
Game's Villain; The World of the Anima

… My head… it's fucking hurt! I feel like someone is pounding inside my head, holding inside of my brain, as if it were wrapped in a woman's firm thigh… Coiling there around my head, squeezing them into submission… My head felt like it was about to split open, spilling memories of cheap beer, it tasted like horse piss. Loud music that can make the ear deaf. What the hell! I groan, squinting against the unfamiliar, Luxurious surroundings. This isn't some dingy bar with sticky floors and questionable clientele. Where are those men rubbing shoulders with each other! And Lisa! That fucking slūt! Did she hide this from me! Bītch! This isn't luxurious? It's more like a damn hoarder's wet dream. ‘Asher Aegis,' the name echoed in his mind, a bitter curse on his tongue. He was Asher Aegis, the infamous villain from "Eternal Heroes: The New Dawn of Desire," a notorious VR game notorious for its brutal realism and adult themes. [Additional Tags]: #Fantasy | Adventure | Swords & Magic | System | Monsters | Dark Elements | Dragons | #Gods | Goddesses| Sexual Content | Demons | Angels | Non-Human Characters | #Beautiful Female Leads | Multiple Lovers | Milf | Teacher & Student Relationship | Obsessive Affection| Cold Female Leads | Villainess | | Doting Lovers | Yanderes | Maids | Master-Servant Relationship | #Game-Elements | World System | Level-Up | Multiple Sub-power system | #Overpowered Protoganist | Handsome MC | Protoganist strong from the start| Anti-Hero | Ruthless MC | Cold MC | Villain | Lack of Morality | Hard working | Power Stealing | Strong to Stronger | Evolution | Selfish | Self-centred | Crazy | Genius #Taboos [Special Tags] #Taboo Subjects #No Yuri #No NTR (This Book has taken Inspiration from Several works! If you find some similarities between them, it is because of it. However, as the plot progresses there would be different thing's from those works.)

Ellucid_Dreams · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 7: Anima Awakening Pt 2

"Go ahead, dear. Place your hand forward." Liora, her voice as calming as a gentle breeze, addressed Aurora.

Her voice echoes in the silence of the hall.

Reaching the centre of the sphere, Aurora extended her hand, her fingers trembling slightly.

The sphere, usually suspended in mid-air, seemed to throb faintly, responding subtly to her touch, slowly descending from the to meet her small hands.

"Now, feel its energy, close your eyes, Aurora. Let the sensations guide you." She explained.

Aurora followed her instructions and closed her eyes. She touched the sphere and came to an abrupt halt.

The warmth of the sphere seeped into her hand, spreading a tingling sensation throughout her body.

"So warm…" she whispered with a gasp.

Her eyes remained closed, but a small smile appeared on her, and a heavy silence descended in the hall.

The only sound was the shallow murmur of the water flowing through the canals.

Scarlett's gaze remained fixed on Aurora, worry present all over her face.

Asher sighed internally.

Quietly he walked towards his mother, while Elysia and Liora watched Aurora.

Reaching out, he gently clasped her hand.

Scarlett, startled by the sudden touch, looked down.

Her eyes met Asher's, a warm, reassuring smile gracing his lips.

It was a simple gesture, yet held undeniable support and love.

Her hand trembled slightly as his small, warm hand slipped into hers.

With a grateful smile, she squeezed his hand gently, finding peace in his unexpected support.

The worry on her forehead softened ever so slightly. Her focus shifted back to Aurora.

A sudden change caught Scarlett's attention, a barely perceptible tingle in the air, but her years of honed intuition wouldn't be able to ignore it.

It was a change in the very atmosphere, a subtle release of energy emanating subconsciously from her daughter.

A faint shine, almost imperceptible, emanated from Aurora.

It started subtly like a single drop of rain creating ripples on a still pond.

Then, the shine intensified, transforming into a soft, and delicate glow that enveloped Aurora's entire body.

For a breathless moment, Aurora stood bathed in this light.

Tiny golden particles, like the dust of fallen stars, seemed to detach themselves from her very being, swirling around her outstretched hand.

The sphere vibrates in response as if acknowledging the connection. Slowly ascended back to its original position.

In Aurora's grasp, held open in a gesture of holding a sword, became the focal point.

One by one, the golden particles enveloping her began to change, their light dimming as they took on a deep, inky blackness.

Converging rapidly towards her waiting palms, the dark particles condensed, taking the shape of a sword.

"As expected of Agnes," Liora muttered in amazement, seeing the sight.

In Aurora's hands, a beautiful sword materialised. Its length reached just past her shoulder.

The blade itself was a dark, glossy black, its surface smooth and flawless.

A single, delicate silver line ran the length of the blade, adding a subtle touch of elegance that contrasted beautifully with the deep darkness.

As the final wisps of darkness solidified, completing the blade, the room erupted in a collective gasp.

Scarlett released a shaky breath. Relief washed over her, mingling with a surge of pride.

Asher already expected this and glanced at Elysia who seemed to be proud at the moment, watching Aurora awakening a Sword-type Anima as their Traditional Anima.

Aurora's eyelids fluttered open slowly, a flicker of worry lingering in her gaze, but soon her worry turned into an excited expression seeing the sword.

She turned, her gaze landing on Asher, and a wide, excited grin spread across her face.

"Ash!" she cried, her voice bubbling with joy. Her legs propelled her forward, her steps lighter and faster than usual.

She launched herself into a tackle hug, wrapping her arms tightly around her brother.

"I did it" A goofy grin, her eyes shone with delight, her grin wide enough to rival a fool's, stretched across her face.

Asher's small idiot.

"Congratulations, lil sis." Asher hugged her back.

"Gotta show Mamma too," he whispered in her ear.

Aurora's face lit up, and with a whoop, she raced towards Scarlett. Reaching her mother, Aurora leaped into a warm embrace.

"Mamma~" Her voice, muffled by Scarlett's embrace, was filled with a childlike pride.

Scarlett felt extremely proud at the moment, while looking at her daughter. She held her tightly.

"Big sis, I did it~" Peeking a little, Aurora spotted Elysia standing a little further away. She smiled warmly at her. But there's something beneath her eyes…

After the little celebration of Aurora. Now, all eyes turned to Asher, It was his turn.

He stepped forward, his expression was calm and reached out to touch the Animodulus.

The moment his fingertips brushed the cold surface of the sphere, Asher felt he was pulled out from the body, the darkness within his eyes was replaced by something darker.

It wasn't natural.

The familiar surroundings dissolved, replaced by a void world.

The air, thick and stagnant, tasted a bit metallic in his mouth.

A chilling loneliness surrounds him.

In front of him appeared an oppressive black orb that consumed everything around it.

The place is devoid of light or sound.

The orb pulsed with a dark, malevolent energy, a presence that reeked of malice and corruption.

'Orb of Darkness…'

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