

10: 33 am

"You really think it's okay to leave them there?" Cristina asks Jeric as she walks alongside him. "Those three.... They could help us."

"You trust them? I don't. We're already here.... What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know.... I just... don't feel good about what happened back there. Don't you feel... terrible? You killed someone."

"I don't care. I didn't have a choice.... Just be thankful I saved you."

"Have you... killed someone before?"

Cristina's question instantly crushes Jeric's mind as though a sledge hammer has just struck him cold, leaving his face tense, his eyebrows clashing and blood steaming. He stops walking and glares at her. "You think I'm a serial killer? HUH?!"

Shocked, Cristina also stops and almost takes a step back. "Whoa.... I'm sorry. You're... scaring me... I didn't mean to say...."

"So just keep quiet, OKAY?" Jeric clenches his teeth, looks straight ahead, and resumes walking.

"Okay." Cristina follows Jeric until she catches up to him. "I didn't mean to hurt you...."

"It's okay. I'm sorry.... I overreacted."

"It's my fault.... But don't scare me like that again.... And remember, I'm still older than you. I hope you know what I mean."

"I don't care if you're older.... Mind your steps."


"I said be careful. This place could be dangerous...."

"I think we're going nowhere. I can't count the number of times we turned right... and then left." Cristina looks around. Thick cobwebs shroud the glowing fluorescent bulbs embedded on the concrete ceiling about four meters above. The brown brick floor and walls form a narrow tunnel, which is just about two meters wide. "This tunnel is endless."

"We are certainly going somewhere," Jeric retorts. "Your noisy mouth.... THAT is endless. Have you ever learned how to shut up?"

"This is me.... Get used to it."

"So you know you are loud."

"And you're annoying. You really are."

"Look who's talking."

"I hope your children don't behave like you. Oh, I miss my children. I swear I won't die in here, and I swear I will--"

"I don't have children."

"Huh? I thought.... For real?"

"What's your problem? Do I look like a father?"

"Yes. I think you do. And you're actually handsome.... Side view."

"Are you insulting me?"

"No. I mean.... You really look nice. Nice nose... muscles... tanned skin.... Do you have a girlfriend, by the way?"

Jeric glances at Cristina, exasperated. "I don't have a girlfriend. Why do you have so many ques--?"

"What? Really? With that... face? Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"No. Do you think this is the right time for that? This place could kill us! So stop talking and just focus on moving forward."

"I'm just curious. How come? Wait... I think I know why you're still single. You are very--"

"I don't care about what you think."

"Maybe you have other problems?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hmm.... I don't know. You have something to tell me?"

Something snaps within Jeric's brain. "I'm not gay, if that's what you're thinking."

"Whoa! I didn't say anything like that.... Why are you so defensive?"

"Maybe they don't like me because I'm weird. Is that what you want to hear? In fact, it's true. I'm weird. I think you already know it."

"Did I say you're weird?"

"I can't tell you the exact reason why people don't like me. Don't make me remember things I don't want to remember."

"Okay.... But... your parents.... Tell me something about them."

"I don't have parents anymore."

Cristina frowns in disbelief. "You don't have parents? Are you kidding me? Do you live on the street?"

"My mother died a year ago. My father left us when I was fifteen. I live on my own.... In our house."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I never thought your life is--"

"It's okay.... I'm used to it."

"So it means you're not worried about anything."

"I'm worried about Wendy."

"Who's Wendy? Your sister?"

"I don't have a sister."

"So who's Wendy? Let me guess. She's your crush. I can't believe I've just said something cheesy. Crush.... CRUSH. Somehow I'm tickled...."

"She's my cat."


Jeric peels off the band-aid sticking just below his left eye and drops it onto the floor, revealing a fresh, deep scratch on his face. "See this? That's how Wendy loves me. She's very sweet."

Cristina looks at Jeric's face. "You know... I don't know what to say anymore."

"Good. At last you will shut up."

"I think you like it whenever I ask you something.... By the way, how do you manage to live all by yourself? Don't tell me you're a thief... or a drug dealer... or..."

"I'm an auto mechanic, damn it!"

"Really? You're a... mechanic? You must be really good. I can feel it."

