
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Even though I finally started dating Nayoung, nothing much changed.

I had memories from before my regression, so I was like an adult, but I felt like I had almost never gotten along well with a woman, let alone had any dating experience, so I had no idea how to narrow the distance further and continue skinship.

Above all, I was reluctant to engage in active skinship because my lover, Nayoung, was mentally much younger than me.

It doesn't seem like Nayoung actively wants this.

So, it seemed like there was almost no difference between before and after dating.

Except for Nayoung, who spends every day feeling like she's going to fly.

Even while we were dating, I was still obsessed with increasing my assets, and I continued to try to exercise as much as possible every day.

Time passed so quickly that I graduated from school and entered a new school at the same time.

"Jihoon! Jihoon! How about me? Do I look good on you?!"

While I was still waking up early in the morning and putting on my school uniform to go to my new school, Nayoung opened the door.

To me, the school uniform seemed old-fashioned and plain, but when Nayoung wore it, an optical illusion occurred that she looked sophisticated and pretty.

"It's pretty. It suits you well."

As if she never got tired of it, she was hugged by me, overjoyed at the constant compliments that she was pretty.

"Hee...! Jihoon too...! Jihoon looks great on you too!"

They said I looked good in my school uniform... To be honest, I didn't think so.

I've grown quite tall thanks to regular exercise, and although my body is stocky, the most important thing is that my face is ordinary, but I look good in it, sleep well, and I don't notice anything like that.

I guess I can just say that I have a strong feeling that I am a newbie who has left the kid's t-shirt and just started playing sports.

"Really...? Thank you for that."

"Tch… that's not an empty remark!"

I wasn't particularly impressed so I answered hesitantly and Nayoung pouted her lips.

She exclaimed with a pout on her face at the thought that her boyfriend, the man she loved most in the world, did not think that way.

"You look like a prince!"


No matter how good you look at it, that's not true.

And if you wear a school uniform and become a prince, how many bean pods do you have in your eyes?

"Yes. Yes. He looks like a prince. I think he does."

I agreed with Nayoung's words without a soul.

"Huh... You really look like a prince..."

No matter what you say, people will never see me as a prince.

I pushed Nayoung, who was a little downcast, out of my arms, put on her school uniform properly, and left the room.

"Oooh! Nayoung! You're so pretty! It suits you well!"

As soon as I came out, my mother's excessive reaction was to hold the camera in her hand.


Nayoung burst out laughing.

On the contrary.

"Jihoon. You look good on it too."

"Yes. Thank you for that."

He spoke in a formal tone to me, and I returned the tone in a formal tone.

Still, the mother captured Nayoung's image on camera as if nothing had happened.

I was so anxious to take pictures like that when I first got dressed up in my school uniform, so I wonder if there was still anything left to take.

By the way, I didn't take a single picture of my biological son in his school uniform.

Ugh... I wonder if I'll live because I'm so sad.

"Are you going to take more pictures?"

"We're halfway through now."

"We're halfway through now?"

I tried to push away the overwhelming sense of absurdity and looked at the clock on the wall.

"If you don't go now, you'll be late for the entrance ceremony."

"It's okay. If you step hard, you'll get there in time."

"What such irresponsible words..."

It's an absurd way of thinking that since you're running late, you just have to step on the accelerator in time.

I thought this wouldn't work, so I forcibly took away the camera that kept pressing the shutter.


When the camera was taken away, my mother looked blankly at the camera in my hand with a lost expression.

"I'll give it to you later, so hurry up and go. If you don't go now, we'll just take a taxi and go by ourselves."

"Tsk. They said it's useless to raise a son… Is that what you're going to say to your mom?"

"I'm going to be late for the entrance ceremony, so what…!"

I got a little upset when I heard that.

"I'm kidding~! Mom, I'll get ready quickly and come out!"

Mom ran away immediately.


Were you always that playful?

That's not what I remember of my mother before she returned.

No, did you? Isn't it just that I didn't know because I wasn't interested in my mom?

Whatever it was, it was nice to see the mother smiling brightly and playing pranks on her son rather than with a dark shadow on her face.

"Wow...! There are so many people!"

After many twists and turns, we arrived at school.

Nayoung got out of the car and couldn't help but be impressed when she saw the school, which seemed bigger and more special than the school she attended before.

In addition, as if it wasn't late, the area around the school was full of cars, children in school uniforms, and people who appeared to be the children's parents.

Perhaps that is why the school, which used to be quite spacious, now looks narrow.

"Nayoung! Nayoung! Can you stand here for a moment?"


Did you find a good spot to take a picture? Her mother urgently called Nayoung.

I obediently went to the place my mom told me to and got into position, and the shutter went off right away.

I got the daughter I wanted, and she was so pretty, so I understand why I became a fool, but I'm a little embarrassed.

There are a lot of eyes watching them, and I don't know how they will meet face to face in the future since I think they are not even talking to each other after seeing each other this time. I feel my face getting hot.

"Jihoon! Let's take a picture together!"

Nayoung led me with her arms crossed.

When I was captured by the camera lens, my mother looked blatantly uncomfortable.

what. I'm your son.

He is a dutiful son who has done everything he should as a son just by helping him win first place in the lottery, but his response is too harsh.

click. click. click.

"That's it. Jihoon. Come out now."


