

Centuries after most weres go feral, Gabal, Alpha of the Rocky Mountains, still sits upon his throne. Everyday, he can feel the webs of madness descend deeper into his mind. His only motivation, his only reason to push past the insanity, are the thousands of lives that hang in the balance should he fail. Driven further to the edge by the stress of a sudden plague, Gabal is left with no other choice than to seeking outside help from a nefarious witch, said by many to harm more than she helps. Centuries after most witches sink deep into the inky temptation of dark magic, Aiofe, the Life Witch, worked purely with the forces of nature. She had a quaint life in the countryside of Ireland. She follows the every day monotony, choosing to leave adventure behind in place of a more stable existence. Serving her community with home grown produce, spending her time with plenty of romance books, and doing all she can to mask the ever present ache in her heart. Two souls on a path of self destruction, both Hell-bent on waiting for that special someone. The Goddess has been waiting, She has been watching, and She has big plans for them both.

sageysagey · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

Getting to know the gentle, fun-loving Samuel had been a breath of fresh air. She had taken many jobs over the centuries and her exposure to people had been mostly limited to those specific interactions. During those "business meetings" she would rarely come across such personality. Many people, especially after she had secured herself a reputation, were stiff and overly formal. Those in power could be condescending, as though speaking down to her somehow assured themselves she was not their better. It was hard, during the early days, to recognize the bitter masks made by the hands of fear. The people struggling to hide weakness against those who actually owned a rotten heart.

As time progressed, she became better, both with her understanding of the mind, and with her reading of it. She was not quite telepathic, but as the master of living things, not much about a person could be concealed from her.

It was for that reason, that Samuel was such a joy. He was true in his enthusiasm, fervor, and positivity. Those qualities could often be found only in children, who had not been jaded by the world, who had not yet seen it in all of its depraved glory. Yet, here he stood, or rather sat, regaling her with an immensely amusing tale about Gabal when he was still a young Alpha. He spoke with wide, animated gestures, making the effort to change his voice from character to character and act out the thrilling battles. He made a wonderful storyteller, and through that she could tell some things about his role in the pack, as well as his feelings for her Given.

First and foremost, the way he spoke about Gabal held a deep reverence. Samuel greatly admired him and respected him. This was a good quality in a Beta. The leading pair would often work closely on matters of the pack and it was not hard for that kind of power to go to one's head. Power above all but one was a big responsibility. Just as Alpha and Beta went hand in hand, as did power and greed. Corruption was common, though not for all types of shifter. There were certain traits that could be found in most of the population, given the different breed. It by no means defined the individual, but the correlation of statistical evidence could not be ignored either.

The wolves were often protectors. Loyal and noble. They do their damndest to fight for what is just, focusing efforts on the weak and unfortunate. Most would agree that they make the best Alphas. Bears would be next on that list, having much of the same qualities, though preferring to be less social, sticking to a smaller inner circle. They often had more focus on defenses, keeping the members of the pack safe in one location and self sustained, letting them survive independently against outside interference.

The cat shifters varied little from kind to kind, they were not social, liking to stick to those they considered family. To those few people they were fiercely protective, especially of women and young. Though they were not often made Alphas, many would take up valuable positions as warriors for packs, having a strong sense of responsibility to those that kept them housed and fed.

The reptile shifters would often be found in the world of business, accounting, organized crime, lawyering, doctoring, and many other clinical occupations that required less emotional facets. Though not incapable of emotion, and often very passionate partners, reptilian shifters preferred to only show their Given or chosen mate, as well as offspring, those sides of them. In their culture, such things were more sacred and should be shared with someone special.

The fact that the Alpha and Beta of this pack were members of the shifter groups that had the highest success for pack leadership and the lowest risk for corruption was good on it's own, but adding to that the kinship the pair shared… Aoifa was beyond happy that, though it took so long to find one another, during her absence, Gabal was surrounded by those whom he could trust and love.

Before she knew it, it was late into the afternoon. They had settled on her porch, her table and chair once again moving on their own to scituate themselves in convenient spots for her guests. She and Gabal relaxed in her swing, Aiofa tucked into his side, nearly engulfed by the large limb wrapping down around her shoulders and across her stomach. He rubbed his thumb across her thigh in firm, lazy strokes. The presence of goosebumps across her skin was constant, not that she minded one bit. Her mind was mostly focused on her conversation with Samuel, though if she were being honest, he spoke enough for all three of them. The most she could contribute before he rushed on were short noises of acknowledgement.

"I just know you'll love it here. Everyone will be so happy to meet you. Most in this pack have been waiting their whole lives for our Alpha to meet his Given. And I speak on behalf of myself and my mate when I say that we will help you in whatever way you need to make this transition as smooth as possible. I know Darlene's been waiting more eagerly than most for your appearance." He took a moment to pause, his gaze holding something other than the steadfast cheer she had seen for hours. She took this moment to interject, hoping to bring it back.

