
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Lulu: Woman section

As Lulu walked to where the crime was made the woman's side, she heard loud footsteps coming from the back.

"What is that a giant?"thought Lulu confused and paid no attention to it. As she continued walking, the louder it became.

She walked faster, the footsteps become even louder.

She even faster walked, the footsteps become a lot louder.

Lulu couldn't take it, she stopped and

looked back and saw KK running.

"Oh, It my giant"thought Lulu as she looked at the huge OK run to her direction. Kk wasn't slow but was not fast, he was just running.

" first time hearing a person run so loud"thought Lulu and said "Why are you following me?"when she so that he was close.

"It... just..."said KK as he was heavy breathing, but Lulu stopped him when she said "First take a breath before you talk"

So that what KK did, and he took a deep breath and his body relaxed and said "Talk me why are you doing this?"

"You ran away this way to ask me that? Come on kK"said Lulu and start walking away from KK, and she thought"Why can't they just say that the princess is the one that took the kid to the other side.... just because he is not rich so he is not important, damu I hate even think that "and Lulu started remembering the time before she became a maid of the princess and how she had to sleep well her stomach cried for food before she gives all the food to Leo as they slept in the slept in the street. The cold wind of L12 became even stronger in the night.

"It those cold night I looked at the mansion wondering how the food was because that the richest person up there are also my king"thought Lulu and laughed to herself "The rich king in a poor planet"

"Wait, Lulu!"said KK

Lulu became angering and said"He is in our army, but you plan to throw him away to the wolves !!"

"I can't throw something that is not there "said KK with a straight face

"Then why are you doing this investigation?"

"It's something at we must always do when something happened, and it is not attack from the bepoop, This is law"said KK and because quite of a moment and looked down and quietly said"and I didn't make that law"

"But you're the captain. You are the man running this place

"But I am not the captain everyone keeps forgetting that"

Both them become quite of a moment as the empty women's section stood quiet. All they could hear was the wind blowing everything and also them as it passed them, living only the quiet that it found when it came. The quietness was the only thing the wind could not blow.

"Wait, Why is the woman section so empty?"asked Lulu, confused and kind of trying to destroy the silence.

"Well, there are not really that much warrior women"said KK

"Why? Because warriors get paid a lot of money if I was not a maid I would be one"said Lulu

"Well, It not really the women who don't want to be warriors

"Then who's stopping them?"said Lulu jokingly

"Do you know how to become a warrior?"

"Yes, you go to a train club and there is a person that techs you"said Lulu and became quite of moment and said"Ok, I don't really know

"No, no you're right

"Of course I was"said Lulu and thought"I am so smart that I don't even have to try to thinkand she laughed to herself

"So what if that person is an old man and that old man is used to that man are only warriors like his younger days or worst the old man want her to give him kiss because he's the only that is going to tech her"

"I know that a kiss it not the only thing he would want so don't talk to me like a kid"thought Lulu as she became quiet.

"But I think the only reason there are not a lot of women here is because intake planet meaning there is a war so why would a person die of money....they only reason we men are doing this is because we are idiot "said KK laughed

Lulu was quiet.

"Captain, how could you join that side"said Kimono, a warrior, but Lulu didn't know what warrior he was. He was tall with dark hair and blue eyes and a small nose.

"Oh, It you Kimono"

"Don't ever let that name come out of the mouth"

"Will, that going to be a problem because how can I call you

"Just never call me"

"Ok, I will just throw you with rocks"

"No, Why"

"I can't call out your name, but I can throw you with rocks

"Captain, then I am going to throw you with a rock"

"Why because you can call my name? And why don't you want me to call your name"

"You called us or boys idiot. Why is it because she is a she?"

"No, she asked me why it is empty in the woman section

"He is not going to say anything about the calling his boys idiot part. His is just changing the topic and it not even he is not even hiding that his trying to change the topic. Kimono must already see that "thought Lulu

"Oh, I see"said Kimono

"No, you don't"thought Lulu

"But the woman section is not complete empty empty because there is Ozzy and Priscilla"

"Oh, yes Priscilla and Ozzy. How could I forget them?"said KK

"How could you forget Kimono grammar mistake?"thought Lulu and then suddenly got an idea and said"So they're the only woman in your army?"

"Yes, The only two idiot women warriors we have"said OK

"Can I meet them?"asked Lulu with a smile

"Oh, I see, so you want to get some new gal pals to relax with "asked Kimono

"No, you don't see"thought Lulu and said"I am just interested in them"

"Ok, I will take on there. Luckily you have forgotten about this investigation thing"said KK

"If I had forgotten, you have just remained me "thought Lulu and said"Yes, can you please take me there"

"Ok, My lady I will take you there"said KK as he started walking

Lulu followed him and Kimono followed both of them and said 'MY LADY, wow Capital when I grow up I want to be just like you"

"What do you mean because we are the almost same age"

"Hey, Is it true that men are not allowed in the woman section?"asked Lulu before the other topic can continue.

"Yes, but if I get asked Captain, and he allowed it then I can enter "said Kimono

"Then why are you here?"asked Lulu confused

"Don't be an idiot Lulu can't you see that Captain is here"

"But that doesn't mean you ask...and what are you doing here?"

"I just saw Captain running and I have never seen him running, so I thought something bad is happening, and he needs my help"said Kimono

"Thanks Kimono, I may not be in danger but thank "said OK with a smile

"No, problem Captain "said Kimono

Lulu than was not paying a lot of attention to what there were saying.

Something that she had just noticed was that of an empty place they were still housed.

Those house were made of metal, and they didn't have strong foundation, and they are tiny.

"Why would there make this houses when there are not really a lot of women warriors?"thought Lulu and put that thought in the back of his made as she walked in the sand.

So they walked and walked and walked even more.

"When are we going to reach this place?"said Lulu annoyed

"We just need to turn this corner "said OK

"How can you even see that corner because they are all the same?"asked Lulu confused because she felt like they were going in circles.

"How came a person get lost in they own house"said OK

"Your house?"asked Lulu

"Yes, I need in this planet of so long that a know it from it head to it feet well only the human side"

"You said your doing this of your friend to own this planet but why? Did he do something of you?"


"What is it?!"asked Lulu as she wondered what can this man risked his life of the dream of an other

"His my friend"said KK with a smile

"What!"said Lulu surprised to hear someone say that.

"Must there be more reasons?"asked KK with a confused face

Lulu just quietly looked at him. A person she didn't know to call a fool or a great friend.

"This only one person I would do that for"said Lulu as she remembered the face of Leo and smiled "I hope you're okay"

"We finally here"said KK as he pointed to a house that looked like every house around.

"I like really how do you see the different?"asked Lulu

KK just laughed and said"They just there"

Kimono walked to the door which was also made of metal and knocked.

"Who is it?"said a person with a woman's voice

"Me!"said Kimono

"Who is me?"asked the woman

"Who is me and why would a person have that kind of me?" asked Kimono to himself

"How does your brain work?"thought Lulu

"Oh, it you Kimono "said the woman "Come in, did Captain send you"

"She knew so quickly that it was Kimono. She must be used to him"thought Lulu

"No, Captain it right here "said Kimono, and he opened the door by pushing it because there was no handle and said "Surprise!"

"What the surprise of you already said KK was here"said Lulu

"Well, that because you're here and I didn't tell them that"

"You are not wrong"said Lulu as she looked around the house. She saw two women sitting down.

One of them looked up and said "What can we help you with caption?"with a small but joyful voice. Which didn't sound like the form early.

"This young Miss..."said KK, but before he could finish Lulu stopped him and said "One of you tried to kill the princess"

To be continued...