
Galaxy wars:39

Humens have found another galaxys.They are 8 galaxys and for unknown reasons all galaxys go to war with each another.Coby is a 16 year old boy and Max a 18 year old girl and look for earth . What happen to earth ? Update:Wed -Sat

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Cody:a person called Leeside /

Cody ,Max, Oklahoma and Kenneth were busy celebrating.As Cody remembers something

"Hey,Ren"said Cody

"Come on,you can ask me anything"said Ren

"Well,I was wondering if you want inform about the north side?"said Cody

Then Ren was about to answer but the Oklahoma suddenly said"What the north side ?"

"He means the dark side "said Kenneth

"Oh,So that why the bepoop fighter was busy calling me 'dark sider "said Cody and then he remembers"Yes,the bepoop fighter the one that I killed ".Cody started not feeling at that moment.

"Oh,Cody don't worry about that problem.It all under control"said Kenneth

But Cody didn't care."Ok"said Cody then stood up and want outside the room. Suddenly he felt like he could not breath but he acted normal because of the guards outside the room.But the moment he saw that the was normal he run a fast as he can to the roof top.

Then he makes himself fell down and said"Oklahoma was wrong I am not a good person,I am just idiot". But then someone said"No,I kind of think she was right" and then Cody looked back and saw Max sitting at the down at the floor.

"What are you doing here?"asked Cody

"I saw you suddenly stood up out of nowhere so I followed you to see what the problem and well I can see you have a problem alright"said Max

And before Cody could speak Max said"I know know you have your problems but everyone has their own problems but if you can ..." but Cody could see she really didn't like doing this like as she was speaking she was busy looking down.But Cody could she was trying to help.

So Cody smiled and said"Don't worry ,I am okay"

"O.. okay I am glad"said Max

Then both were quite.Cody didn't know what to say or do so he stayed on the floor.

Then Max signed making Cody look at her again and she said"Hey, Cody come on let's go and see how the south side looks "

"Hey, I would even love to worries of the south side "said Cody

"Yes, Finally someone speaking my language "said Max

"Then after we look for clothes to wear "said Cody because Cody believes that worrier must fight in cool clothes and Cody was planning to test the worries skills because he heard that bepoop use magic to people that came from now where to fight.

"Now you are disposing me"said Max as she goes inside

"Come on , don't you want a cool clothing to wear in the war "said Cody as he follows her inside

"I already 1000 cool clothes that I had to buy because of my head maid so ..."said Max after that she became really quite.Cody because really worried

"What wrong?"asked Cody

"Oh,is... just that afraid that during the war will have to kill my friends the ones that I came with , but I have to do anything to make my dream came true"said Max.But Cody could see that she wasn't be able to do that.

"Ok, Tell me all your friends names "said Cody

"OK, There is Leo,Sam, Lulu and Sam's father but why do you want to know there name, what do you what me to feel more getting about what I am doing to do "said Max

"No,It not that I asked you because I want to protect them "said Cody

"Your going to protect them "said Max

"Yes, Because l have to pay you back of what I tried to do at the... but know I am a different person,and well you be able to forgive me for that "said Cody

"Oval,I forgive you if I didn't wouldn't be talking to you..."said Max because than Cody suddenly says "Why would you forgive me"

"I just remembered something my friend Sam said and that was everyone has their own monster so if you where able to beat it then I am happy for you,and you don't owe me anything "said Max

Cody understood the first part of what Max said but he didn't understand what the last part when she said that I don't owe her anything , he was confused so he was still going to protect them.

"Besides you really are getting more confident about your power "said Max

Cody didn't notices that he is getting more confident

"Well,If you were able to live through that fight I had with that huge bepoop you would have a little confused "said Cody

"Is he that strong?"asked Max

"He is the most strongs person I ever met "said Cody

"What about that guy that I first met you with ,he looked strong too me "said Max

"Yes,Kk is strong but he is not as strong as the huge bepoop"said Cody

"How do you feel about having to kill him "said Max

"Well,I want to be the one to fight him but I won't kill him "said Cody as they reached to Ren and Oklahoma with some other bepoop.

"So what going on?"asked Max

"This are my worries"said Ren

Then a huge bepoop but not huge then the another one stood up and said "Who of you are Cody?"

"I am "said Cody not even worry about what he wants like Max

"Yes,I would like to fight you "said the bepoop

"That want I wanted to ask you"said Cody

to be continued....