
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Sam:the mistake section

So Sam ,Leo and the girl are chasing Jack in the mistake section.Sam and Leo are running at the back while the girl was running at the front.

"Why is she running so fast for a person she doesn't know?"through Sam

The mistake section didn't have tower like the other sections instead it had small house made out of anything like the first house Sam saw was a house made of sand and the second was a house made of part of a warship and there was trash everywhere.As they run around looking for Jack they hear footsteps.

"Where are those footsteps coming from?"asked Leo

"Maybe ...no someone is following "said the girl

"It isn't someONE but somePEOPLE is following us "said Sam

"That doesn't make sense "said Leo

"We have lot of things to worry about then my grammar "said Sam

"That just a excuse "said Leo

"Focus!!,where are the steps coming from?"said the girl

Sam crossed his eyes to listen on where the footsteps are coming from .

"They are coming from...."said Leo then becomes quite then after shut "Roof!"





Then the moment Sam opens his eyes he sees a person coming from the top and sees the him and Leo being pulled by the girl to the front of her.And then pulled out a gun , not even a second passers by pulls the trigger shouting the person's neck and kills him.Then more people came jumping from the roof .

"Wen"said one of the them ,who had red and short hair and he continues to say "You killed him"

"What was I supposed do let him kill my friends"said the girl

"Your going to pay !!!"said the red hair boy as he run towards her .

"Really, want to meet your friend that much ,well I wouldn't take that from you "said the girl as she aims the gun at him.The red hair boy more faster than before but before he could reach her a woman stops him by blocking him with her arm .

"Get out of my way !"said the red hair boy

"Calm down, You want to die ,can't you see she has a gun and what did boss say are you the leader of this mission "said the woman and then at the roof.A person was standing on the roof and as Sam looks around everyone was looking at the person on the roof and then Sam look around are again and saw that there are 9 of them.And they are standing in small groups which had three people on each one was at the left ,there other was right and other was at the back of them but the back group was really far from everyone. The person on the roof shouted "position strikerlots !"

"Strikerlots...I have of that name but where .. where.... from dad,yes is name of of a warship but why did they name they position after a warship and besides that warship in not even the most powerful warship (the most powerful warship in Aria is strikerA)and it not can't attack because it doesn't have weapons,yes it only made of grabbing other warships or mechs... that means "thought Sam

Then suddenly the girl shoots the woman's arm.

"Your arm is blocking my view"said the girl

"Your going to pay for that "said the woman

"You guys keep saying that but you never make me pay "said the girl

"Like said your going to pay "said the woman

"When 1 year "said the girl

"Now"said the woman

"Ah,I got it.....!!"said Sam looks at the back.Suddly the back group were really close to Sam and Leo.Sam quickly grabbed a metal stick and hits the one in the middle but the others pass them.

"I am to late"said Sam and shouted "Hey, girl watch out"

But even in that he was too late because the two people from the back group reached her and stab her on her arm with broken window that is shaped like a knife and at the top of the broken window was a metal stick for holding.

"I am not late "said the woman

"No, Your right on time"said the girl as she holds her arm that has two knife that make a shape of a cross.And then Sam runs towards her.

"Sorry, girl are you alright"said Sam

"Yeah, this is nothing"said the girl

"Good girl your growing up "said Sam and then pats her head .

"Let go of my head "said the girl

"But I am not holding your head "said Sam

"Shut up,you know what I mean "said the girl

"Sorry,My have no knowing of the English so my may not knowing where you mean "said Sam

"I knew that you don't know English "said Leo

"Shut up ,I know how to speak English "said Sam

"What me very not do under with you speak English "said Leo

Sam didn't pay any attention to her and just looked at the person on the roof and said "Looks like you know about wars.."but stops when Leo shoots at the person on the roof but she was able to avoid it by jumping away from it .

"Come on ,I missed"said Leo

"Ruined my speech"said Sam

"What speech"said Leo

"I was going to say how I know there plan before they even showed it "said Sam

"No,I mean 'What is speech ' "said Leo and then smiles

"Hey, you girl gave me back my gun "said the girl

"Leo, gave her gun back "said Sam

"What can't you hear me "said Leo as she holds her throat and then are mouth and then said "And don't call me 'girl' "

"But he has been calling me 'girl' "said the girl

"What,Sam don't..."said Leo but gets stopped by Sam shouting"Look out !!"

Suddenly the a person from the left group runs towards Leo but then Leo shoots him .Sam looks around and sees that there others are gone.

"Did they run away"said the girl

"No,they are not I can still hear there them "said Leo

To be continued.....