
SAD DAYS (Chapter 1)

After all these years,Mama Grieved for a cry of a baby in her arms,it's been for about Ten years she can't conceive a child After her marriage ,Her Family called her Barrel,everyone in the Village called her all sorts of names,she is tired of all the names,she can hardly sleep,because every time she set her eye closed,all the names she is been called,keeps coming like a flash back to her,but despite all the pain,the troubles,stress,nightmares she under goes daily she still didn't give up on God,she always pray to God for him to bless her with a child, even if it's just one child that God should blessed her and the Husband,for that they will forever be great full to their maker,Her husband loves her,care for her and understands everything that she is going through,he always tell her that it's not her fault for not bearing a child for him,God got a reason for everything that happens,and he always tell his Wife that they should not loose faith,he believes that God is going to bless them with a hardworking,Awesome, lucky and well talented handsome bouncing baby boy,despite the facts that she always wanted a female child,but she later Pray for what ever child that he give to them,they will forever worship him,Months gone by and God finally answer her prayers she got pregnant and everyone in the village were left shocked and devastated because they call her witches,but this time on God finally does his wonders,At the time of labor,she now finally feels the pain of a motherhood, she cried when she saw her boy crying for first time,She cried for tears of joy and the baby always cried a welcome cry to the world of mystery,the world fully of Hate,the world of suffering,a place where the poor have no saying no right,no freedom of speech,no love and support from our fellow man kind,at that moment she surrender her lovely son to his maker to always watch over him,and grant him the talent that is beyond man imagination,God should make him a brilliant and he should have the fear of God in him,and blessed him with a heart that will always willing to others that needs help at all time…


MARGARET: Honey,Come on am running late,you know I have to go to the market and buy some of the Food stuffs that we will need at home

DENNIS:I'm really sorry love that I have waste my baby's precious time,Come on don't be angry you know I love you more than anything else in this world,So I don't want to see you sad My World,Come on give me that beautiful smile that gives me Joy every time I see it

MARGARET:You know I will always smile for you my darling all I want is to see you happy,I love you so much, you have always loved me unconditionally,cared for me,defends me when ever am defenseless,you are always ready to put your life on the line for me,even when your family called me barrel,people out here in the village say all sorts of things that destroys me emotionally you are always by my side to console my weakling soul,Thank you for loving me this much(she talk with emotions) I promise I will always love you now and till my last breath,I just feels so useless right now,If only I can give you a Child,that is the only way I can pay you back for everything you have sacrificed so far for me,or maybe if I could've given birth your mother will love as she use to be before,Am really sorry for making you choose me over your family

DENNIS:Stop saying words they might hurt you the more, I am here for you and this where I will always be,am not complaining All I believe is that when it's God's time he will blessed us with our own Child,God will bless us with a Baby boy

MARGARET:But you know I always wanted a baby girl,my baby that will be with me everywhere I go,I will play and plait her hair all day

DENNIS:Every Child is a blessing,so what ever child God grant us with I will forever be great full to him,so my love don't loose faith,God is Gonna visit us someday

MARGARET:O'wow thank you very much love,thank you for understanding me,Love am running late you know I have to prepare food for us,and I don't want you to stay hungry so let me just rush to the market so I'll come back early and prepare your favorite dish,I know you're gonna love it

DENNIS:Hmm baby I can't wait to have you and my favorite dish,Ok so how muchwill you need, you know what just buy what ever thing you will need in the market..Come here give me a hug(kiss her)

MARGARET:Thank you! I'll be back real soon (THEN SHE LEFT FOR THE MARKET )

Everyone in the Market place starts talking about her the moments she arrives at the market, some even call her a childless mother,while some of the market women ignorantly ignored selling some of the Items to her,they call her all the names,they say she is a witch that she have eaten all her children in her womb,she left the market place so peace off,emotionally stressed,so on her way back home she was crying so bitterly that she even have intention of taking her own life,so as she keeps crying and heading home,she now saw a man on the road side dressed like a mad man holding a soccer ball,the man now asked her for money…

MAD MAN:Hello! Dear

MARGARET:Hi(with a crying tune)

MAD MAN:am sorry,but why are you crying,can you please spear me some coins so I could buy water to drink am very thirsty

MARGARET:Sure ! But hmm I don't have much cash with me I just came from the market I used the money I have in buying food stuffs,but I have a little change with me here,I know this won't be enough but please just manage it ok.

MAD MAN:Thank you,you're a good woman,you are blessed

MARGARET:So you can use the cash to buy the water ummm I think I bought a bread in the market for myself but you can have it,here take it you need more than I do

MAD MAN: Thank you very much I really appreciate,do you know I have been out here for the past 1 week now,and nobody have never given me money nor do they reply any of my greetings..

