


He didn't win Raw star,he was 1st runner up. He was confused what is his next move or what should he do, he was happy outside. But deep down he was sad as the wish he was waiting hasn't arrived yet. Suddenly a text blinked at his phone and it was the from the person he was waiting. With full excitement he opened to see the persons wishes, but the message was least expected.

' I am sorry Darsh, we can't we together even in future.I love you and will always remain your biggest fan.It's not because of my age that I am leaving you, it's because of our traditions, which supports a girls marriage at 20s rather than her studies. Yes my father has fixed my marriage. Even if you call my dad its no use, as he said our society will mock at me for marrying a younger boy, I will be termed cougar. Never be sad I left, be happy at least for me, so when I see in on screen I will be the happiest person on earth.Never call me again, nor text me, I am abandoning all my accounts related to you. wishing you all the luck,remember I will be you number one fan always.

with love


Darshan felled as if whole world has crushed before him, but decided to be happy as she said,so she can be happy. He decided to be a bazigar instead of Devdas.

(30th November 2014, the day two lives where changed forever, the day two souls where apart forever.)