
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"Huh, huh! Huh!"

"Cheer up, Nayoung. You just have to run a little more!"

"Hagghh... hot... haha... Hak, ugh...!"

Currently, my physical strength is quite poor and I am also short when I grow up, so I was running around the playground with Nayoung to help her lose weight.

However, as you can see from Nayoung's large physique, her physical strength was not at all surprising.

Now, after running a little over half a lap, I was slowly starting to run out of breath, while Nayoung looked like there was nothing strange about collapsing at any time.

Every time she ran with slow, unsteady steps, she couldn't stay still and the chunks of flesh that shook constantly looked a little dirty, but I tried to ignore it.

"Just a little more...! Nayoung, you can do it!"

"Heh... heh."

Now it has gotten to the point where I can't even answer.

His eyes slowly opened and his unsteady steps looked like he was falling.

"little bit more!"

One lap was right around the corner.

Nayoung, who knew this, ran with all her might and eventually succeeded in completing one lap.

"Heh heh."

Nayoung, who was exhausted as soon as she crossed the virtual finish line, immediately relaxed her legs and lay down.

Panting heavily, her chest rose high and then sank down.

"are you okay?"

There is no answer either.

It's as if he's just asking with his eyes not to talk to me for now because he's not okay at all.

"I know it's hard. But even though it's hard, you have to persevere."

I shouldn't have given up just because exercise was difficult.

If you think about being thrown into society without any preparation, you might not think this is a big deal.

As if she didn't know what I was saying, Nayoung already showed an expression that she didn't want to do.

"Can you run more?"

When I asked that, he gently avoided eye contact.

"Nayoung. I will be by your side, so don't give up and just run. Huh?"

"Next to me…?"

"Yes. Next to you."



Were these words that touched your heart? Nayoung showed tears.

He seems to cry in front of me often, but it's nice to see him.

This is because I could see it as meaning that he was opening his heart to me.

"Why are you crying again? You're ruining your pretty face."

I carefully hugged Nayoung's large body so that only I could see those tears from now on.

"Huh... black..."

She started crying while being held in her arms, and the kids in her class started whispering when they saw her.

'Hannayoung's husband hugged her!', 'They look good together. 'I really wish we could get married!' etc. I kept saying sarcastic things, but it didn't do much damage.

Rather, it seems like a compliment since what I want is to marry Nayoung.

Nayoung, on the other hand, cried and looked at me, wondering if she was bothered or if she, with her extremely low self-esteem, was harming me.

Every time that happened, I smiled kindly and stroked his hair.

No matter what anyone said, he was the very thing that became a strong wall.

Nayoung's cheeks, which were faintly visible hidden behind her bangs, were colored with a blush.


It's the weekend.

Even though it was the weekend, Nayoung's diet project continued without stopping.

"I'm here?"

"Uh, uhm..."

After she burst into tears on the playground, Nayoung was unable to look into my eyes.

I lower my head to hide my face, which I don't know when it started to turn red, and I just keep stuttering.

The reaction wasn't bad.


"Shall we run first?"


When I told her to run as soon as we met, Nayoung's face suddenly distorted.

"I came here to exercise. What should I do if I don't exercise?"


I hesitated, wondering if there was something I wanted to do differently, and then let out a short sigh.

"Give me the bag."

I was about to hand over her bag containing water and various other things, but Nayoung shook her head.

"Ah, now I'll carry it…!"

"It's okay, so give it to me quickly."

"Oh, no...!"

I don't know what this rejection is.

Still, I took it with effort.

I don't think I'm at the level yet where I can carry something and run, so it's much better to just carry it and run with peace of mind.

"If it bothers you, can I give you a hand?"


Since he couldn't take his eyes off his bag that I had stolen, I made a light joke, but he couldn't take it lightly at all.

It was oddly cute how he was surprised and glanced at my hand with a redder face than before.

"Gwae, it's okay… ok… ah…"

He chewed his tongue and ran alone as if running away.

