
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

[15] Fall

The tranquil atmosphere of Lyrinthia's marketplace was abruptly shattered by a series of bloodcurdling screams. From the dense forest surrounding the town, a group of raiders on horseback burst forth, charging towards us with a ferocity that froze the blood.

The raiders, clad in mismatched armor and wielding an array of weapons, descended upon the town like a swarm of locusts. Their faces, twisted in expressions of rage and excitement, were a stark contrast to the horror and shock on the faces of Lyrinthia's townsfolk.

Our soldiers, caught off guard by the suddenness of the attack, scrambled to mount a defense. The clashing of steel rang through the air as they engaged the raiders, but it was immediately clear that they were outmatched and outnumbered. The raiders' ruthless efficiency and brutal strength quickly turned the skirmish into a one-sided massacre.

I watched in horror as our soldiers were cut down, their avatars disintegrating into red pixels upon their virtual deaths, a stark reminder of the 24-hour respawn penalty they now faced. The raiders, seemingly unfazed by the carnage they were causing, pushed forward, their whoops and hollers echoing amidst the chaos.

Elara, beside me, drew her sword, her eyes blazing with a mix of anger and determination. "To arms! Defend the town!" she shouted, rallying the remaining militia and any able-bodied townsperson who could fight.

Despite her efforts, the raiders' onslaught was relentless. They swept through the marketplace, overturning stalls, and looting with wanton abandon. The sounds of battle were interspersed with the cries of the wounded and the desperate pleas of the townsfolk.

The marketplace, once a bustling hub of trade and social interaction, was quickly turning into a scene of devastation. Flames began to lick the edges of wooden stalls and buildings, the fire catching quickly and spreading with a voracious appetite. Thick smoke billowed into the sky, casting a dark pall over the town.

Elara fought fiercely, cutting down any raider who came within reach of her blade. I joined her, doing my best to protect our people and repel the attackers. But for every raider that fell, it seemed two more took their place.

The chaos was overwhelming; the clash of weapons, the crackling of fire, and the agonized screams created a cacophony of destruction that seemed to engulf the entire town. Desperation set in as it became evident that this was no longer a battle but a fight for survival.

The raiders, emboldened by their success, continued their rampage, setting more buildings ablaze. The heat from the fires was intense, and the smoke made it difficult to see and breathe. People ran in all directions, trying to escape the inferno that their town was becoming.

As I fought alongside Elara, defending what remained of our marketplace, the reality of our situation sank in. This raid was more than just an attack; it was an attempt to obliterate everything we had built. Our town, our community, was being torn apart before our eyes.

Despite our efforts, the raiders seemed to be everywhere, their numbers overwhelming. The town square, once a place of celebration and unity, was now a battlefield stained with the red pixels of our fallen comrades.

Back to back, Elara and I stood amidst the chaos, a small island of resistance in a sea of destruction. Around us, the raiders continued their relentless assault, but for a moment, our combined defense seemed to hold them at bay.

With a swift and precise movement, Elara lunged forward and struck down one of the raiders who had come too close. Her blade moved with lethal grace, a reflection of her skills honed through countless hours in the game. The raider's avatar disintegrated into red pixels, momentarily clearing some space around us.

It was then that the raider leader emerged, a towering figure with a menacing presence. He rode in on a large horse, surveying the chaos with a smirk that spoke of confidence and cruelty. His eyes locked onto Elara, recognizing her as the heart of Lyrinthia's resistance.

Elara, undeterred by his imposing figure, shouted a challenge at him, her voice cutting through the din of the battle. "Come on, you coward! Face me if you dare!"

The leader, spurred by her taunt, charged forward with a roar, his horse barreling towards us at full speed. Elara, her eyes focused and her stance ready, waited until the last possible moment before sidestepping deftly and pulling the leader off his horse with a powerful yank.

The raider leader hit the ground hard, his surprise evident even amidst the chaos. Elara wasted no time, advancing on him with her sword raised for a killing blow. But in that critical moment, her attention solely on the leader, she missed the silent approach of another raider from behind.

With a swift and treacherous move, the unseen assailant plunged his blade into Elara's back. Her eyes widened in shock and pain, and she let out a gasp as her avatar began to disintegrate into the same red pixels that had claimed so many of our fighters.

"Elara!" I cried out, but it was too late. Her avatar vanished, leaving behind a haunting void where she had just stood, fighting valiantly.

The loss of Elara, the heart and soul of Lyrinthia, was a devastating blow. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the reality of her virtual death sinking in amidst the ongoing carnage.

The raider leader, recovering from his fall, seized the opportunity of Elara's downfall. He rallied his raiders, shouting orders and pointing towards our weakened line of defense. The balance of the battle, already tipping in their favor, now seemed to plummet towards a certain defeat for Lyrinthia.

I stood there, momentarily frozen by the shock of losing Elara.

A sudden, sharp pain erupted in my knee. Time seemed to slow as I looked down, seeing an arrow protruding grotesquely from the joint. My mind barely had time to register the injury when a barrage of arrows rained down from above, striking my body with brutal force.

Each impact was a burst of pain, jolting through me with startling intensity. I staggered, trying to maintain my footing, but the onslaught was relentless. Arrows pierced my armor, each one a fiery lance of agony. The sounds of battle around me – the clashing of swords, the screams of the wounded, the crackling of fire – all faded into a distant echo as my focus narrowed to the pain and the struggle to remain standing.

But it was a losing battle. My strength ebbed rapidly with each arrow that found its mark. My arms, once wielding my sword with precision and force, now hung limply at my sides, the weapon slipping from my grasp and clattering to the ground. My vision blurred, the vibrant colors of the marketplace and the violent scene around me dissolving into indistinct shapes and hues.

With a final effort, I turned my gaze towards the sky, the virtual sun obscured by a haze of smoke and arrows. It seemed absurdly poetic, this last glimpse of the virtual world I had come to know as a second reality.

Then, my knees buckled, and I collapsed to the ground, the impact sending a final wave of simulated pain through my battered avatar. As I lay there, the chaotic sounds of the raid fading into an eerie silence, my screen went dark. A solemn window popped up in the void: "You died," it declared, with a 24-hour respawn timer counting down below.

I lay there for a moment in the darkness, the weight of the virtual defeat pressing down on me. Then, with a heavy sigh, I reached up and removed my VR helmet, transitioning back to the real world.

The sudden shift was jarring. The cramped space of my room, the muted sounds of the outside world, the absence of the adrenaline and fear that had coursed through me in the game – it all felt surreal. I sat there, the VR helmet in my hands, trying to process the loss, the defeat, and the virtual death I had just experienced.

A whole month's work all gone for nothing...


Q: How do you handle set backs?