

I woke up to the morning light dancing softly across my room, covering it in a golden haze. I reluctantly pushed myself out of the covers and looked out of my window to peek at the mesmerizing backyard. I really want to go out there sometime. Just as I thought that Larry peeked into my room, holding a tennis racket. Still sporting the bandage, his hair was neatly arranged on top of his head. He wore a white polo, white Nike shorts with a blue stripe on the side, blue Nike socks, with all-white Adidas NMD's to match.

This boy sure was ready.

"Wanna play tennis with me? Dad suggests we all go out while breakfast is cooking," he beamed.

I nodded happily. "Awesome!" He exclaimed, running in and grabbing my hand, dashing back to the door with me in tow. I grab the door frame just before he dragged me out.

"Wait!" I yell, laughing. "What?" He says, slightly confused. I gesture to myself. He blushes and facepalms in realization. "I'm gonna change into better clothes. Wait here," He salutes to me, grinning goofily. "Yes sir!" He says, standing stiffly, puffing his chest out. I punch him in it and we both giggle. I walk in, shutting the door and grabbing my shorts out of the closet.

Putting them on, I realized the fancy brand inscribed on the side. I felt bad that Bowser spent this much money on me. Looking around the detailed moldings etched into the baseboards, crown moldings carved carefully into each room, I didn't think he had any problem with it. I sure hoped not.

Grabbing a brand new blue t-shirt with a Nike logo on it, I put on Adidas socks and a pair of Vans. I walk back out and Larry whistles, admiring my outfit. I laugh at his antics. He envelops his claw in my hand, intertwining his stubby fingers with my smaller ones as we run down the hallway together. On our way to the kitchen, we see Wendy typing on her phone on the couch, chewing bubble gum, heavy lipstick applied onto her lush lips.

Larry waved "Hi sis!" She looks up at him and puts her hand up. "One moment. I'm trying to figure out a caption for my new post, " "How bout I wish I had hair," he snickered. Glaring, she threw her phone case at him, which he dodged and dragged me back to the kitchen and out the backdoor. He let go of my hand.

This place was so much better in the daylight. Gawking, I caught Larry staring at me with a pessimistic expression.

Before I could open my mouth, he did.

"I'm so sorry, " "What did you d-" "You've never experienced something like this, but this is my everyday life. You're older than me, and you never even had a childhood, " he started somberly, nothing but sympathy in his blue orbs. I nodded sadly, darkness entering my brown eyes. He perked up, noticing my expression, hugging me. I returned it.

"We WILL make sure the rest of your life is spent in comfort. We care about you," he smiled softly. That's all I needed to hear for my mood to rise back up.

He got in a racing stance, "Wanna Race?" I nodded eagerly, mimicking his position.

"3, 2, 1, GO!" He darted off down the stone pathways throughout the backyard. He was way faster than I expected but I lagged slightly behind, jogging. I noticed the tennis courts, and by the time I noticed him get a little tired, I picked up my speed and whizzed by him instantly. He sped up, catching up quickly. It was too late. I hit the gate and turned around just as he reached me.

He looked actually impressed. "Damn, when Roy and Morton said you were fast, they weren't kidding," he huffed. He was faster than any human I've ever raced.

Which was about 1. But still.

"I'm impressed," he said, shocked. "I was expecting to have to slow down on purpose," he laughed, pushing the gate open. It wasn't until he handed me the tennis racket I realized something.

I didn't know how to play tennis.

He threw the ball up and served it. Not knowing what to do, I hit the ball back at full force. He jumped back and let it hit the ground before hitting it back. I decided to hit it out of reach to see what would happen. I jumped up and spiked the ball sharply to the left, the ball just barely crossing his side. He jumped for it but ultimately missed. He fell to the floor. I began to ask if he was alright, but he got up, brushing himself off.

"Good one, bro!" he called. I smiled. So that was good?

"But it won't happen again!" he grunted, serving the ball again. This time he hit it with a lot of force. I bet he thought I had some sort of experience. I was just smacking the ball at him while hoping he'd miss. The sunlight might have blinded him or something because he completely missed the ball, swinging the racket in the complete opposite direction.

