
The True Story game supplies players with memory prompts and introduces basic, intermediate and advanced storytelling techniques, slowly increasing the level of difficulty with every round of stories.

So my gaming life is perhaps a bit different from your typical "hardcore gamer". You heard it all the time when hardcore gamers talked about their game history: I started playing Atari when I was 2 years old, I played video games before video games was considered cool, I'm such huge nerd and everyone bully me for it and I stick with it… I only play the hardest hardcore games… blah blah blah…

No… My grandma was quite strict about what I could and could not do. I didn't even get to watch cartoons. It's all about study and piano. My dad got me a PC when I was in middle school (that was the 90s), so the first game I played is minesweeper. But of course, minesweeper doesn't count.

The first "real" video game I played was The 7th Guest

I didn't speak English, other than some simple words and phrases. Not enough to understand what the game is about. And that's before the time of google. Remember Netscape? and Dial-up Connection? But I managed to beat it through trial and error.

And then after graduating high school, finally done with the dreadful college entrance exam (Gaokao), my dad gave me some money and said I could buy whatever I wanted. So I went to the video game store, and bought a legal copy of Tomb Raider and Blade Runner. It's a rather surreal experience. Just around the corner of that software store, in a small dark room, bunch of people dig into cardboard boxes for pirated version of the same game (and much more) for fraction of the price. But perhaps I was a little stuck-up even as a teenager, and I insisted I must buy legal version. Even the store clerk gave me the looks, as if I was stupid or something. I think some of them even asked if I knew about the "room with cardboard boxes" where I could get the same thing much cheaper.

But it took me another 3 years, moving to US, move to dorm, get a relatively decent computer, and I picked up my passion for point and click Adventure Games. I dig into reduced games section in video game store, started to play Myst and older RPGs like Baldur's Gate.

And two years later, I saved up enough money and bought myself a secondhand Xbox. The first game I played was Splinter Cell. That's when I started to really enjoy stealth games, still do.

One year later, I got myself a secondhand PS2.

And I've been on both platform ever since.

Now I pre-order games, but can only finish handful of games every year.

I never quite consider myself a "hardcore" gamer, simply because I don't identify with the "hardcore" gamer group and their gatekeeping mentality. I'm just a regular gamer, who plays console games, PC games, mobile games, F2P games… I want to continue to play video games until I die