
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[29] An audience with the pirate queen

The journey to Cassandra's lair was a silent, tension-filled voyage. As Elara and I disembarked from the envoy's ship, the imposing structure of Cassandra's stronghold loomed before us, a testament to her power and ruthlessness in the world of 'Game of Kings.'

Cassandra herself was waiting for us. She was a formidable figure, her early thirties belying the sense of authority and danger she exuded. Her brown skin was a stark contrast to her long, silky white hair, which flowed freely except for the portion that elegantly veiled an eye covered by a black patch – a reminder of battles past. Her presence was accentuated by an array of scars across her belly, visible beneath the partially open vest she wore over a form-fitting tunic. Her physique was strong and commanding, her ample breast outlined by her attire, contributing to her dominating aura.

She regarded us with her one good eye, her expression one of bored curiosity. "So, you're the ones who've been causing a stir. Congratulations on having the balls to take on my men," she said, her voice low and measured.

Before we could respond, her tone shifted, the threat in her words as clear as the sharp edge of a blade. "But know this – I could have you imprisoned and tortured right now. While you're here, helpless, I could send a fleet to destroy your little mercenary hideout."

At her signal, a group of brutes started to move menacingly towards us. I held up a hand, a confident grin on my face. "I anticipated a warm welcome, but let's not rush to hostilities. We've come with a business proposition. A valuable opportunity that benefits us both and could make you a lot of money."

Cassandra's interest was piqued, her eye narrowing slightly. She signaled for her men to halt. "I'm listening. But make it good, or you'll wish you'd never stepped foot in here."

I took a deep breath, aware that the next words could determine our fate. "We propose an alliance of convenience. The Sea Wolves will continue to offer protection services, but we'll cut you in on the profits. In return, we want your assurance that your fleet won't target our clients. It's a win-win. You get a cut of the profits without lifting a finger, and we get to operate without looking over our shoulders for your ships."

Cassandra considered this, her expression unreadable. "And why should I trust you? What's to stop me from just taking over your operations?"

Elara chimed in, her voice steady. "Because an overt takeover would cause chaos. Clients would lose trust, and the profits would dry up. Our proposal keeps the system stable and profitable. We handle the operations, you get your share, and the money keeps flowing."

Cassandra leaned back, her eye still fixed on us. The room was thick with tension, the outcome of our proposal hanging in the balance. The brutes stood frozen, awaiting her command.

After a moment of tense silence, she suddenly let out a boisterous, almost mocking laugh that echoed through the chamber. The sound was jarring, breaking the palpable tension like a clap of thunder.

"I like you," she declared, her eye glinting with a mix of amusement and something unreadable. "You've got balls, I'll give you that. And brains. It's not often someone walks into my lair and tries to cut a deal."

Turning to her men, she barked an order that further shifted the mood of the meeting. "Bring out the booze! We've got some talking to do, and I prefer to do my negotiations over a good drink."

Her men, who a moment ago seemed like imminent threats, now hurried off to fulfill her command. The room's atmosphere changed from one of impending violence to an almost celebratory tone.

Elara and I exchanged a quick, relieved glance. This was going better than we could have hoped, but we remained on guard.

Cassandra leaned forward, her dominating presence filling the space. "So, tell me more about this partnership. How exactly do you see this playing out? And what's in it for me, aside from a cut of the profits?"

As a servant brought in a tray laden with bottles of rum and glasses, I answered, trying to match her confident demeanor. "Our vision is simple: we continue to offer top-notch protection services to merchant vessels. Your cut ensures that your fleet stays clear of our operations. It's a passive income stream for you – money for essentially doing nothing."

Elara chimed in, pouring herself a glass of rum. "And it's not just about the gold. It's about stability and reputation. With your backing, our operations run smoother, and that means more clients and more profits for all of us."

Cassandra took a glass of rum, her expression thoughtful as she sipped it. "Stability and reputation, huh? Those are valuable currencies in Portus Corsair. But remember, I'm not just any backer. My name carries weight, and if you fk this up, it'll come back on me. And I don't take kindly to being made a fool of."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of her words. "We're aware of the stakes. We're not in the business of making enemies, especially not with someone of your caliber. We keep our operations tight and profitable, and your name stays golden."

Cassandra laughed again, this time with a hint of genuine amusement. "Well, you certainly don't lack confidence. Alright, I'm in. But we'll have terms, clear and ironclad. Cross me, and you'll wish you'd never heard the name Cassandra."

Q: Do you drink?