"Aw, " he chuckled. We played a few more times and I turned out to win.

"Larry sucks at tennis!" Lemmy called from the trampoline. He laughed again before cutting a backflip easily. I didn't even know when he got there. Larry and I walked over to the trampoline and kicked our shoes off. Climbing on, Larry bucked up to Lemmy, puffing his chest out.

"Threw your back out playing tennis?" he snickered.

"What did you say about me playing tennis?" Larry caught Lemmy in a headlock, and they began to wrestle. I laughed warmly. I noticed that Roy and Morton were getting ready to swim. I get off the trampoline as they wrestle, walking over to them. Once there, I sit in a lawn chair, waving at them. I bring my knees up into my chest out of habit. I watch Roy and Morton kick their shoes and socks off before taking their shirts off. Morton begins to fiddle with something that looked like a power box while Roy bounds over to me, slinging an arm around my shoulder, squeezing in the chair next to me. "Wanna join?" He asks. I watch as Morton cries in succession as water begins to flow down the slides. They were high up and looked really fun and fast. I nod hesitantly.

"Temperature?" Morton calls over to Roy.

" Let's say... 70!" he calls back. Their voices sounded extremely deep, making me seem part mouse whenever I speak.

Morton nodded, messing with the box again, shirt over his shoulder. Roy's belongings were thrown on a nearby chair.

Roy smiled at me, his shades glare nearly blinding me. I squint and lean back, and he laughs heartily. He gets up and offers a hand, that I take. I see his hand visibly shaking as he reaches and takes his shades off, sitting them on the chair with his shirt, socks, and shoes. He huffs shakily and Morton comes over and hugs him.

I'm really getting a grasp of how dire he felt about revealing his eyes. I bound over and wrap my arms around them, and they let go and sandwich hug me. I giggle from in between them.

This was our thing now.

Roy seemed way more laid back knowing we loved him the way he was. It was my turn to be insecure as I shakily pulled off my shirt. They gasp at the sight. My ribcage was so visible it was like looking at a skeleton. It wasn't too bad, but it was clear that I was malnourished before coming here.

My arms were bony, pessimistically complimenting my fragile stature. I whimpered as they looked at me, probably judging me.

" It's alright, we all have an imperfection or two, " Roy smiled. I knew, in a sense, he was talking about his eye. One shone brilliantly blue in the sunlight, it was truly mesmerizing. The other eye was dull and had nothing in it but a mark where the glass had entered it.

"But that's what we have to learn to love about ourselves. Imperfection is exclusive, " Morton smiled, patting his stomach. "Nobody's the same." he finished.

I was squished in between them again as they both hugged me. I felt a bit better after that. Their large arms wrapped around me gave me the comfort I needed to be able to accept myself and focus on getting better. I smiled deviously, attempting with all my might to swing one of them into the water. Roy tried to dodge, but tripped, falling in anyways.

"Hah!" Morton guffawed, picking me up and swinging me over his large shoulder. I frowned a bit as I looked at the crack on his shell. It looked pretty bad.

That was over me...

Shaking those negative thoughts out of my head, I punch at his shoulder as he starts carrying me to the edge.

"Catch, Roy!" he grunted as he swung me over to Roy who had his arms out. I squealed as I was thrown into the water, Roy completely failing at catching me. I laugh as the water was warm, and I saw a soft red LED illuminating under the pool, not being so noticeable with it being daylight.

Roy caught my stare.

"The colder it's set to, the bluer it gets. The hotter, the redder, " he informed.


"Catch me Taemin!"

"Wait, what?!"

I ducked as Morton jumped in the water, splashing Roy as he didn't duck. The two began to playfully water fight, taking turns dunking me occasionally. After water sliding for a few more minutes. I got out of the water claiming to have to use the restroom.

I didn't have to use the restroom at all.

I didn't tell them that though. Roy tossed me a towel and I dried off, shorts still slightly soaked.

