
Galactic Technological Library (Reupload)

What if all the knowledge in the universe could be accessed by anyone, for a price of course, through a single, grand library? What if it's sole purpose was dedicated to collecting and, with the help of Fu Yan, the college student turned Librarian, distributing it to others? No one knows, though a daunting goal in an infinity universe, to be sure. Follow our newest Librarian on a journey through the stars, and even here at home on Earth, through hardships and success alike. Nothing comes easy, or free, so be prepared to pay up front, with a planet or two. Synopsis by Alterious (Synopsis event winner) Art Helper: King Of Mortals join discord server:https://discord.gg/NxmfjFz

sakakoi · Sci-fi
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169 Chs

You Will Belong To Us!

Editor and Proofreader: Delther, Dervish

Smith used to be a lead battery scientist and he was very passionate about his work.

Since childhood, he was very fascinated by chemicals and by how batteries worked, so when he grew up, he decided to choose it as a profession. 

After graduating from the university, he joined the top battery manufacturing company in the USA and devoted his life to improving batteries. 

Smith devoted 25 years of his to the company and even though he got many offers from other well known companies, he never left the company. 

One reason was that he was loyal to the company and the other was that the company had a system that gave the scientist who developed a new technology, some of the company shares or the shares in patent technology.