Hey. I won't take a picture because it's dirty.

Despite Nayoung's dissuasion, he left the place.

Mom said it was a joke, but when she pointed the lens at Nayoung and saw her finger steadily pressing the shutter button, I thought it might not be true.


"Eh... you are now... eh... as proper students of our school... eh..."

The freshmen gathered in the auditorium, including me and Nayoung, were listening to a long and extremely boring sermon from the wrinkly principal.

It's a shame they gave me a chair. If it had not been provided, it is clear that there would have been a flood of complaints.

The problem is that there are many children who use chairs as a lullaby for children to sleep.


Nayoung was no different.

Nayoung tried hard to resist her eyelids closing on their own, but it was no use.

With my eyes gently closed, my head nodded from the drowsiness that came over me.

"Just sleep. I don't think he says anything even if I sleep openly."

He was also a freshman, so unless it was something serious, there was no way he would be caught from the beginning.

Even if it isn't, Nayoung must be very pretty. Even if she doesn't do anything, she can't help but get the attention of her teachers, as well as her kids, all at once.

Then troublesome things will follow.

Even if I try to lead a normal school life anyway, I won't be able to become normal, so shouldn't I be at least a little more comfortable?


I placed Nayoung's head on my shoulder.

She smiled brightly and relaxedly rested her head on his shoulder, as if she felt happy about this little consideration.

The whispering that followed.

The girls made a fuss, wondering if it was their first time seeing their lover, and the boys were jealous of me.

what. whatever. If you tease them, you'll regress and start flirting with pretty girls.

I was shameless.

Even though I received the fraudulent benefits of future memories and future smartphones, I was conceited and laughed at them as if they were all achievements made through my own efforts.

But that's not a problem, so I'm just happy to constantly be jealous of kids who may be better than me.

"Eh… thank you…"

Finally, the long and boring conversation came to an end.

Strangely enough, it seemed like even the teachers were happy and clapping their hands hard, but I guess it was just their mood.

"Nayoung. Nayoung. We have to go now."

"Ugh… Ugh… Ugh."

I woke up Nayoung, who had fallen asleep leaning on my shoulder, and met again with my mother, who had been watching us from the second floor of the auditorium.

I left Nayoung, who had completely entrusted herself to me in a half-asleep state, and after talking about various things with my mother, I parted ways.

I went to check the class assignment table with Nayoung, who was still sleepy so it wasn't surprising if she collapsed at any time.

These many freshmen were divided into a total of 10 classes.

in those.

"We're in the same class."

Nayoung and I were assigned to the same class.

Nayoung, who followed with unsteady steps while leaning without thinking, opened her eyes.

Does what I say feel like a lie? I quickly looked for my name and looked to see if my name was nearby.

Eventually, she realized that she was actually in the same class as me.

"Jihoon! We're in the same class!"

I fell into his arms, loving him more than ever.

As I ran around while holding him, I became a nuisance to the kids who came to see the class assignment list even though it was late.

"I know. Okay, calm down."

I calmed down Nayoung, who was very excited, and headed to my class.

"It's similar, but a little different…!"

Nayoung, who entered a new school and new class, looked around with bright eyes.

That's right. How different would it be if the school were different?

I wasn't impressed so I headed to the back seat near the window.

The place was empty, as if there was no bully who seemed particularly prone to hitting people since they were still young.

Naturally, Nayoung followed behind me and sat right next to me.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on between you two?!"

As soon as I sat down, the girls who followed me into class immediately latched onto Nayoung.

While the girls I became friends with at school before ignored Nayoung and stood by while she was being bullied, so they strangely drew a line between them without knowing whether they felt guilty or not.

The girls here didn't know anything about that, so they actively attacked Nayoung.

Nayoung looks a little embarrassed by this unfamiliar aggressive attitude.

"You two. Are you dating?"

"Me, me and Jihoon...? Hehe. Yes! We're dating!"

"Oh my! It suits you well!"

Anyone can tell that me and Nayoung are so different that we don't look like we get along well.

So that means that those words are empty words.

You might ask if your confidence is at a low level, but no matter how hard you try, it's too hard to keep up with your overwhelming looks, so there's nothing you can do about it.


Nayoung, unaware of that fact, smiled innocently.

"Uh, uh…"

"Wow... this is no joke..."

"I've never seen anything this pretty on TV…!"

The girls were already fascinated by Nayoung's bright smile.

Even with professional makeup and retouching, I couldn't compare to Nayoung.

It's so ridiculously pretty.

This is why even if you try to be confident, it's hard to have it.

"Where did you two meet?"

"Uh, we…?"

"Who confessed first?"

"Go, confess…!"

"Why are you dating me?"


He asks a series of questions.

It's not that annoying at all.

Nayoung avoids things she doesn't want to answer or has difficulty answering by speaking slurred, but to the last question, she shouts out everything without a moment's hesitation.

"Let's go to sleep. Everyone take your seats."

There are kids I knew originally or kids I quickly became friends with, so the class atmosphere is both familiar and awkward at the same time. A female teacher who appeared to be our class teacher came inside.

The teacher immediately finished introducing himself briefly by writing his name and phone number on the blackboard.

"We've been in the same class for a year now, shall we take the time to introduce ourselves?"

The time has come for self-introduction, which is a must when entering a new school.