
Chapter 5: FILL-IN THE GAP

It takes only two seconds for Vincent, Shaira and John Paul to hit the water, but just before sinking, they vanish like bubbles.

"That was close!" says a boy standing on the brink near Mabel.

"W-w-wait. What's happening?" Mabel asks, confused and teary eyed.

"They're safe. I almost failed... but they're okay now."

"What do you mean? W-where are they?"

"Behind you. I hope you can still remember my face. I'm Moises, by the way."


"Because of staying here in this... filthy box... look... we're far behind," says Cristina as she checks her watch. "We already have the plan. Eliminate the others. But we have to go now before everything goes wrong."

"Okay. I think so. Let's go," Aeron says.

"Too scared to be left behind, huh?" Jeric chuckles.

"Shut your mouth when you're talking to me, okay? Your mind is clearly on vacation but your mouth is working overtime. If you want to stay in this five-star hotel of yours, I'm gonna sing for you. And, wait. Are you really this annoying? I'm amazed your mother can tolerate you."

"Wow. Speech. Haha! That was nice. Was that an insult?"

"Guys, please stop! There are people outside," Jennifer says while peering through a very small window near the table. She walks to the front door and opens it slightly. "They're everywhere. We're surrounded."

Everybody huddles around her to check what's happening.

"What are those? Ghosts?" Joriz asks.

"People in long white clothes. No hair. No faces. And they're hovering. Yah. Ghosts, you can say," Jeric says. "I don't care. I've seen scarier things than those."

"Then go outside and invite them in. Let's see if you can," Cristina says.

"I'm not stupid," Jeric says.

Cristina rolls her eyes. "We're trapped. But we can't stay here forever. We have to do something."

"Let me try," Aeron says. He opens the front door wider and directs a fire ball toward one of the hovering things, but just before it reaches the target, the fire ball vanishes. "W-what's happening?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe I can stop them," Jennifer says. She shoots several spherical red lights, but nothing reaches the targets. "It didn't work."

"This is serious. I've told you. We should have left this place when we had the chance," Cristina says. "Oh my, they're coming!" Cristina closes the door and everyone backs away from it. Then, a hovering "ghost" passes through the door, faces Jennifer, and turns into a hairy cockroach as large as a traveling bag.

At once, Jennifer screams in terror while pressing herself against the wall. Before the cockroach can jump onto Jennifer, Joriz covers it with thick green slime. It wiggles, but the slime is too strong.

"Please! Kill that!" Jennifer cries, breathing heavily. "Kill it!"

"I completely covered it. Don't worry," Joriz says.

"But I don't want it there!"

"I can't do anything about it. Guys, careful! Don't touch my slime."

"Yes. And it's blocking the door," Cristina says.

"That's not the problem," Jeric says as another "ghost" enters the cabin and instantly turns into a clown, gripping a large wooden axe. Then, it stares at Cristina and smiles from ear to ear.

"Stay awaaaaaayyyy!!!" Cristina frantically hides behind Aeron. "Stop! Stooooop! Don't you dare touch me! Aaargh!!!"

At once, Aeron shoots a fire ball and hits the clown. The fire ball explodes and sends the clown flying, destroying the front door and turning the cabin into smoke.

"Should I make another cabin?" Jeric asks.

"What for? It couldn't block them," Cristina says.

"No way," Aeron mumbles as he sees clearly that they're completely surrounded.

"I hate this place! I HAAATE THIS PLACE!!!" Cristina yells.

Without warning, one of the "ghosts" turns into a giant tarantula and spares no time to attack Joriz.

Few minutes earlier...

"So you're telling us that you can change the positions of things," Shaira says.

"Yes. But it costs me an hour every time I use my power to exchange the positions of two things or persons. Basically I lost three hours for saving you and the others," Moises says. "But I can't exchange positions with an object. I was actually following you guys for a while, and I have to thank you for clearing the way. I saw what you did. It was awesome! I'm sorry for not helping you earlier."