"I would be happy to meet her at her earliest convenience. I'm sure we will get along wonderfully. If you could pass the word on, you can let her know she is always welcome here." These words achieved the opposite of their desired effect. Samuel was visibly more distressed. Aoifa could feel Gabal tighten his arm and shift forward.

"Samuel," he started to say. Samuel's hand snapped up, palm out in a bid to ward off whatever words had been about to escape his Alpha.

"I'm okay Gabal. It's been over three weeks. And now she's here to help. I suppose now is as good a time as any to tell her about the illness. I had hoped to let you rest for your first day at the pack, Lady Luna. But now that it's come to this point… I don't think I can hold it back any longer.

"We have a large scale illness that has been affecting exclusively shifters. It seems to be spread by contact, droplets, and faeces. The origin is unknown. The illness manifests exactly the same in each and every patient it infects. It goes like this, every time, first a headache, then sore throat with a runny nose, then a burning fever, then delirium and hallucinations, when that happens their skin becomes a sickly yellow. And finally… They fall into a coma."

"And your mate," Aoifa trailed off, not daring to ask in full. Samuel's nod was enough conformation.

She stood abruptly. If she was being honest, and if she were alone with Gabal, she would let him know she was actually a bit miffed. She felt ashamed that she sat before the Beta, oblivious to his pain, for hours when his mate was in a coma from an unknown illness that she had been called in to cure. Her inaction was inexcusable and she aimed to rectify her misconduct.

"Take me to her," she demanded, staring at the Beta with a single minded determination. Gabal's restraining hand landed firmly on her shoulder.

"You expended enough energy," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. Aoifa spun on him, opening her mouth to let him know just what she thought about his opinion and she remembered their company. She closed it, along either eyes and let out a long, controlled breath.

"Can I speak with you inside, Gabal?" She asked him nicely, trying to understand why he would ask her to help, only to keep her away. Why he would send for his Beta, and then deny her the chance to heal Samuel's beloved.

Gabal nodded and followed her brisk pace. He had to admit, seeing his Given riled up was more than adorable. The way she tried to rush inside, doing her best to avoid conflict with him in front of his pack, it was admirable. She appreciated her efforts to work with him more than she knew.

Once the door was closed behind them, Aoifa turned to Gabal. "You came to me for help. Your pack members are in danger. You called your Beta to our home and I sat with him for hours, listening to him, getting to know his joy and light. Yet, when that same light is smothered by the weight of a comatose mate, you ask me to withhold my aid. Please understand, I value your opinion and order greatly, especially when it comes to your pack, but what you are asking of me is very difficult." When Aoifa had finished Gabal took a few moments to carefully consider what she was saying. He understood that she would ultimately follow his command, but that in doing so it would cause her emotional distress. She already held a strong moral obligation to the members of his pack, a fact that made him proud, however her safety was his top priority, no matter what had to be put on the back burner.

"Are you recovered," he decided to ask.

"No," came her reply. "Not fully, but I am close to it, and I promise not to push myself. I only want to examine her and see if this is indeed an illness like everyone is telling me." If it was an illness, Gabal repeated in his mind.

"What else could it be," he wondered.

"It could be a number of things, and it is unlikely to be an illness, given the pattern of symptoms. It is extremely rare for all patients to exhibit the same symptoms, nevermind to get them in the same progressive order and to all have the exact same outcome. That would be unprecedented. If it is something I can easily fix, I will do so, but what is most important right now is getting all the information." Gabal regarded her as she finished. Taking in her stance, breathing, and heartbeat. She did not appear to be in pain or struggling.

"You can go see her," Gabal finally decided.

"I have no objection to staying by your side, but how about I eat on the way," she bargained, giving Gabal a bright smile, already knowing she won. The answering smile he gave was another victory in her mind. She hadn't realized he could be any more beautiful.

"I agree," he said. "Thank you. You don't argue with me in front of them. It means a lot to me." His arms came in slowly around her, giving her time to back away. Instead she leaned into his embrace, soaking in his warmth and breathing out a quiet sigh. "You are greater than I dreamed," he whispered. She hugged him tighter, rubbing her cheek to his chest.

"As are you," she whispered back. She took this time to center herself, breathing in her Given and grounding her mind. It was never easy for her to see the people she was called to help. She felt the weight of their lives in her shoulders, always threatening to bring her down should she falter. But this time, things would be different. This time she had support, someone with which to share that burden. And this time, when all was said and done, she would join the community she saved and continue to assist its prosperity.

With a strengthened resolution filling her, Aoifa pulled away from Gabal and gifted him a soft smile. "Let's go save your pack, Alpha."