"You've just thought I was a thief."

"No. I really think you're a good mechanic. The most annoying mechanic. Thanks for answering my questions. I thought you would just stay silent, but you actually did talk to me.... Thanks a lot."

"For what?"

"For helping me. Many times. Maybe you're not that annoying after all."

"You look like my mother.... About... eighty percent."

"Wait. What?"

"There's a door."

"Wait. I look like your mother?"

"There's a door. Maybe that's the end of this tunnel. Let's move faster."

"Hey. Wait. I look like your-"

"My mother was a quiet woman... and modest. And very beautiful."

"What are you implying?"

"What do you think? Back in the cabin I really hated you, because... you know.... But... I'm starting to like you."

"Stop right there.... Stop." Cristina steps in front of Jeric, blocking his way forward. "Don't you dare open that mouth for a second.... You like me? I thought you already know that I'm married and I already have chil--"

"Hey, what are you thinking? I like you as a person, but not the way your inventive mind thinks, damn it!"

10: 36 am

Shaira finally wakes up and her ear-piercing scream practically rouses Vincent and Joshua. Sitting on the floor, trembling and baffled, Shaira fixes her gaze at Moises' dead body lying several meters away. "What happened? Oh my God! Oh my GOD!"

Alarmed, Vincent and Joshua shakily stand up, both disoriented and hurt.

"Oh... my... head...." Vincent struggles to say. His eyes immediately spot the most conspicuous sight in the room, instantly sending chills into his spine. "Whoa! What... happened to him?" Vincent scans the room and sees three mannequins scattered around. "How did we win?"

"We didn't win.... Remember the rules," Shaira says, slowly standing up. "Ugh! My back really hurts. I hate that 'wall man', I swear!"

"Who killed him?" Vincent slowly walks toward Moises' body, checks it, and lets out a grimace. "Oh, man...."

"I'm not sure...."

"It's a gunshot," Joshua says. "Look at his head. The man who can create things.... He must have shot him."

"No," Shaira says. "The small girl. Maybe she manipulated Moises into killing himself. She could control other people. I so much hate her."

"Really? She was that dangerous?" Vincent mumbles. "Hey, Joshua, your lips are still bleeding. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I think I'm fine... though my head feels a bit dizzy." Joshua wipes his lips with his arm. "But don't mind me. What about you?"

"My back still hurts, but I think we should go now," Shaira cuts in. "We can't just... stay here."

"Wait a second," Vincent says. "Before we go...." Vincent walks toward the mannequin that looks like Justine. Then, he kicks it forcibly, sending it banging against the east wall. "Now that feels good.... Okay. Let's go."

Meanwhile, Jeric and Cristina enter a square room, illuminated by a single incandescent bulb embedded on the concrete ceiling. The room looks like a wider section of the tunnel. Across the room are a wooden door and a steel door, positioned a meter away from each other. At the center of the room stands a large steel bird cage, its apex almost touching the ceiling. Its door is wide open and inside it are four large red push buttons protruding from the floor.

"What in the world is this?" Jeric mutters.

"Isn't it obvious? It's a bird cage without a bird. Do you have a bird? Aside from... your cat?" Cristina mocks.

"Ssssh! Quiet. Look at the buttons."

"Hey, are you going in? Stop!"

"I'm not going in. Did I say I'm going in? I said look at the buttons."

"What about the buttons?"

"That one has an 'A' written on it. Then that other one has 'B'. And then... that one over there has 'C' and the last one has 'D' on it."

"And I don't care if they have letters on them. What's the big deal? Let's move forward. The wooden door or the steel one?" Cristina walks straight toward the wooden door and touches its knob. "Let's choose this one."

"Wait! Don't just-"

"It's locked."


"Then the other door must be open." Cristina tries to turn the knob of the steel door. "It's locked. What are we gonna do?"

"If you think for a moment you will know what to do. Come back here.... These buttons must have something to do with those doors."

"What do you mean?" Cristina walks back near the cage. "We need to press them?"

"Ssssh! I'm thinking. Maybe we have to choose one."

"I have a bad feeling about this. I feel like something will surprise us to death if we push one. And DON'T step inside, I'm telling you, Jeric. I don't trust this cage."