I shrugged on my shirt, running inside. The hem of my shirt was wet because of the shorts. I made sure I wasn't dripping before running up to my room. I closed and locked the door and took a deep breath. Going in my bag, the stolen heart medication lay untouched since I've been here.

I gulp sadly, the fake smile wiped clean off my face. I look at the saddening sight of the pill bottle that sat stationary in my palm. I closed my curtains before taking some of the contents dry. The vivid memory of tagging along with Rick as he had embezzled the God-forsaken medication was vivid in my mind as I chewed and swallowed the damned pills deeming my heart condition.

I took a deep breath. Looking around, I saw a note on my nightstand. It read, "Hey son! I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to have some guests over, and I'm gonna hire someone to repaint your wall and redo a patch on your carpet. If someone in uniform is in there around 5, everything is fine, " he had placed a smiley at the end of the note which made me smile. I look over at the dramatic blood stains surprised that I had lost so much blood.

I hastily changed and stuffed the pill bottles in my pocket. I ran down the spiral staircase hastily.

Later on, I'd regret running, oh how I should've walked.

I scrambled into the kitchen and saw bowser cooking on the stove nearby. He looked hard at work as he cooked breakfast for his nine children.

Bowser turned and chuckled as he saw me nearly bump into him. He steadied me as I was about to fall. I looked up at him, shame in my spirit.

"Hey now, what's the matter, Taemin?" I felt so guilty. "I'm so sorry for bleeding in the wall! I didn't mean to cost you so much money to fix my wall and my floor!" I frowned. He gaped, looking at me like I was cynical. He spoke softly to mend my downcast mood.

"I wrote that note so you'd know what's going on, and not be scared. And besides!" he gestured at the beautiful space around him, tall windows galore, filled to the brim with expensive glass. The cream white wall color compliments the light the huge windows let in. The brownish countertops house the triple stove and ovens installed into the elegant wood. The large Viking fridge shined brightly and had pictures of the koopalings' outstanding academic achievements. The royal crown molding and ceiling features encased the ceiling fan that was insanely modern and provided a lot of cool air within the room. The island with three barstools screamed expensive and fragile as they sat neatly put in their spots. The delightful smell of fresh, expensive culinary ingredients signaled for a fancy dish. An Amazon Alexa was plugged in on a counter outlet. This kitchen screamed luxury, and Bowser knew it.

"Does it look like I have any problem at all coughing up a couple hundred bucks?" he opened his arms and gestured to the luxury space out there. He pointed out to the backyard, where Wendy was taking selfies, Roy and Morton were swimming, Larry and Lemmy Joining them, Ludwig and Junior talked calmly on the trampoline. Iggy could faintly be seen riding a dirt bike in the huge open field behind the large guest house.

"Let me let you in on a little family secret, " he started. "That backyard cost me over $459,000," he smirked as I nearly had a seizure. My old facility didn't even cost that much.

At least it didn't look like it did.

"I had no problem spending that much. So a little paint job is nothing. Quit stressing, you're with us now, we don't cry over spilled milk. We buy more, " he chortled and ruffled my hair. He went back to cooking and I walked out the kitchen, feeling slightly better after Bowser gave me the talk. I went back up to my room and grabbed my phone and plugged it in so it could be charged when I came back to it. I plugged my iPad up beside it while I was there. Plugging my game consoles and PC in, I sorted out everything that was out of place, tidying up promptly.

Satisfied, I walk out into the backyard and sit on the trampoline with Ludwig and Junior. Ludwig moved aside so I can sit with them. Junior was laying down, knees up, reading a book and Ludwig was doing the same, but only sitting up on the netting of the octagonal trampoline.

"Hey, guys!" I chirp. Junior looks at me and scoots closer to me. "You wanna see my book?" He asks, planning to show me no matter my answer. I nod eagerly. I wasn't the best reader since my mental health conditions prevented me from focusing on home school since I've always wanted to go to real-life school.

Wendy always told me I was pretty smart, but I never believed her. I always thought I was dumb. Ever since my foster parents told me so.

