
Gallery of Truth

In a world where boundaries exists, a girl has broken all laws to exist with 3 goals in mind, to survive, to get out, and to meet the unknown person from her childhood and current helper from ERA 2. With the help of her selected partner, she goes around the universe trying to uncover the secrets of her existence as a "bug" while trying to run away from the goverment due to her past crimes. As she meets people along the way, she untangles the strings and led the way to the truth, and lies. But no matter what, these photos were still a lie, yet the gallery is the proof it exists, and the proof it was true. (Warnings!) Gore. Pedophilia. Necromancy. Blood. Full detail of gore. Dead dove do not eat I want to upload on AO3 but I don't know how. Abuse. Rape. Sexual Assault. Cursing. Detail of how someone's dong got chopped off.

Candycane_X · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


They arrived at the waiting area.

"I'm just going to present myself as your bestie trying to help you in this interview."

ERA 4 Neoma said- or as she said, 38.

"But how? How did you not have a Numbered? Honestly in each ERA the rules of the universe changes."

"I'm a bug, Neoma. You know that."

"Have you ever found a way to get out?"

"Yes, but I don't want to leave."

"What...? 38, that was the whole point of making the story."

"For people to find out? For them to regain memories? For them to think it's true? It isn't true Neoma, nothing is true."

38 was furious.

There was no point in trying to vent their whole life.

No point in telling their story.

No point in life.

"It was to make them know of what events will happen."

"For them to know? Neoma, I have given up in this life, I could careless if this ERA dies quickly rather than the previous one. If we are the only person who knows this- but rather only 2 different people knows this, it doesn't make a change in mankind. 2 powerless people who doesn't have power and position in the upper class can't change a thing."

"Two? Who else? Don't try to trick me alright, ERA 2 and ERA 1 knows this, but we are the same person from your past so, who else?"

"56 or so called Jinni."

"Girl or boy?"

"Non-binary. If it was a boy, I cannot possibly found him without having to cross The Intersection."

"Have you ever crossed it?"

"Nope, not once. It was too risky, The Intersection is a boundary between male and females. Even though it's in the same universe and no timeline differences, only the fully named numbered has the power to take the boundary off and live with all genders. This includes other genders that has been made. People whose genders changed while growing up goes through the center and has rights to pick where they live, unfortunately and fortunately, I cannot contact Jinni anymore as they have picked to live at the male section. I have no ways to contact them, but they have a chance of getting position as a new comer, and new connections, I suppose."

"But your story can be shown in all timelines, right? 'Showurstory' is universal and links can be provided in the universal chat."

"That was the problem. It's a universal chat, so there are chats everywhere in the main server, so it's hard for people to see it since it always gets toppled over. Unless you have admin privileges you cannot pin your message or anyones message."

"So no other way?"

"Yeah. Anyway it's almost your turn."

"Oh yeah lemme just mess this up-"

The bell rang. The first batch was finished. Time for the second batch.

"Neoma Barinal!" The announcer said.

"Oh okay let me just leave my jacket here."

ERA 3 Neoma walked towards the door and met the interviewer.

38, or rather ERA 4 Neoma took a quick peek.

"It's not the same person as in the past..."

ERA 3 heard it.

'I need to really try and mess it up.'

"Hello Ms. Barinal, my name is Miles Zabriskie. I shall interview you."

Oh no.

"Well, this cannot be avoided, even if I did try not to attend, they will just be right infront of my house, and yeah they will probably look through my things that has a lot of secrets and will probably arrest me and since this ain't the same person, he is probably here to interrogate me about ERA 4 Neoma. He is here to capture me and her."

"Oh- Yo wassup. Here for the job Miles."

'I'm going to really mess this up, even though I do not know what will happen if I got this job, and honestly they are really shady.'

"Hmm... I see... You are trying to mess this interview up? Perhaps ERA 4 already warned you? Perhaps... I was not the same person who interviewed you as she said?"

