
Gēmā no jinsei

Soul mates have a way of identifying each other whether its with markings or something more.

AstroFaith · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Welcome To The Game

A blonde haired whisker marked cheeked boy woke up in bed with a sigh, eyes still closed from wanting to prolong the dreamless sleep that he had the night before.

"You have to get up kit." A voice sounded through his head.

'I know Kura, I just want a few more moments of peace.' The boy thought to his tenant.

The boy sighed before getting out of bed and trudging his way through his house.

'Today's going to be like any other day.' He thought to himself as he got himself some breakfast and finished it in a hurry before rushing off to the Academy seeing that he was already late, by half an hour.

He sighed as he reached the Academy. He walked towards his seat, that was right next to Sasuke, not really feeling being loud because it was exhausting.

There was a crash as the door was thrown open by two of the loudest Sasuke Fan-girls, who were competing as always. Naruto sighed and set his head in the crook of his elbow to try and get some more sleep. That didn't happen though because right as he closed his eyes he was being shoved out of his seat after hearing a "Get out of the way Naruto-baka" right before he landed on the floor with a thud.

"Move out of the way Ino-pig and let me sit by my soulmate." Sakura stated as she shoved Ino out of the way, not with enough force to push the girl to the ground though.

"As if he's your soulmate forehead, we were meant to be together." Ino stated in a superior tone.

Naruto stood up with an annoyed look on his face, he looked over at Sasuke and saw that he was uncomfortable no matter how much he tried to hide it and sighed.

'It's too early to be dealing with these two and I don't really feel like putting up my act today.' Naruto thought to himself with an internal sigh.

'Then don't, be you for one day it won't be so bad.' Kurama stated to his Jinchuriki. Naruto sent Kurama a mental smile.

"Sasuke, did you get your soulmate mark on March 28th?" Naruto stated effectively silencing the two girls that now stood beside him.

Sasuke looked at Naruto for a bit before realizing that he was trying to help him and gave a mental thanks and sigh of relief that at the moment the two weren't fighting over him.

"No." Was the simple response that he gave the blonde before he turned towards Sakura.

"Did you get your soulmate mark on July 23rd?" He asked the pinkette.

"No." She stated in a timid voice realizing what it meant.

"Then you can't say that you're his soulmate." Naruto stated before turning to Ino before she can retort. "What about you? Did you get your soulmate mark on July 23rd?" She shook her head and sighed in defeat. Turning towards the rest of the class, mainly the girls. "What about the rest of you?" He saw that they either shook their heads or gave soft no's as a response. "Then quit bombarding him because how would you feel if you found out that your soulmate was doing that to someone else. We all know that we get our soulmate marks when they turn twelve. Now all of you know that you aren't Sasuke's soulmate, so quit pestering him because that's disrespectful to your soulmate. Imagine how they would feel when they find out that you wanted someone else as a soulmate while they waited their whole life for you." He saw the saddened looks on the females faces and nodded in satisfaction. "Now that you know that, go back to your seats and think more about this situation."

That's exactly what they did, even Ino and Sakura, they sat down next to each other and the farthest away from Naruto who sat directly beside Sasuke.

Sasuke sighed in relief while Naruto put his head back into the crook of his elbow but this time actually falling asleep right away. Across the room in the same row Shikamaru was sleeping, at least that's what everyone thinks. Instead he used that 'napping' time to analyze his classmates. He saw what happened and he was intrigued for three reasons: the first being that he helped Sasuke, the second that he quieted a whole room not just any simple thing because of all the fan-girls that were in the room, and the last being that was different and seemed more comfortable being the way that he just was and not the happy, obnoxious, loudmouth, dumb, prankster.

A few minutes later Iruka came into the room and noticed that it was abnormally quiet which was unnerving for the Chunin.

"I know that today is the Genin exam's but even this kind of nervousness is a little to much." He joked with a nervous laugh.

"That's not why everyone's quiet Iruka-sensei." Choji stated, around the munching of his chip.

Iruka raised an eyebrow at that.

"Then why pray tell, is everyone so quiet?" He asked.

"It's because Naruto put all the girls in their place about soulmates and how their other halves would feel about the way they act toward Sasuke-teme." Kiba stated as he petted Akamaru on the head gently.

Iruka raised an eyebrow in disbelief as he looked at the boy in question, who was currently sleeping next to Sasuke, which sent a shock to his system not being used to that kind of sight.