"So what should we do? Stay here forever? I don't have to step in it if I want to push one."


"Watch me." Jeric produces a rock above button 'A', pressing it immediately. Cristina moves several steps away from the cage, scared of what might happen.

"I think it's the wrong button. Nothing is happening. Try another one."

Jeric does the same thing for buttons 'B', 'C, and 'D', but still, nothing happens.

"It's not gonna work!" says a man, his voice reverberating in the room like a sound from an invisible radio. The rocks that Jeric produced vanish like puffs of smoke. "No objects created by superpowers stay long in that cage. And a player MUST get inside it in order for the buttons to work. I was actually enjoying the scene in the trail of dreams, but I noticed that I have to tell you something to make things fair. So here I am, talking to you. I will not repeat the rules so many times, so listen very carefully."

Cristina and Jeric look at each other, apprehensive of what's coming.

"Behind the wooden door is a tunnel connected to the shortcut. It's actually connected to the path behind the blue door. Remember the blue door from before? Behind that wooden door, you will walk for five minutes without experiencing horrible surprises, and then you'll be out in the open. At last! Behind the steel door is also a tunnel, but things are nasty in it. Worse, you will most probably get out after an hour or two. That is... IF you manage to stay alive."

"But the doors are locked," Cristina says.

"Exactly. That's why you need to press one of those buttons. At least one of you should enter the cage and press one."

"What if I choose the wrong one?" Jeric asks.

"I can actually tell you what will happen if you press a button. If you press button 'A', the wooden door will unlock permanently, but the cage will immediately lock you up. Then you will stay there for five hours. And five hours is not a joke, mind you.... Choose button 'B' and the steel door will open. The cage won't lock you up but half an hour will be added to your time. Good deal, isn't it? Or is it? After choosing button 'C', both doors will swing open, but the cage will lock up the one inside. People outside the cage will have to pass through the steel door. Doing the opposite will mean instant death. But the one who pressed the button can pass through the wooden door after an hour, after the cage door unlocks. Complicated, isn't it? If I were inside that cage, I would definitely choose that button 'C'. Better safe than sorry.... After all, I don't have friends."

"And button 'D'?" Jeric asks.

"Well, that last button.... If you choose that, the cage will not lock you up. But the wooden door will open after seven hours. I repeat: SEVEN HOURS. Sounds boring, right?"

"Can we just destroy the doors?"

"You can attempt to that but you will certainly fail. Those doors are indestructible."

Victor repeats the rules for the second and third time. "That's it. Choose wisely. I have to go and watch those people in the trail of dreams. They're quite good, by the way."

Silence quickly descends upon the room. Then, Cristina opens her mouth. "What now, Jeric?"

"I'll go in."

"What will you choose?"

"I'm thinking."

"Don't you dare press that button 'C'."

Jeric steps into the cage, sweating and edgy.

"Hey, Jeric. Choose button 'B'. Maybe we can survive the tunnel behind the steel door. Choose button 'B'. I know we can survive in there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm powerful too, remember? We can do this together."

"Are you really sure? There could be monsters in there?"

"YOU are the worst monster I've ever known. I trust you. And don't you dare betray me. If you choose 'C' I will kill you."

"Okay, okay. Just... shut up, okay? This is not easy."

"Just do it!"

Jeric lifts his right foot and positions it a few centimeters above button 'B'. Jeric looks back at Cristina, smiles, and steps on a button.


10: 39 am

Ryan slowly opens his eyes. He can feel the cold, dusty floor pressed against his cheek. His blurry vision catches a vague figure of a small person standing meters away from him. At once, memories of his ordeal surge into his brain, telling him that his struggle is not yet over, and he has to get up as soon as possible. He unsteadily presses his hands against the floor, attempting to pull himself up. Soon enough, Ryan is able to sit on the floor while leaning against the wall near the door.

Unwilling to take risks, Ryan instantly creates five large glass nails in front of him, hovering and pointed at Liezel. At once, he sends them flying straight to her. Having seen the threat, Liezel quickly sends her smoke ring in front of her, easily swallowing the glass nails passing through it. Then, without warning, Liezel rushes toward Ryan, both of her arms oozing green smoke through their pores.

