
Game developer of the era

Mark woke up in a parallel world with a game developer system. Follow in Mark's footsteps as he grows from a shop owner to the biggest game company CEO in the world. System: Host , now that you became the greatest game developer on earth it's time to move on to the next one.... Discord link : https://discord.gg/QuVqd5vk

Strike4_Blood · Games
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Mission complete and reward

The next morning, as Mark woke up and descended the stairs to make himself a coffee, he was surprised to see Adrian standing in front of the door with approximately 50 people lined up behind him.

Mark quickly checked the time and realized that it was still 20 minutes before he was supposed to open.

He was taken aback as he looked at the long line of people waiting outside his cafe. Mark couldn't understand why there were so many people there, especially since it was still early in the morning.

He approached Adrian, who was at the front of the line, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"W... What is this? How come there are so many people today?" Mark asked Adrian, his confusion evident in his voice.

Adrian, who had a wide grin on his face, turned towards Mark and said :

"Well ... i could not contain my excitement after experiencing something like that yesterday, so I posted on my social media some news about the game and how it is very unique."

"Looks like the response has been a bit overwhelming…" said Adrian a bit embarrassed.

Mark's confusion turned into a mix of surprise and delight as he realized that the long line of people outside his game cafe were eagerly waiting to try the game he spent so much effort on.

Of course, he would not say that he himself made the game but he felt a sense of accomplishment and pride knowing that his hard work and determination were paying off.

Mark, caught up in the excitement of the moment, had forgotten to ask Adrian why there were so many people responding to his social media post.

He had always been cautious about taking social media news as true, but little did he know that Adrian had a reputation among his circle of friends as a very strict game critic.

With everyone eyes on him, Mark forgot about the coffee and opened the door of the cafe.

His heart was filled with excitement as he realized that his mission could finally be completed today or tomorrow.

"I wonder what the reward will be" Mark thought to himself.

"Everyone! Please wait in line, everyone will get a chance to play the game today!!"

* People chatting*

"Man ... do you think all this hype is worth it? I mean it's just another game, no matter how good it is it can't be too different from the rest of the games we played."

"Bro, what are you talking about?"

"Do you not know how strict Adrian is when it comes to rating a game? He wants to become a professional game critic after all."

"I guess so..."

"Also, from what I heard that you can become the character in the game. Like in that novel you were reading!!"

"What!?! No waayyy man, that's not possible!"


Mark observed everyone from the front desk. Some people were excited to try the game, some were doubting it , while others came just for the fun of being in the crowd around many friends.

Mark patiently turn on the computers and entered the game for everyone.

No mistake, each and every person who tried the game had the same expression on their face.



When the rest of the people heard that they all went crazy. They could enter the game and live as that character.

This was like living a second life. Who did not want after coming from work to enter the game and release some frustration by killing a few monsters or maybe they could try the alcohol in that world.

So many new things to do that you could not do in real life.

Time passed quickly and seeing so many people gathered inside Mark cafe, the passerby's were curious as what was happening.

Mark new game was well appreciated and some people even asked who made the game and where they could buy it, but Mark said he did not know who made the game as the person wanted to remain anonymous.

After hearing Mark, the costumers were disappointed that they could not buy the game but since they could still play it here they soon recovered and went back to spectate the other players who's time almost finished.

Closing hours came fast and after the last costumer left and Mark closed the door he heard a message from the system :

~ Congratulations Host for completing you first mission. ~

Mission completion : 100%

Time needed : 8/14 days

Mission rank : E

completion rank : A+

~ Generating reward.... Please wait!


- 1 free café upgrade ticket

-5000 points

-First game award trophy


- 5 extra computers

(P/N- Mission rank its not the same as completion rank. Mission rank refers to the mission difficulty while mission completion takes into account factors like Extra time remaining, Extra people who bought the game, mission difficulty, Time limit, game quality , etc )