
Gacha Kingdom Building

Earth has changed and with it so has humanity. Follow Miwen as he makes use of his Gift, Gacha Kingdom Building.

uwuzer · Fantasy
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157 Chs

The King Shall Give To The People, The People Shall Give To The King

After arriving home I decided to start making dinner before anything else, normally I just make whatever and don't actually pay too much attention to cooking, but now that Licia was going to live with me, I found it hard to not give it my all.

She had complimented my food before, so I wanted to blow her away with dinner. And so, it took a while longer today than usual today, but it was all worth it when I saw Licia's excitement while eating.

Licia: "Delicious! Why is it that the vegetables in your world are sooo good?!"

Seeing her smile while eating dinner made me quite proud about something I never paid too much attention to and my tiredness went away as if it was never there.

After dinner, I restarted my routine. The order did change a bit though.

Before, I'd gladly start rolling on the gacha first and would only care about claiming the Kingdom Points later, as there was no point in using them for anything else.

This time, however, I claimed my daily tickets since I had leveled up, and ended up with 3 of them for the rolls on the normal gacha Banners.

Before actually doing the rolls, I acquired a total of 5 Kingdom points due to Licia having reached level 2 and I being a level 3 as both of us count as [Citizens], thus, increasing the amount of points I could claim daily.

Miwen: "I have enough points to buy you another change of clothes through my Gift, so be sure to select some okay?"

Licia: "Mhm... That's fine, but, are you sure you should use your Gift for something like this every time?"

Truth be told, the [Kingdom] aspect of my gift still confuses me, I guess it's connected to the Gacha since I can get [Citizens] through the [Companions Banner], and so there's a bit of harmony there, but I don't see how the [Kingdom] can be used to strengthen me, and while it may not be something meant for combat, it also doesn't seem to have any use at all, I mean, If i lived in the streets that would be one thing, it would actually be a pretty useful Gift in that case, but I have a home, even if my parents are the ones paying for it... Still, even if they were to stop payments I doubt they'd leave me homeless.

Through the [Kingdom] menu I'm able to buy some facilities, like a [Town Hall] for 25 points, another [Hut] for 10 points and a well for 5 points, I can also get supplies, a full change of clothes for a [Citizen] costs 5 points, and I can also get a [Random Seed Pack] for 5 points, before, I really thought this to be useless, but the change of clothes came in clutch. Another use for Kingdom points was the ability to expand its area, but for now, it seems like it's enough since I don't even use it for anything really. And so, these were the functions available to me in the [Kingdom] menu, I can't shake the feeling that this aspect of my Gift may evolve someday, after all, "Building" implies change by itself...

Well, there's one thing I've yet to check, and that is Licia's profile as a [Citizen], but this feels like a breach of her privacy, therefore I find it reasonable to ask her for permission:

Miwen: "Licia, do you mind me checking your profile as a [Citizen]? It might give me new insight about my own Gift and..."

Licia: "As long as you share what you find with me."

And so, I focus on the [Citizens] menu, doing this allows me to see a list of the current [Citizens] and also search for them, like a search engine you'd find online. I don't really need to check my own profile since I can always just check it through the status menu, and there's nothing different in this [Citizens] menu, at least the time I first checked myself as a [Citizen] it only showed the same as what I could read in my status.

But soon, that line of thought would prove itself very wrong, the [Citizens] menu showed strength beyond anything I've ever thought.

While checking Licia's status, I can see that she improved her speed, and also that her Gift boosts her strength and mana pool, making me believe once again that it is extremely powerful, and definitely the strongest in our party when it comes to combat.

I also notice something new in this menu, or maybe not new, but it makes sense as to why it wouldn't be shown to me. That is the [Loyalty] of the [Citizen]. It shows itself in a bar, with a red tone at the left side and a green tone at the right side with a marker on top of it. This bar reassures me that Licia is somewhat loyal, as her marker leans towards the green side, although, it's not close to the edge of that side, instead being closer to the middle...

Next thing in this newly found [Loyalty] menu is the [Desires] of the [Citizen], but since I'm reading it out loud, with a blush on her face, Licia asks me to not peek at it. Of course, this is playing dirty, there's no way I'd be able to do it while she begs me with such an expression.

And so, I think that's it for the [Loyalty] menu. I wasn't going to do it since Licia already told me her skills, but I also check them just in case.

And that's when I discover something that revolutionizes the [Kingdom] menu.

While looking at her skills, I find something that looks like a button next to them, and it's written in it [Share].

That obviously caught me off guard, as it wasn't present in my profile when I first checked it in the [Citizens] menu.

So before focusing on something suspicious like that, I first check my own profile, to see if that button also appeared next to my skills in the [Citizen] menu, since it absolutely didn't appear while I was checking my status. And to my surprise, there it was, right next to my skills.