"It's okay. We cannot thank you enough. You actually saved us. Actually you wouldn't have to save me if this person right here had a decent mouth," Shaira says while pointing at John Paul.

"Look who's talking," John Paul cuts in.

"Guys, we have to help Ryan," Kriz says.

"What exactly happened to him?" Vincent asks.

"I don't know, but he's still alive," Kriz answers as she checks her watch. "We have to cross this cliff as soon as possible."

"Just like that? Should we consider the fact that it's dangerous there? I'm not crossing if I'll just end up on the ground like him," John Paul says.

"If I remember quite right, you told us that we're cowards. And now you're acting really brave," Shaira says. "You're quite a man."

"And you're stupid. Okay, let me watch your success. Let me see you cross to the other side. Go ahead!" John Paul counters.

"Right there! Look, there's a small tree house over there. If I'm right, our enemies are hiding there," Mabel says.

"What tree house?" Joshua asks.

"There. It's a bit hidden, but you can still see it. There," Mabel says, pointing at something on the other side of the cliff. Everybody else tries to locate the tree house.

"Yes. I can see it now. If that's the source of the problem, then, consider the problem solved," Moises says.

"Eh? What do you mean?" asks Mabel.

"Watch this." Moises throws a rock into the cliff, and it suddenly turns into a big tree with a tree house. The group hears screams coming from the tree house until the water below consumes the whole tree. "It sounds like you're right, Mabel. It was a hideout. Problem solved."

"Wow! That was... awesome! Thanks!" Mabel says.

"And scary," Shaira adds. "Really, thanks for showing up. You've been very helpful."

"Don't mention it. Glad to help."

"Man, that was cool!" John Paul says. "Can you do that again?"

"You mean... you want to be thrown into the cliff too?" Shaira mocks.

"Very funny. But... hey, that was REALLY cool! That switching places...." John Paul says. "Can you switch the positions of your organs?"

"Is that a joke?" Shaira cuts in.

"By the way, I can't use fire, water or air as objects for switchings," Moises says.

"So... what did you use to save us?" Shaira asks.


"Oh... I see."

"And...Unfortunately, I can't create a bridge."

"I'll make one," Vincent says. He walks near a tree and touches its trunk. "Joshua, make this tree even taller."

Joshua touches the tree, and it quickly shoots up the sky.

"Five kilograms!" Vincent says. The tree falls over easily as Vincent pushes it, exposing the roots from under the ground as if the tree were uprooted by some intense wind. "Now that we have a bridge--"

"Wait, Vince. Make it heavier," Joshua says.


"We don't want the wind to mess with the bridge."

"It's still unsafe. Just look at it," John Paul says. "Too risky."

"Don't worry, I'll get another tree," Vincent says.


"BRING IT ON IF YOU'RE NOT AFRAID OF MY SHOT GUN!!!" Jeric yells. A lot of oversized dead spiders, cockroaches, clowns, snakes and worms litter the place. "Come on! Transform quickly, so I can blow your heads off!"

"It looks like they're taking the shape of our fears. But why are they not attacking you?" Cristina asks.

"I have no fear. Didn't I tell you that?" Jeric says as he shoots a slimy, flying cockroach a bit larger than a fully-grown pig. "Good thing they're attacking one at a time. Less than ten remain. Now move aside before my mind thinks you're a snake. And cover your ears."

Cristina feels like exploding on him, but she chooses to remain silent as she sees Jeric concentrating on shooting a fat clown in yellow pajamas walking toward her. BOOM!!!

"You have something to say, my Queen?"

"You know, I was just wondering if you have this terribly empty feeling-in your skull."

"What was that?"

"No. Never mind. Watch out! There's a giant worm coming. Jennifer, make it stop! Hey, Jennifer, stop crying. Those cockroaches are dead."

"I don't like seeing them. I'm dead serious!" Jennifer cries.