MARGARET:Oh am really sorry for that,people can be so wicked and heartless sometimes

MAD MAN:but you're are different,Your prayers,wishes And joy have all been answered,Here take this soccer ball it's a gift from me to him,when he grow up tell him that a mad man said I should give you this soccer ball as a life time gift,teach him to love the ball cause the ball is in and within him,born with it,all your wishes are granted don't forget always do good because you never know what that good might bring back to you,and teach Jonathan the ways of God to always do good and believe in himself,he will be the next G.O.A.T of his generation,we will always guide him

MARGARET:I..Iiii (stumbling)don't what you saying,who is Jonathan

MAD MAN:The Next G.O.A.T,Thank you for the food and the money,Bye!

As Margaret turns around the Mad man disappears.The mad man is an Angel of the lord who came in a form of a mad man,God hard the cry of Margaret and her husband Dennis,but God wanted to test her Royalty,and she passes the test,at that moment Margaret saw the mad man disappear she then ran quickly home,she reached home breathing very heavily,that led the husband in asking about why she is running and breathing so heavily…

MARGARET:Help oo help,help ghost o ghost(heavily shouting)

DENNIS:What! What's wrong,what ghost are you talking about,and why are you having a football in your hands

MARGARET:(She is shot of words)Honey,honey

DENNIS:why are you nervous,what's wrong tell me,talk to me please,You know I don't like seeing you in this state,please honey talk to me

MARGARET:Honey see eh,as I was coming back from the market,I now saw a mad man along the road side,he asked me to spear him some coins that he needs to drink water he is very thirsty,so I now give him the money,and the bread I bought in the market for myself,after that he now say that am a good woman that I should never stop doing good,and God have finally answer our prayers,then he gave me this soccer ball,he said it for Jonathan,I don't even who Jonathan is,that Jonathan will be G.O.A.T (greatest of all time )of this generation,that was when he disappeared,then I ran home for my life,Thinking he is a ghost

DENNIS:Thank you God,Thank you!

MARGARET:and why are you thanking God

DENNIS:Babe come can't you see the reality that God have finally blessed us with a child,a boy child for that matter,I am gonna be a Father soon

MARGARET:how are you even sure?,and do you know that it's a boy child

DENNIS:My love you are gonna be the best mother in the world,you said he called him Jonathan

MARGARET:Yeah,that was the name he call

DENNIS:Jonathan, Jona Hmmm Jonathan,oh oh babe the name Jonathan that was the name my papa told me that his father is called,My grandpa his name is Jonathan,Papa use to tell me stories about him that my grandfather use to play football very well,after they gave birth to my Father,my papa told me that things was very hard for them,things became very tuff for them by then my papa was just 5 years old,so grandpa went to the city for a football trials but on his way to the big city they got into an accident that was when grandpa died without fulfilling his dreams of becoming a football he always wished for,so you see am very sure that grandpa will be reborn again and he will be fulfilling his dreams this time with our help,when you get pregnant and give birth we will call our son Jonathan I know with that grandpa will be very pleased where ever he is in heaven,I will personally call him Jona

MARGARET:Why will you call him Jona,no I will call him Nathan

DENNIS:What Nathan,ok but his name is Jonathan so you can call him what ever you please,I will call him Jona,Come on smile for me,Nobody will ever call you names anymore we will be having our own baby boy Jona.

So after the decision,Margaret now go to the kitchen to prepare the food for her husband,later she finished preparing the food they both eat and enjoy themselves with Joy and laughter,for their long awaiting childless spell is finally coming to an edge,they fist and celebrate with love sing songs of praises thanking their God,it's already night hours they both take their bath and ready to go to bed,so they say their normal night prayers and they go to bed and they made love(sex) early in the morning at 5:00 am she get up and make breakfast,when she get up before going to the kitchen she sits on the bed stearin at her husband thanking God in his heart for giving her such a lovely man,she look at herself in the mirror imagining herself been pregnant, after she finished preparing the food,she now brought her husband's breakfast In bed….

MARGARET:Wakie wakie breakfast is ready,honey wake-up I made breakfast

DENNIS:( Stretching his arms sounding very tired)Hey honey Thank you,but you know you don't have to stress yourself waking too early to make me a breakfast

MARGARET:I will not stress don't worry I just want you to stay healthier for me,now enjoy your food it's your favorite

DENNIS:So what do you make for breakfast is it toasted bread and butter with fried egg

MARGARET:Yeah babe I know that what you like in the morning,so enjoy let me go washed the dirty dishes

DENNIS:Just leave the dishes come join me let eat together

MARGARET:I made it just for you,so enjoy yourself love you

DENNIS:love you too my darling wife,if you need help just call me

MARGARET:Sorry Sir! But I don't need help stay and eat

So Two weeks later she began feeling strange,she feels weaker everyday and she vomits so the husband become very worried they decide to go to the hospital for test,they went there and the test results came out positive that she is pregnant two weeks,they both rejoice and celebrate for their first born on the way,so the news meet everyone in the village is amazed,so the doctor set the plans that she have visit the antenatal hospital..CHAPTER 2 NEXT (The Welcome Cry)

Jacob Jonathan Mussah is my name, This is about True love, Barrel mother who go throw tromal every day, Believe in God, Accent descent, Talent and love, Racism...

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