

Centuries after most weres go feral, Gabal, Alpha of the Rocky Mountains, still sits upon his throne. Everyday, he can feel the webs of madness descend deeper into his mind. His only motivation, his only reason to push past the insanity, are the thousands of lives that hang in the balance should he fail. Driven further to the edge by the stress of a sudden plague, Gabal is left with no other choice than to seeking outside help from a nefarious witch, said by many to harm more than she helps. Centuries after most witches sink deep into the inky temptation of dark magic, Aiofe, the Life Witch, worked purely with the forces of nature. She had a quaint life in the countryside of Ireland. She follows the every day monotony, choosing to leave adventure behind in place of a more stable existence. Serving her community with home grown produce, spending her time with plenty of romance books, and doing all she can to mask the ever present ache in her heart. Two souls on a path of self destruction, both Hell-bent on waiting for that special someone. The Goddess has been waiting, She has been watching, and She has big plans for them both.

sageysagey · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

After Aoifa and Gabal broke apart, the pack rushed forward. A new excitement and hope had taken place of the somber, restrained melancholy that possessed them before. Aoifa's display of compassion and power sparked recognition in many of them, and those that did not know of her were quickly filled in by their neighbors. Within minutes, each member of the Rocky Mountain Pack had heard the news that, not only was the Life Witch in their pack, but that she was also their True Lady Luna. 

A growl held the crowd back, warning them against coming close to their Alpha's Given. Gabal stood in front of his mate, casting out a wild display of possession. No one was allowed to approach. With a quick order consisting of, "back off" and "later," the pack begrudgingly went back to their tasks. It did not escape the couple's notice that they were subject to a new intensity of scrutiny. One pack member had his eyes glued to them so fervently that he did not notice the knee high fence obstructing his path and ended up ass over teakettle before landing in a comical position in the dirt.

This drew a snort out of Aoifa. Gabal sent a scowl to the man, jealous that he had invoked such a sound from her, yet enamored all the same. Her every action caused his already overwhelming adoration of her to swell to levels he previously thought himself incapable of feeling. His soul, once a shriveled husk, was being filled with new life. The man who had resigned himself to death was slowly awakening to the joys of living. He felt reinvigorated in ways he thought were only possible for shifters in their youth. His need to prove himself a capable provider. His drive to make her smile and laugh, by any means necessary. His burning desire to keep her by his side, forever and always.

As they walked, side by side, he found himself looking around at his pack with new eyes. What did his Given think of his achievements? Did she see how his pack was strong and alert? Did she have anything to say about his guard placement? Did she like how the amenities were organized on pack grounds? Could she appreciate the agricultural endeavors, for which they had worked so hard? Did she like the color of the buildings? Did she want different flowers planted around his house? 

Every detail, that had before blended into the monotony of centuries waking the same grounds, suddenly sprang forward. Each one was highlighted in his mind and he suddenly wished that he had worked on his people skills, as his Beta often begged, so he could make conversation with his Match without seeming like an eager cub awaiting her approval. Frustration began to consume his mind. He was an Alpha, for Goddess' sake. He should be able to ask a few simple questions. What did she think? He could ask that much. What did she think?

But, alas, when he opened his mouth, all that came out was a growl. 

Aoifa, for her part, did well to hold in her laugh. Her Given was an absolute darling. She understood, almost right away, that he was not very good with talking. He expressed his emotions through actions. His need to care for her was endearing and more than she could have hoped for in a partner. As they walked to the field hospital Gabal was practically vibrating with pent up anticipation. At first, she thought it was because he was impatient for her see his pack members. But every time they came across something new, she would catch his eyes analyzing her. Aoifa felt as though she could finally relate to a prey animal. The intensity of a predator's stare, and the silence of his powerful, intimidating stride would be enough to cow many. 

Luckily, Aoifa was not many. She was one. And this one was going to have a bit of fun. When their path led them to the next new feature, Aoifa carefully schooled her face to remain neutral. Even though she immensely enjoyed the energy from all the happy plants in their vast fields, she did not show it. This happened for the well placed guards around the cleverly positioned pack amenities, for the display of poise and control shown at the training fields, and this even happened when Aoifa found her very favorite flowers planted in front of Gabal's lovely home. 

When his shaking increased and his arms started sprouting a deep brown hair, she was quick to give up her game. She was surprised at how seriously he took her approval. Aoifa had assumed that he would get frustrated, but to grow emotional enough to shift? Clearly, there was something else going on in his head. 

"Your pack is amazing," she told him, her tone holding the same awe she felt in her heart. "You must have worked so hard to be doing so well. The people here, despite the current circumstances, are so resilient and joyous. They hold so much love and respect for you. Everything is clean, orderly, and efficient. Everything that holds life here is thriving. What a capable male," she whispered her last thought to him, hugging his arm and softly stroking the fur back in. 

She watched from the corner of her eye as his chest filled with pride and his back stood straighter. His demeanor changed drastically from the brooding her silence had caused. His confidence returned and his mind was set at ease.

Samuel and Ansel watched the two interact from afar. Their mind's each traveling a different path that arrived to different ends.

Samuel could see the humor in Aoifa's actions. He was pleased she could read the Alpha so well already, enough to play the trickster and know when to pull back. Letting Gabal sweat a bit only to affirm his standing would be good for his soul. Samuel hoped it would teach the big man to stop overthinking and have more confidence in himself when it came to his mate. 

Samuel knew that Gabal did not lack conviction when it came to matters of the pack or the claw. But matters of the heart had always been put aside. Over the years the Beta had witnessed the Alpha's detachment from women first hand. He had indulged in carnal desires on many occasions, but his heart would only ever belong to his Given. 

