
Game Master of Souls

The Lord of Death is dead and the Abyss is in turmoil. While its most powerful denizens vie for control over Death’s seat, a young reaper named Morgana sees a golden opportunity. She hatches a plan to rise above the ranks of Death’s former servants and travels to the mortal plane in search of the perfect soul to become her accomplice. Leonardo Dante, the world’s greatest game developer, is dying tonight. As a young man he sold his soul to Death for more time to chase his dream. But as the sun sets on his life for the final time, he meets a strange teenage girl who offers him a choice; be reaped by her and join countless lost souls in the Abyss or help her bring order to Death’s domain by duping foolish mortals called gamers into selling their souls to her. Despite being conflicted by this fiendish request, Leo’s desire to finish his dream outweighs any guilty conscience, and so the pair forms a strange new partnership. Together they set out to create the ultimate gaming experience! RELEASE SCHEDULE: Daily Chapter releases at 9 - 10 PM GMT+8 Participating in the Webnovel #Spirity Awards for Spring 2020 -- so if you like the book so far, please don't forget to vote stones. Want to read more of my works? Check out THE FOOLHARDIES (ML-Fantasy) only on Webnovel. NEW COVER by OKAZE_ARTS - Sean Lumiano. Check him out on Instagram! Follow me on Twitter "@WhoisGDCruz" for updates on Game Master of Souls and Foolhardies.

GD_Cruz · Games
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Raid Prep  

[[QUEST: RACE TO THE TOP OF THE TOWER OF SORCERY] [TYPE: TEN-MAN RAID] [RANK: B-] [The Raven Queen plots the demise of Adventour from within her Tower of Sorcery, a ten-floor repository of forbidden arcane knowledge found near the top of the lowest peak of the Pitchfork mountain. Morgana, the benevolent ruler of Adventour, commands the Covens to launch a preemptive strike on the Raven Queen's forces and lay siege to the Tower of Sorcery with the goal of reaching its top floor and claiming it for Adventour.] 

[QUEST REQUIREMENTS: Participants must be part of a registered Coven. Ten members are required for each raid team. Only one raid team per Coven is allowed. Raid Teams must register at the Pitchfork Outpost by **/**/**, one week from now.] 

[QUEST REWARDS: Sorcerer's Grimoire x1, Unique Spellcaster's Relic x1, Epic Arcane Relic x2, ToS Conqueror's Trophy, ToS Exclusive Tabard for Coven, free Covenstead at ToS Outpost, and one-time Reaper's Blessing for Coven.]