
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[25] Ambush

The sudden appearance of the three ships from out of nowhere set every nerve on edge. The strategic formation – one blocking our path and two flanking us from the rear – left no doubt that this was a well-planned ambush.

As the front ship, disguised as a merchant vessel, drew nearer, a man dressed in merchant attire hailed our ship. His act was convincing, but the situation reeked of a trap. "Please, we need help!" he called out, his voice carrying across the water. "Our vessel has suffered damage, and we're stranded. Can you lend us a hand?"

Captain Aldous glanced at me, and I nodded subtly. "Let them come," I whispered. "It's a trap, but we'll spring it on them instead."

The captain, playing along, shouted back, "Alright, we'll help you! Approach carefully."

Our mercenaries, hidden below deck with their weapons at the ready, waited in silence. The tension was palpable, a prelude to the inevitable clash.

The so-called merchant, now close enough, dropped his pretense. His demeanor shifted from distressed to menacing as he addressed Captain Aldous. "Here are your terms: hand over your cargo, or we'll take it by force."

Captain Aldous feigned fear, his voice quivering slightly. "We've got nothing of value, I swear! This is just a simple trade vessel."

The pirate captain sneered, his patience wearing thin. "Don't play me for a fool. Align your ship; we're coming aboard."

As the ships drew alongside each other, Captain Aldous and his sailors retreated below deck, luring the pirates into our trap. The sound of boots thudding on the wooden planks signaled the pirates' boarding.

"Get ready," I whispered to our mercenaries. "Wait for my signal."

The pirate crew, armed and shouting, swarmed onto our ship, anticipating easy prey. They were met with apparent emptiness, the deck seemingly deserted.

"Now!" I shouted, and our team sprang into action. We emerged from below deck, weapons drawn, catching the pirates off guard.

The ensuing clash was chaotic and brutal. Swords clashed, and shouts filled the air. Elara, wielding her spear with lethal precision, took down the first pirate who charged at her. I engaged another, parrying his blows and countering with swift strikes.

The mercenaries fought fiercely, their training evident in their coordinated movements and effective strikes. The pirates, taken aback by the unexpected resistance, fought back with desperate ferocity.

Captain Aldous and his sailors, now armed, joined the fray, evening the odds. The deck of the ship turned into a battleground, each side fighting for control.

Pirate after pirate boarded the ship, but our defense held strong. We pushed them back, step by step, refusing to yield. The clash was intense, a maelstrom of violence and determination.

The battle on deck had reached a fever pitch when the pirates, lured by a cunning ploy, descended into the bowels of the ship. We had scattered a trail of spices leading to the cargo bay – an enticing path designed to split their forces and draw them into our trap.

As the pirates, their greed piqued by the prospect of valuable cargo, followed the spice trail, they became disorganized, their attention shifting from battle to potential loot. They eagerly pushed into the cargo bay, their eyes lighting up at the sight of crates and barrels.

"We've got 'em now," Elara whispered, her eyes alight with a fierce intensity. "Let's finish this quietly."

We crept behind the distracted pirates, moving with silent precision. As they rummaged through the cargo, we struck. My blade found the back of a pirate's mouth, silencing him before he could even react. Elara's spear sliced through the air, cutting another pirate's throat with lethal accuracy. Our mercenaries followed suit, their attacks swift and deadly, ensuring the pirates couldn't call out for help.

Within moments, the cargo bay was a scene of silent carnage. The pirates lay motionless, taken down by our ambush. We left one alive, a young, wide-eyed pirate who trembled at the sight of his fallen comrades.

I grabbed the surviving pirate, pressing a knife to his back. "Listen up," I hissed. "You're going to call out to your buddies. Tell them there's a shitload of loot down here and you need help moving it. Do it now, or you're next."

The pirate, his voice quivering with fear, called out. "Hey! We hit the jackpot down here! Tons of goods! We need more hands to move all this!"

His shout echoed through the ship, a siren call to the remaining pirates. Elara and I exchanged a glance, readying ourselves for the next wave.

The sound of hurried footsteps approached, the remaining pirates eagerly descending into the cargo bay, expecting an easy haul. Instead, they were met with a brutal surprise. We sprung our second ambush, attacking with renewed vigor.

The pirates, caught off guard, fought back desperately, but they were no match for our coordinated assault. The cargo bay turned into a maelstrom of violence, but our strategy and surprise gave us the upper hand.

We kept one pirate alive. Elara approached him, with the same look a predator would look at its prey. 

"No sudden moves, you are going up to the deck on our pace, do you understand?" Elara pointed her spear at his throat.

The poor guy could only nod.

Me and Elara share a smirk that said:

Ladies and gentlemen, we gottem.

Q: What do you think will happen next?