
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Nayoung placed my head on her thigh and was stroking my head, smiling happily.

Then, suddenly, he looked at me carefully and opened his mouth.

"Jihoon. Can't I go too…?"

"Nayoung... I said no because I wasn't going to have fun."

Even though I said no earlier, Nayoung didn't understand and even tried to be cute.

When she tried to be cute with that face, I almost gave her permission without realizing it, so I dropped my head that was resting on her soft thighs.

Then a sigh of regret flowed, but I just shouted resolutely.

"Hey... Still..."

"If you can't, you can't. And today is the day you exercise with Heera, so even if I can't go, you have to go."

"My sister is doing well on her own now..."

"But please do it together."


Even if I pretended to be pitiful, even if I tried to be cute and begged, I couldn't give them permission just for today.

That's because the place I'm going now wasn't just a place to have fun.

"If not, play with Chaeyeon and the kids. What if all three of you can't play?"

"Yeah... maybe."


"No, I can't... so I'm alone. So Ji-hoon...?"

Seeing how quickly he changes his stance, I guess he's lying.

Even if it means lying, he wants to go with me that much.


"If I'm bored, I exercise with Heera, otherwise I just wait quietly at home."

"Just… can't I just go too? I'll stay quiet."

"I said no. And if we went together, it would only be boring and uncomfortable. It would be more comfortable at home."


"I'll come back and have a lot of fun, okay?"

"yea, I got it..."

Nayoung seemed to understand my sincerity and eventually nodded without making any further fuss.

I can't help it.

I bought a large amount of stock in a company whose growth potential was clearly guaranteed through information about the future, and when a major problem arose within the company, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders was suddenly held and I had to attend.

Of course, given that it will survive well in the future, there will be no major problems.

The problem was that the company's owner changed due to the butterfly effect.

As it is currently a little-known company, there is noticeably little information about it, so it seems impossible to relieve this anxiety without going there in person.

As a major shareholder with a whopping 25% stake in the company.


I sighed.

You can make as much money as you want at any time, but how can you stay still when the astronomical amount of money you have earned is likely to disappear in an instant?

The problem was how I would participate in the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting, which was held only when there was a major problem with the company's well-being, which became another problem.

Well, let's go and think about it first.

After all, you can't just stay indoors and pray.

"It's time. Nayoung, I'll just go."

"Yeah... I went home safely..."

"I'm sorry. I'll just come back and stay close to Nayoung. Then, let's go somewhere together."

"Amusement Park.....?"

"Okay. Amusement park. Let's go there."


Nayoung even sang a song about wanting to go to an amusement park.

But even the closest amusement park was really far from my house.

Dad is busy with work, and even Mom, who was playing at home, is helping out as the situation is such that at least one person is desperately needed.

It was a bit difficult for the two of us, who were very young and not able to drive the car, to go to the amusement park just by ourselves.

I think it would be okay to catch me once and come back.

"Welcome back~!"


I left the house while being greeted by Nayoung's bright smile.

"Seup... Haa..."

When it finally came out, it was so overwhelming.

"Maybe I should have just talked to you two?"

My mom and dad didn't even know that I was rich and had an absurd amount of money.

Still, the company of which I was a majority shareholder stumbled for some reason, so they sent me countless emails, but most of them ignored me.

Then, this time, I received an email asking me to come to the extraordinary shareholders' meeting due to some problem, so I tried to take action, but I don't know if it would be of any help if I did.

Even if I explain that I am the majority shareholder and show the proof since I am at an age where I cannot even open a stock account in the first place, I feel like they will just scoff and not let me in.

"I guess I'll have to try hitting it."

The stake is a whopping 25%.

Converted into money, it amounts to 20 billion won.

The rate of return is already negative due to bad news, and the same goes for selling.

"Anyway, why did you ask to meet before the extraordinary shareholders' meeting?"

The new CEO, who had ousted the existing company owner and was running several affiliates, and was called the chairman, contacted me to meet in advance before the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

When I thought about this horrendously miserable thing, it was clear that he was probably full of thoughts of saying something foolish in order to somehow attract me.

This is because, if the company was just acquired, but suffered a series of hardships as soon as it was acquired and the majority shareholder with a whopping 25% stake left, it was obvious that the company would not be able to survive for long and would collapse.

So maybe I'll be there.

"I'll have to persuade you well."

First of all, we have to reveal and make people believe that the majority shareholder with 25% of the shares is actually a very young boy.

To that end, I brought everything that could serve as evidence.

From the emails he has sent me so far to taking pictures of my stock balance.

If this doesn't work, I should just sell everything and leave, or call my dad.

My father is also forming a group by swallowing up various companies, so he must be well aware of this.