"Come with me! Nayoung!"

Although it hasn't been long since I followed her closely behind. I was running next to Nayoung, who was out of breath and on the verge of collapsing.

"Huh…! Huh… Huh…! Huh…!"

"Are you tired? Shall we take a little rest?"

"Joe, you can run a little more…!"

Even just a few days ago, Nayoung would have fallen down, nodding her head vigorously as if she had been waiting for these words.

I felt like I could run a little more, so it was great to see the change in my ability to try running a little more.

"Okay. Then let's run a little more."

Roughly two hours passed by repeating this process of running for a bit, resting, running and resting. I brought Nayoung to my house.

"What's this?"

"It's a magic medicine that will restore Nayoung's pretty face."

"Magic medicine...? You're putting it on your face, right?"

When I noticed that it had 'foot cream' written all over the container, I asked with a skeptical look.

"Of course. Of course."

Although it was made to be applied to the feet as a foot cream, no one would apply it to the feet in the future.

That's right, because of the news that applying it to the face rather than applying it to the feet can have better results without side effects, the price of this cream has increased several times and it has become difficult to find around the world.

It was natural that this one thing took care of all the pimples, blackheads, and acne on my face.

But now, no one is buying it because its efficacy is not properly known.

"Let's sleep. Let's apply it quickly."

"Ugh, uhm… I-I don't like it…!"

Isn't this the cream that was even advertised later, thanking you for applying it too?

"Nayoung. Do you trust me?"


"Yes. Do you trust me? If you trust me, can't I pretend I'm being deceived and just apply it?"


Nayoung seemed even more difficult to refuse when it came to this point.

"It's new so there's no problem."

I don't know if it was something someone had used on their feet, but it was a new product that hadn't even been properly packaged yet.

I opened the lid, removed the foil, and squeezed it in my hand.

And then he brought it straight towards her face.

"Sleep. Nayoung."

Her face was full of expressions like she didn't want to apply it, but she closed her eyes as if she had no choice.

"That's right."

The hair covering the front was pushed back.

No matter how much you look at her, her bare face, which cannot be seen as pretty, is revealed.

It hasn't been long since I started exercising, so my face is still full of fat.

In addition, it looks hideous because it is full of things that make it difficult to know exactly what it is.

But if you look closely, there are many pretty parts that couldn't be hidden.

Large, tightly set eyes and a sharp nose bridge. And even the lips. I really want to see you lose weight quickly.

"Ugh. Ugh… Ugh."

As I gently applied the cream to my face, I let out a moan of discomfort.

My hands and feet couldn't stay still and wriggled around.

"Well, it tickles… It feels like it's stinging…"

Unlike the face, it is intended to be used on feet, which have thick skin, so it may contain strong ingredients and cause itchiness or stinging.

However, if you think that all of this is mercilessly killing off the waste products on your face, it would not be an unpleasant sensation at all.

Nayoung, who did not yet know this fact, expressed her displeasure.

"Wow, it's pretty. It looks even prettier after I put this on."


I was filled with anticipation.

I felt a little sorry because it was both true and not true.

To be honest, her face couldn't be considered pretty because it was now completely white and full of small islands.

It actually looked like a ghost, but it felt much better than before.

"Uhm... of course."

It's nice to see that he's happy when I give him a definite answer.

"Let's stay like this for a little while and then wash our face. While we're washing, wash our hair."

"Is that okay?"

"But since that's okay, let's wash it cleanly, okay?"

You can't keep stroking your oily hair forever.

Should I just take a shower and wash my hair?

"Let's go for one more run after we wash it all off."


As I was applying the cream, I looked at her face closely, and I couldn't wait to get rid of all that fat on her as soon as possible.

So I told him to run more and he blatantly hated it.


"it's hard."

"I know. I can see that Nayoung is having a hard time. But you have to hold on and persevere. Huh?"


I tend to overdo it a bit, but what can I do? To become pretty, you have to put in a lot of effort.