'Ah yes, we do love getting caught and getting into trouble.'

"What? ERA 4? Nani? The fu- oh sorry but what? The hell you saying mah bud?"

"You don't usually act like this. After we suspected ERA 4 Neoma, we went and decided to observe her past self, which is you, and you are quite respectful and not like this, disgusting excuse of a human."

"Ahem, what? Honestly I just kinda changed after knowing someone is watching me but did not expect it was you. I always wanted to work here but no, I'm not doing this, and since you just called me a disgusting excuse of a human just because of my attitude, I expect you don't want me and will not accept me."

That was a lie. She did not know that there were 5 people watching her, she only thought of 4, and knew exactly who the 4 was.

"You are accepted. You will start tomorrow. If you do not attend, you know what will happen."

"Uhh sure? Don't know what is going on but yeah alright."

She ruined her life.

She stepped out of the room with 38 looking at her.

"He knew and You'll start tomorrow right? If that is the case that's probably why I suddenly changed. I'm talking about the badge."


"ERA 2 will keep me safe, I'll protect you."

"It's not the ERA 2 you, but a person from ERA 2, right?"

"Yeah... But either way I'll protect you."

"No... Don't. Kill me instead. Since you still exist and we met, the system will put me in the Virtual timeline and I will name myself as 38."

"Ah well that was what I was thinking but I thought you will be a bit sad and angry-"

"Do it."

"Alright don't be mad at me."

38's hand started to glow as she placed it at the side of ERA 3's neck and sliced it.

"Goodbye ERA 3, hello, the new 38."

As she smiled, the newly named 38 had been born.

"Was that necessary?"

46 asked.

"Tell the person from ERA 2 that she has another role."

"What role?"

"As a worker for Middle Timeline. Tell her she needs to get information about a "bug" in the system, and whenever an attack comes, send a signal or sign, do not use any device as communication or meet ups, do not use the universal chat, send in the signal in the battlefield immeadiately, in whatever sign, I will figure it out. Also, tell 38 the schedule and things about me so as to not let the people watching in the Middle Timeline that suspicious."


46 walked away and opened up a portal leading to the Virtual timeline and met ERA 3 or the newly named 38.

"You and Neoma meet up every Tuesday, She likes Mangoes and when she goes to the Middle Timeline to meet with you, she likes to turn it as an amusement park."

"Where is the person from ERA 2? She was pretending as 38 right?"

"She has another role, specifically as a worker of the Middle Timeline."

"Get information?"


"Why does Neoma trust her so much?"

"Because I commended her to Neoma, and Neoma trusts me with her life, given her trust issues."

"So I trust you in the future?"

"Yes. You are Neoma. Both of you are the same person. Both of you are 38 and Neoma."

38 smiled at that.

"How much does Neoma remember?"

"Neoma doesn't remember much of ERA 1 and she only remembers the times she had at the Middle Timeline during ERA 2. Other than that, she conpletely remembers ERA 3."

"Oh alright."

38 walk around in circles admiring the place.

"How did the person from ERA 2 pretended to be Neoma? Has she even met her?"

"Nope... I cannot tell you much yet, it's a secret between me and her, even Neoma doesn't know, but she will know afyer she tries to pry, but she respects my privacy."

38 doesn't answer, but instead was smiling. It was a short conversation, but she definitely seems to be her future self's friend.

"I'm going to make a call."

"Do I leave or?..."

"I'm going to my room."

As 46 shut the doors, she picked up her phone and called the person from ERA 2.

"Mayu... You'll have to change roles."

"I know, I already am here and finished the interview, I got accepted."

"Good, any more questions?"

"None, but add 15 and Yuki in this mission. Don't let Neoma find out."

"She won't. She respects my privacy."

"Good. I don't want her efforts to me in vain, and I can't meet her with different timelines and boundaries."

"She won't know anything."

"What is the date again?"

"July 14, 2023"


The call ended.