I find it to be very puzzling, so the first thing I do is try it in a usele- I mean, in my most important skill, the [Faster Tree Climbing]. After clicking the button, a list of my [Citizens] appears, this time, I'm excluded, so only Licia is selectable.

Since the button also appeared in my profile, it basically means it's not harmful, probably. But still, just to be sure, I chose something that wouldn't complicate anyone's life, it's completely unharmful, but still, since it also does something to Licia, I'm not sure I should go along with it.

Licia: "You don't need to worry, I'm also curious, so on with it!"

If she says so, I guess there's no problem, so I continue the process of selecting Licia from the list.

A confirmation pops up, asking if I want to spend 1 Kingdom point to share [Faster Tree Climbing] with Licia, seeing her nod to me, I confirm it.

Miwen: "Can you check your skills real quick?"

Licia: "Sure. Oh hey! There it is!"

Miwen: "Let me guess, you got a new skill?"

Licia: "Yes! It allows me to climb trees faster."

Miwen: "I see, well, be careful alright? With great power comes great responsibility."

Licia: "...?"

Damn, I'm making her watch movies with me whenever I get the chance.

Miwen: "But this is strange, I've maintained the skill in my status. Did I just duplicate it?"

Licia: "Seems like it. Can you do it again?"

Miwen: "Let me check."

I enter the [Citizens] menu once again, and while looking at my skills, I notice that the share button on [Faster Tree Climbing] has disappeared. Maybe it's a one-time use thing? I can still share the other skills though.

Licia: "Now try the reverse! Share one of my skills!"

Why is she so excited about it? She looks like a kid who found a new toy and can't help but want to play with it. Well, if she's the one requesting, I guess there's no harm in giving her what she wants, it also benefits me, since her skills are all pretty good.

Well, among the skills she has, the most promising to me is the [Mana Control] and the [Swordsmanship]. Even if they are both at level one, they will absolutely improve my capabilities. And to be honest, I'm hoping [Mana Control] lessens the effect of the mana depletion from using the [Mana Banners]. Even though I own no sword, as long as it's a bladed weapon, [Swordsmanship] should still have an effect, as both Roy and Licia seemed better than me at handling a weapon. Well, Licia seemed way better, but that's also thanks to her experience and the fact that Roy keeps being reckless all the time.

Well, I check both of them just in case, and it seems that both of them only cost 1 Kingdom point, so there's no harm in me grabbing the two of them.

At least I thought so. But now Licia seems angry at me for some reason...

Licia: "I never said you could take two."

Miwen: "My bad, listen, I'll give you one more of mine so that way we are even okay?"

Licia: "No fair."

Miwen: "Hm? Why not?"

Licia: "You have to give me two. The first one you gave me didn't count, it was only a test after all. Also, what would I use [Faster Tree Climbing] for? Even if I were fighting an Ent I don't think it would be useful."

She's being very adamant about it, but I guess she has a point, I also would feel robbed if someone took two useful skills from me and gave back one useful skill and [Faster Tree Climbing]...

Miwen: "Fine, you win. What do you want then?"

Licia: "Great, your fairness is worthy of my respect. I want the [Movement Speed Up] and the [Enhanced Drop Chance]."

Miwen: "Why the [Enhanced Drop Chance]? I thought for sure you'd take [Physical Prowess]."

Licia: " I have Ice magic, and with my mana being so limited by my level and small mana pool, I'd have to choose in any given situation between firing my magic or using [Physical Prowess]. Since you already have it, I trust you'd use it if the situation calls for it, in that case, it would be better for me to support you with ranged attacks."

As I thought, she's smart, and when it comes to battle, very much so.

Licia: "Above all, there's a gigantic advantage in me also having [Enhanced Drop Chance]."

So she also thought about that...

Miwen: "It's the area of effect right?"

Licia: "Exactly. With the two of us boosting the same area, the effects should be increased, making drops more common."

I also thought about that, to be honest, even if she didn't ask for two skills, I was planning to give it to her alongside another skill she wanted. Guess this makes things easier.

I've learned a lot about the [Kingdom] aspect of [Gacha Kingdom Building] today, the Kingdom points, from useless, suddenly became a hot commodity. And my strength increased by miles in a single move.

But there's still much to do before calling it a day, the order of my routine did change a little, but what I must do did not, and so, there's still the gacha rolls left.

Initially I was planning to include the Gacha rolls on this chapter, but it would make it so long, so I've decided to do another chapter focused in it, I don't wanna skip over the Gacha aspect of this Gacha themed series.

But allow me to be honest for a moment, creating a balance between the gacha aspect and the kingdom aspect is hard. even more so when I know what the [Kingdom] will develop into...

I'll just hope that for now both are interesting enough.

uwuzercreators' thoughts