
Gacha (TV, Movies, Anime)

Slice of life story about a female named Chole who decides to live her life how she pleases. There will be lots of characters from anime, TV shows and movies. I don't own any characters except the main. I MIGHT add a tiny Supernatural aspect, but if I do it would be more friendly than anything else. I won't really be paying attention to ages and the like, it would be a hassle trying to make everything fit. Most things will stay similar to their story however big things may change around because of our MC. It shouldn't be a harem, though I have to be honest there's a pretty high chance there will be some sort of "Special relationship" due to the fact that our MC will be making things to increase her life span and power even in this world as the high table, Charlie's Angels and other organizations will exist.

Ploseses · TV
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[ ] = Time skips, POV and similar

( ) = Anything system related

' ' = Thoughts

" " = Spoken out loud


[First POV - Darkness]

I wish I knew how I got here, I remember being knock out for trying to steal my friend's girlfriend. In my defense it's not my fault my friend wouldn't listen to reason, I've told him hundreds of times that she was trying to suduce me. 'Though it's not that surprising with my beauty'.

"Turn around, Chole," I hear. Spinning around I find a 6 foot 5 grandpa? With a really great looking beard. "Who are you?" I ask, hopeful that he's who I think he is. "My name is unimportant, though I'm similar to what people would call reincarnation gods. But this will be my final one, I'm tired and need rest." 'YES!' 'I hope he'll -

"Sorry to say, but no you won't be getting any wishes or anything like that, though you will be getting a system because all gods have to for their final soul. I will give you some information about the world you will be going to. Your new world will have a culmination of many TV shows, movies and anime. Supernatural apects only will include Hell and Heaven. Because this is my last recarnation I'm going give you two added bonuses. My first gift; you won't remember anything about this conversation until 14 years old. My second gift will come with the system. Bye."

Wai-' I feel like something is sucking me fowrad towards something. I don't understand what this grandpa means.

[First POV - 2008 May 9]

I wake up screaming after remembering everything in my dream. 'So that's why I always felt a little out of place. Makes sense.' I get up, go to the restroom to wash my face and look into the mirror thinking about my memories thanking the universe that I dont have school today, and wondering when my system will come today. 'I really hope it isn't actually any bad.' Looking through both of my memories, I find that my father isn't in my life again and my mom seems to be a retired Charlie's Angel operative, though I only now know because of the movie. 'It's kind of interesting that in both lives I don't any relationship with my father and instead I'm extremely close to my mother.'

With (Ding Ding Ding) sounds going off in my head, hopefully my system is finally here. A blue panel appears in my head. (Message from grandpa, do you wish to read? Reply in your head.) 'Yes I do.' Hoping that I won't have to do mandatory missions. That would be extremely annoying.

(Hello, Chole if your reading this you should have your system now, this system won't do to much in your everyday life, however it will keep track of your skills, knowledge and money. Because this is my last soul I decied to add a little extra in this system, any money earned from your everyday life will also be earned on this system. Money on this system is available the second you earn $100 doing absolutely anything, the money is on a credit card that is linked to every bank in the world. This system also has 24 Gacha rolls available through out your life at any time. Maybe I'll see you again, however I highly doubt that.) 'Huh he was pretty cool' I think while looking at a blue panel that shows up in front of me.

(Chole Cook - Reincarnator: $0

Physical Stats: Anything physical at all - Includes reflexes, strength, agility and endurance.

Average human has 10, you have 10 because of a bonus from being a reincarnator.

Mental Stats: Anything brain related - Includes anything memory related, faster time noticing issues or possible personal problems. Finally a increased learning capacity for anything "mundane".

Average human has 10, you have 15 because of increased memory from being a reincarnator.

Side note - So long as you are somewhat helathy your stats will remain that age's average even if you don't go out of your way to keep these stats)

"Damn!" I scream loudly realizing that this system is much better than I was hoping for. I was about to look into my gacha rolls when I hear my door opening. "Why are you screaming, young lady?" My mom asks looking a little worried rushing through the door. "I woke up from a bad dream, you don't have to worry mom." 'That "mom" felt a little weird, though because I also have this Chole's memories it isn't to bad.' I think while looking at my mom. She does look like Cameron Diaz from the movie but older. Mom leaves after a small conversation about me needing to pay more attention to my school work, asks if I have a girlfriend yet and gossips about some of out neighbors. 'Almost forgot that this Chole is actually attracted to both females and males. Good to know It won't look weird after randomly swearing off men forever then.'

A few hours later, after eating my breakfast, going for a jog with my mom and coming back to eat lunch I returned to my room to lay down on my bed. Summoning my blue panel to see my gacha rolls; I'm really thinking about using them all at the same time. But. 'No, I'll do one today. Maybe once every 2 months, seems to be a good idea. I dont want to run out of things to do becuase I have everything instantly.' I think whilst spinning a black wheel in my mind. Some of these things aren't bad. We have $1,000,000 USD, some talents and even a God level skill on my spinner. After about 15 seconds of spinning, it finally lands on.

(MCU - Improved Super Soldier Serum and Knowledge about it - Unusable until age 16 for safety reasons)


I need gacha rolls that aren't superpowers. I have the traditional stuff like cooking, singing, money and dancing but I want different things. Also I'm fine with borderline powers, like something that calms down the person my MC will touch or increase sensitivity on specific parts of the body. Stuff that isn't unhuman so to speak. So if anybody has Ideas, I would love to hear about them. Also if anybody has a love interest that would be great.

Love interests that I'm thinking about right now are -

Elena Houghin

Regina George

Kyouko Hori

Alexis Castle

Abby Sciuto

Grayfia Lucifuge (Wouldn't have powers. Instead cold beauty CEO type)

Yasaka (Wouldn't have powers. Instead would just be Seductive milf type)

Komi Shouko

Darkness (Tone down her M a little obviously. Would be from some type of ancient knight family)

Addy (Tattoo lady from John Wick 1)

Lori Weston

Bonnie (Without powers. Instead great intuition - almost unhuman like)

Camille O'Connell

Hope Mikaelson (Without powers. Instead incredibly influential family - like talk to any world leader influence)

Siya Malik

Saeko Busujima

Plosesescreators' thoughts