"Thanks a lot! Oh, thank you!" Ryan says. "I thought that was it."

"No problem. Remember that you've saved me and the rest of us many times already. Without your help, maybe, I wouldn't be able to survive. Also, it's fortunate that more than an hour has already passed since I healed Vincent," Kriz says.

"Wow. That was amazing! Really cool," Moises says. "I wish I had that ability too."

"Who are you?" Ryan asks Moises.

Before Moises can answer, Shaira butts in and explains everything.

"Thank you for doing all those things I've just heard," Ryan thanks Moises.

"No. Please. Everyone helped. I should be the one thanking you."

"And now what's the plan?" John Paul cuts in.

"We dive into the cliff, maybe," Shaira says.

"You're really an idiot," John Paul retorts.

"Of course I talk like an idiot. How else would you understand me? Okay, surprise me. Say something intelligent."

"You really have one rotten mouth right there."

"Guys, stop. Let's move. There's a trail over there. Maybe the best thing to do is to follow it," Kriz says.

"Right. Because we don't have a choice," Shaira says. "Let's go."

Not far from the cliff, the group discovers a long structure that looks like a large rectangular concrete prism. A signage nailed on the blue wooden door says: SHORTCUT. GET INSIDE.

"What now?" Joshua asks.

"I don't know. But I'm sure I can't trust this whole place," Vincent says.

"Should we take the trail over there, instead?" asks Mabel. "There's a sign: A TRAIL FOR YOUR DREAMS. CHOOSE ME."

"I'm starting to think that the signs are the real cause of the problem," Shaira mumbles. "A trail for your dreams. What nonsense. This is driving me crazy."

"So we're going inside? But I don't feel good about-" John Paul says.

"Yes. I will. You choose the trail of... dreams. And sleep all you want, maybe," Shaira answers. "I think we should get inside. I bet there's a chair in there. I'm tired."

"Those who want to go inside... raise your hand," Ryan says.

Everyone except John Paul and Vincent agrees with Shaira.

"What are you waiting for? Open the door," John Paul tells Shaira. "Ladies first."

"Sure," Shaira says. "Cowards last." Shaira slowly opens the door, exposing a long white room with nothing in it except a long gray couch in the middle. Five fluorescent bulbs illuminate the place and three large doors can be seen in the far end of the room. "What did I tell you? More than what I expected. A couch."

As soon as everybody gets inside, the door swings and closes by itself.

"Hey, what's happening?" Joshua asks.

"It's locked. I can't open it!" Vincent says.

"This is a trap. Step back, I'll destroy it with my glass," Ryan says.

"STOP! There's no need for that. In fact, you can't destroy it," says a voice in the room. "Welcome to the ROOM OF FRIENDSHIP! Yes, I'm back. Victor Garcia, remember? The Game Master is here again to guide you. In fact, you're actually disturbing me right now. If you took the trail of dreams I wouldn't be talking to you. The time is 8:42 but the mini-game starts at 9:00."

"What mini-game?" Ryan asks.

"This room actually operates from 8:30 am to 9:30 am regardless of the number of players in it, and it is my job to explain what will happen at nine.... At exactly nine o' clock, the room will be permanently closed. Then, the mini-game starts, and ends at 9:30.

"But the door is already closed," Joshua argues.

"No. Not yet. Other players can still enter. But those inside cannot go out anymore. Currently, there are eight players, and there's still a chance for others to come in."

"Okay. So what should we do at nine?" Shaira asks.

"I'll explain the official rules by then. For the meantime, you may relax and eat. You can produce apples, remember? I'll be back soon enough."


"Cristina, did it make you happy that I can create things like the bridge we used to cross the cliff?" Jeric asks. "Without it we wouldn't be able to reach this place.... By the way, tell me, why are you so afraid of clowns? Like, hello? It's a clown! You should be happy. They make people laugh, though... you know, I once saw a child freak out after he'd seen one."

