. It might even turn them against each other mid-battle."

Cassandra considered this, a slow smile spreading across her face. "Clever. Create chaos and let them destroy each other. I like it. But it's risky. If they see through the disguise..."

I interjected, "It's a calculated risk. We've stirred up enough paranoia. They'll be too busy watching their own backs to focus on the bigger picture. And with your ships out of the lair, you avoid a direct assault."

Cassandra began to pace again, mulling over the plan. "Alright. We'll do it your way. But if this fucks up, it's on you. I'm not going down because of some half-assed scheme."

I met her gaze firmly. "It won't come to that. We've played our cards right so far. Just be ready to capitalize on the chaos. This could be our chance to eliminate Blackbeard and weaken the others significantly."

She stopped and gave me a long, assessing look. "You've got some serious balls, I'll give you that. Alright, I'll prepare my fleet. But you better be right about this."


Under the cover of a moonless night, a colossal armada quietly cut through the dark waters towards Cassandra's lair. The coalition fleet, a formidable gathering of 400 ships from the combined forces of Blackbeard Bartholomew, the Twin Terrors Jolly Roger and Rackham Ray, and Old Man Hawkins, was a sight to behold. Each vessel, carrying about 400 seasoned pirates and fighters, moved with a purpose that bespoke the gravity of the undertaking.

At the forefront of the fleet was Blackbeard's flagship, the "Dread Leviathan," a massive galleon with black sails that absorbed the night, making it almost invisible against the dark sky. Its cannons, like dormant beasts, awaited Blackbeard's command to awaken.

Flanking the "Dread Leviathan" were the flagships of the Twin Terrors: the "Shadow Serpent," under Jolly Roger, a sleek and agile ship known for its speed and stealth, and Rackham Ray's "Nightmare," a vessel as ominous as its name, bristling with weaponry and battle-hardened men.

Bringing up the rear was Old Man Hawkins's flagship, the "Wise Kraken," a ship that, despite its age, bore the marks of numerous victorious battles. It was a testament to Hawkins's strategic genius and experience.

The fleet moved in near silence, the only sounds the gentle lapping of water against the hulls and the occasional creak of wood. The pirates aboard each ship were tense, their usual raucous demeanor replaced by a focused, almost solemn, air. They knew that what was to come could change the course of power in the Devil's Choke forever.

As they neared Cassandra's lair, a sprawling fortress built upon a series of small islands and hidden coves, the ships slowed, their approach deliberate and cautious. The sentries on duty were vigilant, but the overwhelming size of the approaching armada left little doubt about the impending conflict.

On the "Dread Leviathan," Blackbeard stood at the helm, his eyes scanning the horizon. He was a figure of immense presence, his burly frame silhouetted against the faint light of the stars. "Ready the cannons," he ordered in a low growl. "Tonight, we end Cassandra's reign."

Q: What do you think will happen next?