His lack of experience regarding relationships, paired with his lack of interpersonal dealings, and the fact that he was terrified of losing the one thing he thought he would never have… Gabal felt as though he was under an immense amount of pressure, understandably so. After hundreds of years, working to build a stable foundation, waiting for his Match to come, finally coming to terms with the fact that there was no match, and that he would eventually be put to death for the madness already encroaching on his mind… That was a lot for one man to carry, giant bear or not. Samuel hoped that Aoifa would be the one to ease his heavy burden. 

Ansel did not like Aoifa, especially after the little stunt she pulled today. The witch was always too aware. Most of the time, people's eyes would slide right by him, be it by his own will, or the will of the people to ignore the Shadow of Death. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. But Aoifa, she saw everything. The way she had been able to capture the blade in her home was impressive. The sour thought of someone who could be a better Shadow for Gabal crossed his mind more and more often. 

Ansel understood that he was having selfish thoughts, and he understood those thoughts were based in insecurity. He could recognize that Aoifa was very likely a nice woman, a woman that would bring happiness and relief to Gabal's stressful life. He could also see that his fears likely stemmed from the early demise of his Match. He was useless to her. Unable to comfort her, to ease her mind, to be a suitable partner, and be enough in her life. She did not want to live without children. And that was his fault, had he been more she would still be with him. 

It was because he felt the influence of his shaken confidence that Ansel disliked Aoifa. He knew that Gabal operated under similar misgivings. He was worried that he would not be enough for his Given to stay with him. Her approval was everything to him. And for Ansel to see her egging on Gabal's fears… He was disappointed, to say the least. He was minorly reassured that when Gabal was distressed enough to begin a shift she had stopped to reassure him. But to play with those emotions in the first place was troubling. Ansel knew he would need to keep a closer eye on the witch. 

The air around them seemed to change as they got further away from the main packlands. Less people could be seen, and those that were in the vicinity held a vastly different demeanor. Anger and hopelessness reigned in these parts, even after the news of Gabal's Matching. The weight of wakeless loved ones was too heavy an affliction to bear on their anguished souls.

The group came to the crest of a large hill that overlooked the clearing where the field hospital sat. For the first time, Aoifa was able to understand the true impact this illness had on Gabal's shifters. The sheer number of patients was overwhelming. 

Row upon row of white tents stood erect in a silent meadow. Flowers and grass had been trampled and starved of light under unmoving bodies. Solemn figures moved quickly between tents, too few in number to make a difference. Desperation was palpable. 

Aoifa subtly dug bare toes into earth, branching out through the network of struggling roots. The stability and fight in the plants helped to steel her nerves. This was a big undertaking, by far the biggest in her career. And more than that, she had a Given and a populous that was counting on her help.  Aoifa prayed that she could be all this pack needed. 

She set forward again, realizing now that the others had stopped with her when she paused, giving her a respectful silence to reflect on her agreed undertaking. Each of the men had taken their own time to gather their thoughts. Even though they visited the sight daily, sometimes more, the size was always a shock to them. Then to remember again all those that they knew, lying in stiff cots, slowly dying. The blow never lessened. 

Aoifa gathered confidence with her momentum, she straightened her back, pointed her chin, and relaxed her shoulders. Everyone around her would see that she was a woman on a mission, ready to get to work and tackle this problem head on. If there was one thing she had learned while being a death doctor for hire, it was to, at the very least, act the part. These people, despite all the horrifying rumors, had still trusted their Alpha to seek her help. That was proof of two things. First, their undying trust and loyalty for their Alpha. And second, that they had exhausted all other options. 

"Bring me to your Maiden, Samuel," Aoifa ordered smoothly, casting a slight sideways glance in his direction to ensure his attention. 

He gave a sharp nod, the constant dialog he had kept up since they had met was strangled by a harsh directive to kill any hope welling in his heart. He would not survive it if Aoifa could do nothing for Darlene. His strides were quick and precise, practiced. When this was over and the obstacles gone, he would still know this path. The march of torment he made every morning and night to see his mate. 

He led her to the center of the camp where the first patients rested. Their tents were faded and some tattered, unlike the newer white from those on the outskirts. It seemed that as more patients came in they expanded outward.

Samuel came to an abrupt halt at the doorway of one tent, it looked like all the others. Painted in red beside the opening was 221B. Aoifa could only assume that was a way to catalogue the patients and tents. Attempting to remember where everyone was by name would be too much. It was easier to remember relational data. 

Samuel drew the flap to the side and stepped to the side, gesturing for them to enter with closed eyes and a tight mouth. His shoulders curled inwards as they passed. Ansel stayed beside Samuel to offer support. It never got any easier to see his mate at death's door. Every time he opened the flap, he could still imagine her sitting there waiting for him with her sweet smile. Every time he came, it crushed him more.

The room was small, holding enough space for a single cot, a small writing table, and a stiff, wooden chair. Ignoring the paperwork on the desk, she moved with the chair to the bedside and sat carefully, observing every detail of Samuel's Given. 

Darlene was worryingly thin. The fat and muscle on her face had disappeared, leaving only a vivid impression of sharp bones beneath. The hand that rested on her chest was skeletal. Her lips were dry and chapped, parted slightly to allow shallow, rasps. What Aoifa found the more alarming though, was the yellow pallor of her skin. 

Abruptly, she sat back, stricken by the sudden resemblance to her past. Aoifa tried to reassure herself that she had eradicated that particular plague from Ireland. There was no way it popped back up over a thousand years in the future in the middle of a different continent. Now more skeptical than shocked, Aoifa bolstered herself for what needed to be done. 

They could feel more than hear the collectively held breath in the room. Anticipation tightened their throats as everyone watched Aoifa slowly reach forward and gently clasp Darlene's hand.