
Galactic Technological Library

I have moved the novel due to a bug in the system that won't allow me to change the name or update the novel. don't worry it still on webnovel.https://www.webnovel.com/book/17276697706301005 Galactic Technological Library that is the access point for different races of the universe to exchange knowledge, choose an ordinary boy from the earth as its librarian. How a boy with no ambition would use this chance given to him. He is given the right to access all kinds of technical knowledge which has yet to discover by the earth and interact with different races that come to the Library seeking knowledge. Follow the adventures of Fu Yan while he uses this knowledge to become the strongest man on earth and travel the different worlds as a librarian to collect books. join my discord server:https://discord.gg/zAyYpJX support me=www.patreon.com/sakakoi24

sakakoi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Intern Librarian

Fu Yan again became busy, he was constantly writing program and was trying to improve the game and as well as trying to find ways to integrate what he learned from the book.

The main problem was the amount of data and he was stuck at this.

You see when a game is being played, the amount of data that a GPU(Graphics Processing Unit) handles is huge and if he adopted the same approach, his server farm would crash with only 5000 or so players playing the game and this was not what Fu Yan wanted.

He was constantly searching about how to reduce the data size.

When he was flipping through the book, a heading caught his attention.

"Picture compression"

He started to read it and became amazed.

It was something that existed on earth but was not perfect.

He had read about it when he searching about data compression on the internet.

It all goes back to 1990s.

This was an emerging computer era and the US was trying to digitalize it data that had previously been stored on files.

All the data was being put on servers and the US had millions of fingerprints in their possession that they had collected in past decades.

They started to store it digitally and it all went well but all of it was stored in one server and if they had to access it from somewhere else, they had to wait too long because the pictures were of huge sizes(10 Mb or so) and in 90s its was a huge file size so if some other state wanted to match some fingerprint they had to wait for 1 or 2 days and some remote areas were not even able to access it because they did not have good internet connection so government started to develop new ways to compress data.

What they came up with was to store the data in form of Sine waves(Sinθ, Cosθ).

After that, all pictures were stored in the form of a formula. This reduced the amount of data by 1/15.

But it had a limitation that it could only work on black and white picture and if they wanted to use it on videos, it would produce lag in video and sometimes the audio would not sync with video or video would miss some parts. Though this technology is being constantly improved, it's not good enough to be used commercially.

Fu Yan read the explanation provided in the book and combined it with the data that he had picked from the internet and created a completely new data compression method that would compress and decompress data in realtime and there would be no lag at all.

This was all in theory and Fu Yan was confident that it will work and combined with the cloud technology which would accelerate the data transfer speed and it also had its compression build-in so the data would be reduced by a huge amount and it would be good enough that even a person with 200Kbs speed would be able to play the game smoothly.

The next 2 days were spent to perfect this technology.

He had also accessed the servers and started to configure it to his liking.

A new server for Qing had also been delivered.

When you have money, anything could be done fast enough.

First Fu Yan was thinking about developing a shooting game but when he thought about adding puzzles in it, he started to make it multiplayer and world-building game.

Since it was supposed to be fun plus educating game so he added professions in it.

At the start of the game, players would be asked about their age and then profession.

After choosing a profession, they would start to develop their character.

The puzzle or quests they would receive would be related to their profession and they would not only benefit from them in-game but also in real life.

For example, if a player is 18 years old and he chose a profession of a tailor, he would be given the quest to be able to tell the difference between different cloths and how clothes are made.

Which chemicals affect which kind of cloths and how to improve the quality of cloths and so on. He would have to research these things on his own and this way his knowledge would be improved.

And if the player is between 12 to 16 years old, he would not be allowed to chose advance professions.

He would be just an adventurer and the puzzles or quests that he would receive will be related to his studies.

Of course, this game won't be focusing totally on education. They would also receive fantasy and fun quests.

There would be monsters, clans, guilds and much more which would keep them interested in-game, in other words, this game would have a balance between education and entertainment.

Fu Yan's goal was to develop a game which would loved by both parents and players.

Qing was given to task to debug this game and fix any bug she think would be exploited.

He then with the help of Qing, started to make animated videos that would be used in the marketing.

The effects were top class and with Qing helping him refine small details, the final animation that came out was perfect.

"Should I make an animation studio?" Fu Yan thought.

But after thinking a bit he rejected this idea because he knew in the future, he would be busy and he could not let the existant of Qing known yet.

Since the game is complete now and it had many advanced technologies integrated into it so he decided to submit it to the library to earn some credits and improve his status.

He stored the game in a flash drive and swiped on his hand.

He appeared in the great hall of the library.

He still had the flash drive in his hand.

"I wonder how this transfer work because clearly my body is on earth but when I appear here I can bring what I am holding in my hands."

Fu Yan was thinking about it when Old Shun called him.

"Since you came here with that flash drive, it means that you have developed the game that you were talking about."

"Yes, it's completed so I thought I should submit it here since it has many technologies integrated in it."

"That's a good thought, no matter how small or insignificant the technology is, this library accepts it all."

Fu Yan nods and handed the flash to Old Shun.

The drive disappeared when it reached Old Shun's hand.

Fu Yan suddenly felt light-headed and felt he could understand things more clearly.

"This was a very good piece of technology. Your idea of developing of the game like this was first to be submitted in the library so it got high evaluation. You have done very well. Your status has been improved and you have got a good amount of credits."

Fu Yan checked his status upon hearing this.

Name: Fu Yan

Age: 18

Status: Intern Librarian (medium)

Permission: 6 books a months

Level: 8 (21%)

Credits: 431

Books: 6 (remaining)

Library Visits: 7 (remaining)

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