
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody: Money Talks

"Do you know that when you ask someone of lunch is called"A luncheon"said Kid and those were the words she said after Cody asked her wand she was thinking.

Cody didn't know what to say to something so random, so he just said "Ok?"

Kid looked at him with her brown eyes and started laughing and said "Sorry that came out of nowhere. It just I was thinking what Mr Man said"

"What did he say?"asked Cody as he came closer to her.

"He said that he what to take that bepoop girl of yours to luncheon "said Kid

"So?"asked Cody confused

"It just I didn't know what he meant by luncheon",

"Of course you couldn't because you're a kid"

"Don't call a kid

"Your a kid and called Kid"

"That not my real name code name

"Code name, why would you need I could a code name"

"Well, It just that what I am doing is not really illegal, so the empire want me in jail so people I talk to must not know my name because then it could be very easy to find me"

"How could they find by your name

"You are forgetting all name's have surname, and so they can just find my mother easily and kill her for being connected to me"

Cody understood her feeling of wanting to protect her mother.

"So what your name really?"asked Cody

"Oh it.... I told I am not going to tell you that"

"So we were keeping secrets?"

"Yes, of course

"Well, have you ever wondered why I am here on the south side"

"Not really

"Why, I would wonder why human are in the bepoop's side"

"That because It doesn't have anything to do with the mission?"

"That mission it to help bepoop by giving them noir guns and all of a sudden instead of seeing a bepoop and a bepoop you find bepoop and human

"Help?... It word I would use"

"Then what word would you use?"

"Doing business"

"....." Cody was confused.

"I mean that we are doing business with the king of this place

"Oh"said Cody as he understood what she meant and want back to want he was saying "So why are you not surprised at seeing a human here?"

"It just that in space I have seen more surprises"

Cody nod and looked at the window with the amazing orange and red sky. This is something that always happened in this planet on an hour or so, but Cody didn't really know why, and he didn't really care why.

Cody and Kid were quite for a while as they looked at the sky and then Kid turned back to Cody and said "So why are a library?"calming

Cody wanted to go back looking so he just told her the truth and said "I wanted to read some books about bepoop magic, but I just couldn't?"

"Bepoop magic? Is that what it really called?"

Cody quickly related that if he said no he just forgot the name he would look like a fool so he said"Yes, Didn't you know, but you have been in this a place full of this world's history"

"Well, It not like I really read them"

"That what I said you didn't read them"

"Shut up, I won't read something that will not help my crew or get me money

"You don't know it bad to lie, just say the truth that you can't read"

"I can really read. You really think I am a baby"

"Well, I would say a kid but you're the one going lower

"Well, I will show you "said Kid and pulled his hand to the bookshelf and pulled a book.

The book she took was a blue book. She looked around the book for a second and said, "What this writing?"

"It has written in the bepoop language"

"But very bepoop I have read it speaks normally

"Your normally means speaking our language


"You say that you travel from different planets, but this is not normal

"Well, The planets I have been in have mostly humans in them because one with a lot of money"

"You right but still you can't read, so I was right

"I never said I can't read this. Let me show you "said Kid and out of the blue read the title of the blue book"The God's The art"

Cody was surprised. He clapped his hand and said, "WOW, You can read four words. I am amazed"

"No, I can read even more"said Kid and opened the book and read"A God's art is made to SER if a person is worth of what they wish of sign to see that you are in The God's art is that an entire place makes you runs you mad...you see I can read"

"Congratulations, but how can you do that

"It is a little trick that I leaned from being a space pirates"

"And how do you that trick?"

Kid put back the book and started walking away with a smile.

Cody followed her and said "Come on, tell me"

Kid laughed and said "Little kid are not allowed to know this"well, still walking.

"Came on, Tell big brother

Suddenly Kid stopped and looked back at Cody and Cody saw her face. Her face showed burning rage and shouted "Don't you dare call yourself that you are nothing, I like him, and you be never like him. You are just a bloody monster. I may not know where you got the blood, but I know that it not yours"and walked away.

Cody stood there as he kept hearing what she said even when she was done and thought "A bloody monster. Is that what you thought of me. How could you see it. Is this why you said I am not a real warrior".

Cody continued walking around the place and thought "Where did that came from?"as he kept remembering what Kid said.

As he was walking, he found Laylala and Mother talking to each other in their language.

"Why would you let a bunch of humans in this place, humans who kill with no honor but for money"said Laylala as she stood on the put stairs well Mother stood on the top side of the stairs.

"They paid well"said Mother

"That your fuck reason "said Laylala

Mother stood there for a second and said "Look at this place, this place has stood for years well, others houses have fallen in a year. What do you think made Kew stood for so long? It is not magic and .... Forgive me my gods, but it is not the power of the gods. I have to make it stand because I know that if it falls all the knowledge from the gods falls gone. So I will make it stand no matter What!"and the more she spoke, the more, the louder she got.

Laylala looked down and became quite and after a few seconds she looked up and said "That just an excuse! You can go to the bepoops and ask them for money! They would give there money of their gods"

"With what money. We have been living in hunger for so long and here you came telling me to ask money of the gods well there they can't feed they babies"

Laylala quickly shouted"But this is bigger than other one ...."said Laylala but then stopped and quit of moments and said "....we have to save our history

"History is something that has happened a long time ago we can't die of something that has already happened "said Mother.

Isla came up the stairs, and she was walking claim and whispered to Mother.

Mother nob and said "It is all clear you can now leave Kew"and then started walking up the stairs and then stopped and looked back at Laylala who was quite this whole time and said "Laylala grow up. Things don't happen like in history because things do not happen again"

Mother walked up the stairs and found Cody standing there and just looked at him for a second and left.

Cody want down the stairs at Laylala and asked "Are you Ok?"

Laylala kept quiet for a moment and then said "Came on, don't look so sad let go get the box" in the human laughed.

So that what there did, and they want outside and saw Mr Man and Kid standing there, but they were really far and there were covered their face.

"They are really in a rush these copy cats"thought Cody and waved to them.

Mr Man blow a kiss which was of Laylala and then Laylala putted the middle finger at him.

Kid did nothing and just continued walking.

"Is she still mad at me?"thought Cody and started walking but then got an idea.

"Laylala, why don't we walk the other side"

"Why, afraid that they could be hiding



So they did that even if it was the box was heavy. So they walked and walked and found them self in a bridge.

And as they were talking they found a tall person who came out of nowhere. He took out a sword and said "You are the last one"

Suddenly jumped to Cody but Laylala kicked him.

To be continued...