"I have no idea what your problem is... but I bet it has something to do with your brain," Cristina says. "Just keep walking and stay silent for everyone's sake. Can you do that? That simple thing?"

"Okay. For my Queen. I will."

"Can you cut it off? That Queen thing? It's irritating. Okay?"

"Okay, okay. Haha! I love it when you're mad."

"I'm jealous of those people who don't know you."

"Hahaha! Insult me more. It makes my spine tingle."

"You know, I have this feeling that you're a psychopath. Are you-"


"Guys, look!" Jennifer cuts in. "A house or something? It says something about a shortcut. What do you guys think?"

"No. Let's follow the trail right there. I don't trust that thing," Jeric says.

"At last! Okay. Follow the trail and I'll get inside," Cristina says. "Happy Independence Day to me! Jennifer, you want to get in too? Come on. I bet there are no cockroaches in there. All the boys will take the trail. I'm sorry Aeron but I'm just too tired of dealing with that psycho. I'm out. I mean... I'm going in. And Jennifer? You're always welcome to join me. Bye!"


"As I can see, two additional players are in. Cristina and Jennifer, welcome to the group! It's 8:57, and it's almost time. I'll be back," Victor says.

"What's happening?" Cristina asks.

"We don't know. We have to wait until nine o' clock," Moises says.

"Oh, you're here. You managed to stay alive. Nice," Cristina says. "Did you do your tricks again, huh?"

"No. I actually helped them. And I don't do tricks," Moises says.

"Really? Is that so? Well, okay. Just remember that I don't want any headaches from you. You know what I mean, and you don't wanna mess with me."

"Yes. I promise."

"What... are you guys talking about?" Kriz asks Cristina and Moises.

"Nothing. I just want to say that Moises is cool. Dangerously cool."

A minute before nine, the door swings open. Then, a man steps in.

"Cristina, I changed my mind. I think I can't go on without you pestering me," Jeric says.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! GET OUT!!!" Cristina yells. "Get out or I'll kick you out!"

"Whoa, whoa! Hey. Okay. I understand. You just missed me. That's why you're acting like that.... Wait a second. I can't open the door."


"Now that is one hell of an overreaction right there."

"Stay away from me, okay? Please. Stop."

"What? I didn't do anything wrong. I just came in and you started acting like a clown."

"AND THERE YOU GO!!! Eleven players!" Victor cuts in. "Now it's time for you to know the rules...."

"Wait, what's happening?" Jeric asks Cristina.

"I don't know, okay?" Cristina says.

"The rules are simple," Victor continues. "First, all of you should stand at the front door. Now."

Everyone follows.

"Okay. Now the goal is simple. Just enter one of those doors 20 meters away. There are three. Yellow on the left, red on the right and blue in the middle. But here's the catch: Behind the blue door is really a shortcut to my castle. And obstacles are not that dangerous. But only four can go inside. Once four of you get in, it can't be opened anymore. Behind the yellow door, obstacles are a bit hard, and a maximum of six players can enter it. The last door... the red one... is a nightmare. Everyone can enter that door. No limit. As I can see, because there are eleven players, one of you will be forced to enter the red door. You may want to blame Jeric for entering the room and increasing the population. Now, things are a bit complicated, right? If only four players were present, then, things would be easy. Any questions?"

"Now look what you've done," Cristina mumbles as she glowers at Jeric.

"What? Can you blame me?" Jeric whispers.

"Can we use our powers?" Joshua asks Victor.

"Of course. Also, may I remind you that killing a player costs 12 hours. You may also want to ask if you're allowed to destroy the doors. The answer is yes. But you can't. Those doors are indestructible. In fact, the whole place you are in is indestructible. The struggle will last for a maximum of 30 minutes. At 9:30, the place will be filled with poison gas. Now, prepare yourself for a countdown. And before I forgot, this place is called the ROOM OF FRIENDSHIP because it may ruin... friendships. Are you ready? You should be. Because the countdown starts now."