Startled, Ryan quickly encloses himself in a large glass prism. Liezel continues running and slows down as she approaches the glass shield. Liezel stares at Ryan who is still slumped on the floor. Ryan stares back, cautious and distressed. Then, Liezel smiles victoriously as she looks up at her yellow smoke ring inside Ryan's prism, hovering near a corner. Without delay, the smoke ring turns blue and five oversized glass nails dart toward Ryan, devastating his head and torso. Right away, thick blood gushes and spurts out of Ryan's impaled body....

Ryan screams out of his nightmare, so terrified that he forces himself to stand up as quickly as possible. However, with his pierced hip and torso, all he can do is slump on the floor and lean against the wall. He breathes heavily as he sees Liezel across the room, standing silently. Ryan wastes no time to enclose himself in a large glass prism. He then remembers the tragic end to his nightmare, making him check frantically whether Liezel's smoke ring managed to sneak inside his defense. He exhales, relieved, upon seeing that the yellow smoke ring is hovering near the ceiling above Liezel's head.

"No. This is not... the end for me," Ryan mumbles. "I... will... go home...." Ryan's glowers at Liezel, fed up and enraged. Then, glass spikes suddenly emerge on the north, east and west walls. Larger spikes materialize and saturate the ceiling. Unsatisfied, Ryan creates glass spikes on the floor outside Liezel's red circle. "Now... don't tell me you can dodge all of them using your pathetic hula-hoop...."

10:45 am

"Let's go," John Paul says. His left hand is still covering the wound in his right arm. "I'm rank 12. Almost at the bottom. We'd better go."

"Are you serious?" Kriz asks in disbelief, wrinkling her forehead. "Your arm is not yet--"

"Jennifer is fine and you've just healed Mabel. I can't wait an hour more. Besides, my wound is not that--"

"No. Your arm is in bad shape," Mabel says. "Are you sure you want to go now?"

"I know we decided to stay here until everyone is healed. But... I'm worried about-"

"The ranking?" Jennifer asks. "We still have lots of time. It's not even afternoon yet. What's the rush?"

"I just.... Are you sure you want to stay here? I swear I can manage myself...."

"We're concerned about you," Jennifer says. "What if something bad happens as soon as we exit that door?"

"I thought this is the safest place." John Paul argues. "Wait...." John Paul starts unbuttoning his gray polo with his left hand.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jennifer asks.

"Bandage my right arm with... this...." John Paul takes off his polo, revealing his perfect physique and sweaty, sculpted abs.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Why? Something's wrong?"

"The hell...." Jennifer can't help but stare at John Paul's exposed upper body. Mabel and Kriz do the same, overwhelmed by the sight of a half-naked model. "Do you really have to sacrifice your polo for--"

"It's okay. I'll put it on after I'm healed. Help me, so that we can go."

"My God...."


"Nothing...." Jennifer gets the polo and starts bandaging John Paul's wound with it. "You smell really good...."


"Nothing.... By the way, what's your name again?"

"My name? Oh, I'm John Paul. Thanks for helping us. Without you, we might have already died."

"Don't say that. We all helped one another. How old are you, by the way?"

"I'm 22."


Jennifer continues bandaging John Paul's arm. "Is it tight?"

"No. Just right. Ouch! Wait, wait. Ugh! Careful."

"Sorry.... By the way, what perfume do you use?"


"It really smells good."

"Really? I don't know. My sponsors give me clothes and perfumes for my modeling career."

"I'm not surprised you're a model. You're really in good shape. I'm... impressed...."

"Oh. Thanks.... Does that mean you like me?"

John Paul's question forces Kriz and Mabel to cringe in embarrassment.

"Why on earth did you think I like you?" Jennifer asks. "Are you always like that?"

"Never mind. Sorry. Ouch! It's a bit tight. Slow down...."

"I'm sorry. My muscles got a bit tense."

"Okay.... Yesterday, I watched a weird video online during my break time and then I ended up here. I still don't understand all of these."

"Neither do I.... Okay. That's it. Good to go."

"Thanks.... Let's go."

"Are you serious?" Mabel asks.

