
Game of Destiny : what did I do wrong?

The only thing I want is Love, recognition and respect. but do you know it was only given to those who has money in this world. ***** Ahhh! I cried out! My forehead was in intense pain. soon the blood covered my eyes as the wound on my forehead start bleeding. I looked at my mother, who is the cause of my bleeding forehead. She started at me with sneer and spat out what are you looking for? It is what you deserve an ungratefull child. my heart felt cold. I couldn't understand what went wrong? how can a mother be so heartless? that even her daughter bloodied face couldn't soften her heart. when her relationship with her mother drifted so far? Her mother was never like this. then what changed? her mother or her. It's journey of mine, Chen Hua. who had just graduate from her high school and enter the society of adults. how could she survive in the world, where adult change face like clothes. Their true nature deeply hidden behind a facade. When she found out that their is no one in this world for you not even your parents. But when she meet the notorious heir of the billion dollars real estates. what will happen. will he change her perspective of the world or prove it right?

Violet_Melody99 · Urban
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7 Chs

A warm meal?

As Chen Hua made her way home after her shift at work, the midday sun beat down on the bustling streets, casting long shadows on the road. Despite the fatigue weighing heavily on her shoulders, the sight of her humble apartment building brought a sense of relief.

As she approached the entrance, she noticed a familiar figure lingering near the doorway. It was her elder brother, Chen Wei, whom she hadn't seen in what felt like an eternity. A rush of joy surged through her veins at the sight of him, forgetting the weariness that had plagued her throughout the day.

Without hesitation, Chen Hua quickened her pace, her heart pounding with excitement. Ignoring the curious glances of passersby, she ran towards her brother, her arms outstretched in anticipation of the embrace she had longed for.

"Elder brother" she exclaimed, unable to contain her happiness any longer.

Chen Wei turned at the sound of her voice, a warm smile spreading across his face. His eyes lit up with affection as he opened his arms to welcome her.

"Hua'er!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with equal parts surprise and delight. "It's been too long."

With a joyous laugh, Chen Hua threw herself into her brother's embrace, feeling the familiar comfort of his presence wash over her like a soothing balm. For a moment, all the worries and struggles of the day melted away, replaced by the simple joy of being reunited with her beloved brother.

As they held each other tightly, Chen Hua couldn't help but marvel at how much her brother had grown since they last saw each other. His once-boyish features had matured into those of a confident young man, his eyes reflecting a wisdom and strength that spoke of the challenges he had faced.

Breaking the embrace, Chen Wei held her at arm's length, studying her with a mixture of pride and concern.

"You look tired, Hua'er," he observed, his brow furrowing with worry. "Have you been working too hard again?"

Chen Hua nodded, a sheepish smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Just trying to make ends meet," she admitted, grateful for her brother's understanding.

Chen Wei's expression softened."You shouldn't have to shoulder the burden alone," he said gently, his voice filled with warmth. "We're family, Hua'er. Let us share the load."

Touched by her brother's words, Chen Hua felt tears prickle at the corners of her eyes. Despite the hardships they faced, there was an unbreakable bond that bound them together.

With a grateful nod, Chen Hua leaned into her brother's embrace once more, drawing strength from the warmth of his presence.

As they stood together in the fading light of the afternoon, Chen Hua couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope stirring within her. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew that as long as she had her brother by her side, she could face them with courage and determination.

And as they entered the apartment together, the aroma of a home-cooked meal wafting through the air.

As Chen Hua and her brother stepped into the apartment, their reunion was abruptly interrupted by the sharp sound of their mother's voice.

"What took you so long?" she snapped, her tone laced with irritation. "We're about to eat, and you're dawdling outside like a bunch of strays."

Chen Hua's heart sank at the harshness in her mother's words, the warmth of her brother's presence fading under the weight of her mother's disapproval.

"We're sorry, Mother," Chen Wei interjected, trying to diffuse the tension. "We lost track of time catching up."

But their mother's icy demeanor remained unchanged as she turned her steely gaze towards Chen Hua.

"And you," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "Instead of loitering around, why don't you help set the table? Or is that too much to ask for someone as lazy as you?"

Chen Hua bit her lip, fighting back the surge of hurt and frustration threatening to overwhelm her. She knew better than to argue with her mother, knowing that it would only escalate the situation further.

With a resigned sigh, she nodded silently, her shoulders slumping under the weight of her mother's cold gaze. Without another word, she hurried to the kitchen to fetch the dishes, her heart heavy with the familiar ache of disappointment.

As she set the table in silence, her mind drifted back to the hurtful words exchanged earlier, the wounds still raw and stinging. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed she could never escape the suffocating grip of her mother's disapproval, her every action scrutinized and criticized.

And as they gathered around the table to share their meal, Chen Hua forced a smile onto her lips.

The atmosphere in the cramped apartment seemed to shift, the tension of earlier moments giving way to a fragile sense of harmony. Chen Hua took her seat quietly, her eyes downcast as she tried to keep her emotions in check.

Her father sat at the head of the table, his weathered face softened by a rare smile of welcome. Beside him, her mother bustled about, serving up heaping portions of steaming dishes with practiced efficiency. Her movements were fluid, her expression one of maternal pride as she doted on her eldest son, Chen Wei.

Chen Wei's return home after almost a year had brought a sense of excitement and anticipation to the household. His job in the big city was the source of much admiration and envy among their neighbors, and his presence at the dinner table was a rare treat for the family.

As her mother lavished attention on Chen Wei, Chen Hua couldn't help but feel a pang of envy tugging at her heart. She longed for the same affection and approval that her brother effortlessly commanded, but she knew that he had worked hard for this too.

With a heavy sigh, Chen Hua watched in silence as her mother served up dish after dish, each one more tantalizing than the last. The aroma of savory meats and fragrant spices filled the air, teasing her senses and stirring a gnawing hunger in the pit of her stomach.

Her mother also surved her second brother, "Chen Liwei".Who was almost lost in his phone. No even caring to eat properly.

But as her mother passed by her without so much as a glance, Chen Hua's appetite waned, replaced by a bitter taste of resentment that soured her mood. She couldn't help but feel invisible in her own home, overshadowed by the presence of her mother.

As the meal progressed, Chen Hua tried to blend into the background, her voice lost in the lively chatter and laughter that filled the room. Her mother's attention remained firmly fixed on Chen Wei, her every word and gesture a confirmation to her deep love and pride.

hello! dear lovely readers. what do you thing about the relationship between Chen Hua and her elder brother.

Let me know. Enjoy reading ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ

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