"Whoa… I'm nervous… I'm nervous…"

A middle-aged man was sitting on a chair with a serious expression and shaking his legs noisily.

"What do you think?"

He then asked a question to his friend and secretary who was standing quietly next to him.

"Why are you asking me that? I don't know."

As a long-time friend and partner, he spoke in a friendly manner regardless of his position.

That also doesn't help anything.

"But, well, he appears like a comet and is earning almost certain profits through aggressive investments, but he may be a big name in the back world that we don't know about."

The only way to know who had bought the stock and who had not bought it was for the securities company to disclose it.

However, secrecy and trust are more important than anything to a securities company, and if these are violated, they will be eliminated and go bankrupt.

Therefore, it is impossible to know a specific person, no matter how powerful he or she is in Korea.

But sometimes. I didn't know who it was because of the unique investment method, but I was able to guess roughly.

So I hurriedly took over the company because it seemed like there was something there. It was like stepping on poop.

"It's difficult… It's difficult…"

I bit my nails in frustration.

To be honest, even if the company I acquired was declining, I was confident that I would be able to get it back on its feet if I had a little time.

The problem was that the majority shareholder with a 25% stake, a mysterious figure who made quick and aggressive investments with a large amount of money, was worried that this time he would not be able to hold on and go out.

"Did you... take it over for no reason?"

Compared to the short and bold hit and miss, I have held this company's stock for quite a long time.

Then, I thought it would be a long-term investment with an eye on the future.

I thought it was a good business to take over, but now I regret it.

Is it true that it exists in the first place? I also began to suspect that it was just someone else and I wasn't seeing it properly.

"The water has already spilled, so we have to keep taking it. Are we giving up here? If we give up, the loss will be enormous."

"I know… I know. That's why we decided to meet before the extraordinary shareholders' meeting."

"That's true. But I didn't know that we would meet right away."

"That's right."

Since he achieved a 300% return on domestic stocks in a short period of time (less than a month), it would be a hassle if his face became known.

Someone could have asked how many more there would be at around 300%.

No, there are a ton of them if you look for them. But for the vast majority, the amount is small, at most a few hundred million.

But this mysterious being started investing recklessly with 10 billion from the beginning.

If you make a profit of 10 billion, invest another 10 billion and all the money you just earned.

In this way, 10 billion suddenly became 30 billion.

Anyway, I was prepared that it wouldn't work, so I sent a message asking them to come to the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting in a different way and if I could meet them before then, but they responded that the results would come.

I thought I would be lucky if I didn't ignore it, but it was a bit pathetic and vain.


My legs were still hanging and my fingers were tapping the desk.

"Why are you so worried?"

"It's rather strange that I don't worry like you do."

"As long as it's not a gangster leader accompanied by strong men. I've never heard of gangsters owning stocks in the first place, so I guess not."

As you say, he is probably not the leader of a gang.

And the initial funding was 10 billion won, so there was no way he was young. That means you are at least in your 40s or older.


No matter how hard I tried to calm myself down, all I could do was let out anxious sighs.

The closer the appointment time came, the more anxious I felt.

If a mysterious entity.

Although it is a reckless investment, he is an investment genius with an accuracy rate of over 90%. The waiting time for the so-called stock emperor felt longer than ever.

For example, it reminds me of the past when I struggled to revive a company that was hit hard by the subprime mortgage crisis and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Crack, thump, thump.

I waited and waited endlessly.

Is it still not coming? Even after 5, 10, and 30 minutes after the appointed time, no one came.

I had vain hopes and ended up thinking that there was something wrong with my watch.

That's right... he won't come.

Or maybe he suddenly changed his mind.

I took out my smartphone and turned on the screen.

No messages were received.

If you don't think you can come, please contact me. I felt resentful of the nameless being who gave me hope.

"I'm not coming. I'll just consider the worst case scenario and come up with a plan... okay?"

Just when I was about to give up and come up with a plan considering the worst case scenario of a major shareholder leaving.

I had my doubts about the commotion outside.

"I'll go out and see."

My friend said he was going to figure out the situation and went outside.

Still, the commotion did not subside.

I'm annoyed because he doesn't come at the promised time, but since the noise is the same, I can't help but become more annoyed.



The screen of the smartphone on the desk turned on and an alarm rang.

I check my email carefully.


An email was sent from a mysterious being who was the major shareholder who would save the company.

However, a little strangely, there was a concise sentence written asking to be let in.

Without even having time to think about what this meant, I rushed out.


"Ji, Jihoon?"

"Oh, Dad?"

I was able to find the image of my son and my most beloved family member in the world, who was blocked by security guards in front of the entrance.

The two looked at each other in silence for a while.