"I-I-it's t-t-t-t-true I-I-I-Iruka-s-sensei, t-t-t-hat's w-w-w-why S-S-sakura-c-c-chan a-a-and I-I-Ino-c-c-can a-a-are s-s-s-siting n-n-n-next t-t-t-to e-e-e-each o-o-o-other." Hinata stated shyly before looking down at her desk with a blush heavily dusting her cheeks.

Iruka looked towards the two that were mentioned and another bout of shock circulated through his body, he sighed to right himself.

"Well we can deal more on that matter on a later date but for right now it'll be good for us to start the Genin exams."


Naruto woke up the next day but didn't open his eyes and he went through all that happened yesterday and last night before he finally came home and got some much needed sleep.

He stopped a traitor from escaping Konohagakure and was rewarded by learning things from the scroll that Mizuki tried to take. Then there was when they were at the Academy before the Genin exams where he was telling the girls off and to focus on their soulmate and not a good looking boy.

'Soulmates are a person's other half. They can be noticed by anything different or abnormal on ones being like special markings, feeling emotions that you know aren't yours something that connects the two of you together. These come to light when your soulmate turns twelve this is because around twelve is when puberty hits so as you grow the soul-bond gets stronger. The marking that's on you when your soulmate turns twelve is identical on them when you turn twelve in the exact same spot as your own mark. Some people never meet their soulmate because sometimes death comes earlier to some than it does to others, they still get the soulmate mark though when their soulmate was supposed to turn twelve. Though one way to tell when your soulmate is dead is when the mark turns gray.' He remembered what was said on the day that they learned about soulmates.

He sighed as he opened his eyes but was shocked at what he saw.

[ Hp and Cp are fully restored. You slept in your own bed. ]

He saw the 'x' at the top right corner of the dark blue window that popped up. Experimenting on what to do he reached up and touched the x button and the window closed only for another to pop up again.

[ Welcome soulmate player! Would you like to go through the tutorial?

[ Yes or No ] ]

Looking at the Window closely he noticed that it was see through but the window and words were noticeable enough to not deter his sight. He looked at the Calendar and saw that it was September 22nd which means that his soulmate turned twelve today. This made him smile slightly because if he was being honest with himself he thought that he wouldn't have a soulmate no matter how stupid it sounded.

'Why is my soulmate mark like this though? I've seen Sasuke's Soulmate mark and it looks like a design. The raven with teal eyes and the kanji for love over its heart is kind of cool.' He thought with a chuckle.

'Those marks are physical marks which are the most common marks that one see's now. The feeling of each other's emotions are emotional marks which are uncommon. This mark is a mental mark which is extremely rare. I don't think anyone has had a mental mark before. This makes you and your soulmate are special kit.' Kurama stated which made Naruto smile.

He clicked the yes button.

[ This is something that will make your life into a real life video game where you level up buy things and so much more. ]

[ Windows: In order to close out of them you can give the mentally, out loud, or by pressing the 'x' button at the top right corner of the window. The same can be done when accepting or declining missions/quests.

Stats: You can see this by giving the mental or verbal command.

Skills: You can see all the skills and things that you learn over the years.

Map: You can open a mental map of all the places that you've been including all the secret entrances. The more you explore the more the 'Map' grows.

Inventory: This can be opened by giving the mental or verbal command. The inventory is where you can store all the things that you collect as well as personal items.

Options: This can be seen by giving the mental or verbal command. ]

'Well that was interesting.' Kurama stated and Naruto could hear the sarcasm dripping in the fox's voice which made him laugh out loud.

"Options." He stated after closing the tutorial window

[ Options:

Color: You can change the color of your text and window screens.


Soulmate: You can see your Soulmate's status, skill's, and Rank.

Logout: Unavailable. ]

He clicked on the color button. In both of the sections the gray color square had a red 'x' going through it indicating that that color can't be used and for good reason. He changed the window color to red and kept the text color black before closing out of the window.

"I can look at everything else later. Right now I need to go get my shinobi Identification picture taken." Naruto stated once he realized the time with his literal internal clock that showed itself in the top middle section of his vision screen.

'Now I won't be lying when I say that I have an internal clock.' He thought sarcastically which made the fox within him chuckle lowly.

Getting out of bed he got dressed and made his way out of his apartment while making a mental list of all that he had to do today. He needed to get some new clothing after he got his picture taken, he also needed to get new gear and weapons; ones that weren't rusted, broken, and brittle.

'This is going to be a long day seeing as I still need to train. At least now that I'm a ninja the civilians can't do much. I hope.' He thought as he made his way to the Hokage Tower.