"I kept running until just now. Can't I just stop running today?"


I'm sorry, but can't you just pretend to be pitiful with that face? I'm getting a little scared.

"Then do you have a wish?"

"Wish? Why that suddenly?"

"If you exercise after washing up, I'll give you a wish ticket."

"Really? Are you willing to listen to anything?"

"If only I could listen."

"Yes! Good! Exercise! Let's exercise!"

It's completely different from when you bet on a wish ticket at a tteokbokki restaurant.

At that time, I had no particular wish, so my response was dry.

"Ah...! If I win the bet, you'll get another wish right...?"

I'm sure I'd win the wish-making bet on whether Nayoung is actually pretty or not, but there's no need to say it.

Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me.


He said yes without a moment of hesitation and stroked his dull, greasy hair.

"I'll listen to everything, if it's something I can listen to."


She let out an idiotic laugh as she wondered what kind of hope circuit was running in her head.

"This should be enough, so let's wash up quickly."


I pushed Nayoung into the bathroom.

After washing her sweat-soaked body and face, Nayoung and I ran out on the streets again, and said that we were saving the wish ticket we got for later.


As usual, the next day arrived sadly.

"Ehh! It was a virus that belonged to my husband!"

"Kya~! Go away!"

"Don't come! Don't move on me!"

A boy passing by brushed against my bag.

Immediately, he let out a strange scream and screamed as if he had Wuhan pneumonia, as if he had become a zombie. She ran to the other kids.

"Ji, Jihoon..."

"Yes why."

"Oh, no."

Nayoung, who had done nothing wrong, began to suffer from guilt as I began to suffer the same bullying that she had suffered so far.

As someone who has experienced it firsthand, you know best how difficult and painful it is.

But even though I was like this only physically, mentally it was okay for me as an adult.

On the contrary, I've faced worse things than this in my social life, and I've never faced anything worse than this, so the kids look cute.

"Nayoung, straighten your back."

"Uh, huh!"

If your posture is slouched during the growth period when growth is very rapid, your body will grow into a slouched state as well.

If you try to correct your posture later, it may already be too late.

No matter how comfortable my bad posture was, I had to change it to become comfortable with a good posture from now on.

"Let's spread it out a little more."

When I put my hand on her waist and pressed it, my slightly curved waist straightened as I was startled by the sudden physical contact.

"Okay. Keep it like this. Okay?"

"Uh, okay. Okay."

It's nice to hear what you're saying and it's nice to see it.

How great would it be if I could grow up to be a pretty child who listens very well to what I say.

"Go to sleep, kids. Be quiet. The teacher is here, so stop running and take your seats!"

A moment after the class bell rang. The teacher came into the classroom.

"Today, I will be handing out test papers from last time, so anyone whose name is called should quickly come out and take them."

Names were called according to number.

Then, one by one, each person stood up and went out to receive the test paper.

There were kids who were disappointed when they received the test paper and got a score that was lower than expected, there were kids who liked the score that was higher than expected, and there were kids who just liked it no matter what the score was.

"Lee Ji-hoon... Oh...! Ji-hoon, I guess you studied hard?"

When my turn came, the teacher opened her eyes and expressed admiration.

"thank you."

The score is, of course, 100 points.

"We've improved a lot. Let's just keep going like this."


What can you do with this level of difficulty?

Of course, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wow... 100 points."

"Do you want to see it?"


I handed the test paper to Nayoung, who couldn't take her eyes off my test paper with bright eyes.

I couldn't help but be amazed as if I was seeing a test paper with only circles and no poles falling like rain for the first time.



Nayoung's expression when she received the test paper was not very good.

If you look at the test paper with a lot of rain, it seems like you can't study.

Well, doesn't that mean you can't understand that you can't study?

I probably couldn't concentrate properly in class because I didn't go to any academy and was bullied at school.

"Shall I teach you how to study later?"


"If you want."

"Yes! Teach me!"

He nodded with a much brighter face than before.

It was nice to see him smiling at school now.