
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[27] Cassandra

In the dimly lit, foreboding chambers of Cassandra's pirate lair, Captain Marcus, the once-smug leader of the pirate fleet, was brought in, his demeanor now one of defeat and dread. The cavernous room was filled with various pirate lieutenants and henchmen, all silent, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them.

Cassandra, the feared ruler of the northern sector, sat upon her makeshift throne, a structure made from the remnants of conquered ships. She was a striking figure – in her early thirties, with bronzed skin that contrasted starkly against her long, silky white hair that cascaded down her back. Her presence was commanding, her attire both practical and imposing, accentuating her ample bosoms and strong physique. Her expression was one of boredom, her piercing eyes reflecting a mix of disinterest and underlying cruelty.

Captain Marcus fell to his knees, his voice trembling. "My lady, we were ambushed. Mercenaries... they were stronger than we anticipated. They took the gold..."

Cassandra raised a hand, silencing him. Her voice, when she spoke, was calm but laced with a cold edge. "I'm not interested in your excuses, Marcus. You failed. And failure in my fleet has consequences."

Marcus's face paled, his eyes widening in fear. "Please, my lady, I beg for mercy. It won't happen again, I swear..."

Cassandra's lips curled into a slight, disdainful smirk. "Mercy? You're in no position to beg for mercy. You're going to be punished, and you're going to serve as an example to anyone else who might think of failing me."

She waved her hand dismissively, signaling to her men. "Make him walk the Legos."

A gasp went through the room, followed by murmurs of both fear and amusement among the pirates. A group of Cassandra's men brought in a large tray filled with scattered Legos, laying it on the ground in front of Marcus.

The fallen captain's eyes widened in horror. "No, please, not that! Anything but that!"

Cassandra leaned back, a bored expression still on her face as she watched with mild interest. "Begin."

With no choice but to comply, Marcus slowly stepped onto the tray of Legos, his face contorting in agony as the sharp edges of the plastic bricks dug into his feet. He tried to hold back his cries, but the pain was too much, and he let out a series of yelps and curses with each step he took.

The room erupted in laughter and jeers, the pirates finding amusement in their comrade's misery. Cassandra watched impassively, her expression unchanging as Marcus continued his torturous walk across the Legos.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Marcus reached the end of the tray, collapsing to the ground in a heap, his feet red and bruised. Cassandra's men dragged him away, his punishment complete but his humiliation lasting.

Cassandra stood up, her presence silencing the room. "Let this be a lesson to all of you. Failure is not tolerated. Now, get back to work. We have a reputation to maintain."

After the unsettling punishment of Captain Marcus, the atmosphere in Cassandra's lair remained charged with tension. She turned her attention to another of her lieutenants, a burly man with a scarred face known as Ironhook.

Cassandra's voice was calm yet carried an undercurrent of danger. "Ironhook, tell me about the mercenaries who did this. Who are they?"

Ironhook shifted uneasily, aware that his response could determine his own fate. "They're a new group, my lady. Call themselves the Sea Wolves. Led by two outsiders – a man and a woman. The man's name is Wang; the woman goes by Elara. They made quite a statement with this move."

Cassandra's eyes narrowed slightly. "Sea Wolves... I've not heard of them before. They must be new or foolish to challenge us like this. Do we know anything else about them? Where they're based, their numbers, their next move?"

Ironhook shook his head. "Not much, my lady. They're shrouded in mystery. Just appeared out of nowhere, as far as anyone can tell. But they've already started making waves, quite literally. There's talk among the docks and taverns – they're gaining a reputation."

A slight smirk played on Cassandra's lips. "A reputation, you say? Well, we can't have that, can we? Not when it's at our expense."

Ironhook glanced around nervously. "What would you have us do, my lady?"

Cassandra stood up, her presence dominating the room. "Gather more information. I want to know everything about these Sea Wolves. Where they drink, where they sleep, who they talk to. And get me names – I want a list of every mercenary flying under their banner."

Ironhook nodded, a sense of urgency in his movements. "It shall be done, my lady. We'll have eyes and ears everywhere."

"And Ironhook," Cassandra added, her tone icy, "do not fail me. I'm not in the mood for more disappointments. These Sea Wolves have stirred the waters, and it's time we show them who rules the seas."

Ironhook bowed deeply. "You have my word, my lady. The Sea Wolves will soon learn they've crossed the wrong pirate queen."

As Ironhook left to carry out her orders, Cassandra gazed out of the window of her lair, overlooking the dark waters. Her expression was one of contemplation, mixed with a hint of anticipation.

"Sea wolves huh...Let's see what your made of." Cassandra's eyes turned into a cruel smirk. 

Q: Have you ever stepped on a Lego piece before?