"What's the point of this bandage if I'm planning to stay here? We should go.... Now.

About twenty minutes back...

Joriz frantically dashes alongside Aeron who is carrying Johnrey in his arms. Joriz is certain that if Johnrey hadn't cleared another path, they could have already been caught and suffocated by thick, slimy cobwebs. The thought of being consumed by an oversized spider while rubbing against its hairy feet gives him unspeakable chills, driving his brain on the verge of madness. Joriz points his hands behind him and blindly shoots barrage of slime balls in an attempt to glue the remaining monstrous brown recluse spiders that have been chasing them for several minutes now. The largest of them has a body size like that of a typical office table, and feet that span a length of almost a meter. Luckily, they crawl a bit slower than a running human being, giving Aeron the chance to blaze five of them and Johnrey to blow away ten more. Only five remain, incessantly pursuing their targets.

"Johnrey, do that again! They're dodging my slimes.... I really... hate spiders. I'm gonna die!" Joriz yells, sweat dripping from his face.

"He's still... in pain," Aeron pants hard. "Just glue them to the ground!"

"But they're-Aaaargh!" Joriz trips and falls to the ground head on, brushing against the crisp, brown leaves and blades of grass.

"Joriz!" Aeron stops running, drops Johnrey onto the ground and randomly shoots the spiders with a torrent of fireballs. "Just stop coming baaaack!!!" The fireballs hit all the spiders and blow them apart as if they were struck by hand grenades. "Joriz, are you okay?"

Joriz can only groan in pain. His right upper cheek is bleeding, and his body is covered with dirt.

"Get up. They're gone," Aeron says.

"Thanks for throwing me," Johnrey mutters, trying to stand up. "What happened to him?"

"He swam," Aeron retorts. "Hey Joriz... Here.... Let me help you.... Can you walk?" Aeron removes the dust off Joriz' clothes.

"My head...." Joriz grunts as he tries to stand up, lightheaded and wobbly. "Oh...."

"We have to keep moving.... Can you walk?"

"I don't know...."

"Do I need to carry you?"

"No, no, no! I'm fine. I'm fine. I can walk."

"How about you?" Aeron asks Johnrey. "Are you okay now?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Where should we go?"

"I don't know...." Aeron pauses for several seconds, scans the place, and faces Johnrey. "Continue clearing this path. If we can't find the way back, we create a new one. Now blow those trees away so that-"



"It's very... painful. Can't we just walk through--"

"It's risky. We have no choice."


"You've done it and you'll do it again. Now clear this path before it's too late!"

Johnrey scratches his head and exhales. "Wait.... Where's my bull cap?"

"What bull cap?"

"My black bull cap. I can't lose it."


"Let's go back."

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!!" Aeron growls.

"I can't lose it." Johnrey stares blankly at Aeron.

"What's happening to you?" Joriz asks Johnrey.

Suddenly, the forest is filled with high-pitched chuckles like a crowd of children is laughing at them. Joriz scans the tree trunks. Nothing. Aeron checks the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees. Nothing. The laughter continues and gets louder and louder every passing second.

"I'm going back," Johnrey mumbles, staring blankly at a distant tree. "My bull cap...."

"Hey. HEY! Listen. We have to go," Aeron says, looking Johnrey in the eye. "I won't force you to clear the path anymore. Just pull yourself together and keep moving, okay?"

"No. Stay out of my way." Johnrey aims his palm at Aeron's face. "I'm going back."

"Damn!" Aeron steps aside, taken aback. "OKAY! Leave, you moron!"

The laughter gathers more power until the place becomes intolerably loud.

"What's this?" Joriz mumbles upon spotting a small dart stuck to Johnrey's nape. "Aeron, look at this. There's something in his-"

"Step back," Aeron says. Then, he lifts his arm and points his palm at Joriz' face. "I will burn you."

"What? Hey, what's happening? Whoa!" Joriz says, startled. He slowly steps back, his heart pounding fast.

Johnrey starts walking back, and Aeron lifts his other arm until both his palms are pointing at Joriz. "I will burn you down."

Joriz steps back further, sweating and confused. His heart thumps violently within his chest. "What's wrong with you?"