I read lightly alongside him, him leaning against my shoulder as I stroked his fiery hair as we read. After finishing about two chapters, I heard someone calling me. Looking around, it was Iggy. I ruffled Junior's hair and got off the trampoline, slipping my shoes back on.

I walk over to him and he gives me a knuckle sandwich. I laugh and try my best to get out of his grip. He snickered and released me.

"Dad told me to come to get you, " he looked at me, slinging an arm around my shoulder and guiding me back to the insanely beautiful estate I called home.

More like a hotel, Jesus this place was too big. As we walked slowly, Iggy seemed to realize something and began to speak again.

"We have people coming over today! You can meet our family!" he said. Then he paused, scratching his chin in a similar manner as he did when fixing my computer yesterday.

"Not all of them are family but like.. close friends to the family! Distant relatives if you will, " he smiled at me. Everyone should know this and I didn't. I felt embarrassed to have this explained to me.

He didn't notice my happy expression was somewhat fake, which I was grateful for.

I was excited and hoped that the family would accept me as the only human here. It would take away some stress on my part.

"Dad said it was important, " Iggy noted, opening the backdoor and letting me into the kitchen where marvelous scented food was being set up on the table. Bowser looked at me and he smiled. He set the final dish on the table and turned to Iggy.

"While I talk to him, go get your siblings so we can eat and get ready, " Iggy nodded and pushed open the huge glass backdoor and jogged over to the pool, putting his helmet down on the chair and yanking his suit off, leaving him in a t-shirt and shorts. I watched as the four nodded and got out of the pool and ran into the guest house, Morton carrying Iggy's suit in. Iggy went over to the trampoline and began talking to the others. Wendy walked out of the guest house with the boys.

Bowser cleared his throat and I looked at him. He began to speak in a careful tone.

"I understand you're not enrolled in school right now, " he started. I grew excited as he grew puzzled at my excitement.

"Yes?" I ask.

"So I've decided to put you in the same private school as my kids, " he finished.

"YES! Wait... Private School? Is it a real school that I can go to?" I asked, scratching my head.

Bowser raised a brow and nodded, a small smile curved on his snout.

"YES!" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged myself to him, loving that I'm gonna go to a real school for the first time since fourth grade ended.

He laughed at me, his body vibrating gently. I let go of him.

"Excited for your birthday tomorrow?" He asked. My face fell. "Why would I be?" I asked. His face fell as well as he struggled for a reply. Just before he could answer that, the koopalings walked in, everyone except Junior and Ludwig in a change of clothes.

"Food's getting cold guys, let's get to it!" Bowser clapped as we filed into the dining room. I sat in between Larry and Roy.

We all began to eat, and as I ate, I realized this was the second time I've had actual food in 5 years. And not the processed stuff the facility used to make. This food, Pancakes, Sausage, and Eggs to be specific, was made from scratch. High-quality ingredients were used to make this delectable meal. I was grateful to be eating food to such a degree. I was so grateful, I didn't realize that Morton was already done.

"Can I have more?" he asked. Bowser must've known that was coming because he said that he had made extra for anyone that wants it. I definitely wouldn't be needing it. I was too ugly for-

"Roy!" I hissed quietly as another helping of food was slid onto my plate. I wasn't even finished what I was already given. Bowser looked at the situation and allowed Roy to try to convince me, seeing as he could probably snap me over his knee if he tried.

"No, Roy! I'm not eating this, " I whisper yelled. "Come on, you need to be healthier, " he said. I huffed, shoving a forkful of food in my mouth. "Fine, " I said, just wanting him to be happy. We all continued to eat quietly.

"You little shit!" Iggy outbursted, causing Wendy to burst out laughing. I snickered as I realized Lemmy poured a colossal amount of syrup on Iggy's remaining eggs. Bowser wasn't fazed by the language. So Ludwig was telling the truth.

"Your eggs looked a little salty, " Lemmy could hardly contain his laughter as he looked at the pooling syrup on the fine chinaware he ate off. Bowser rolled his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? Pepper does the opposite, you dipshit!" he exclaimed, getting up and dumping the contents of his ruined eggs in the garbage and putting his plate in the extremely expensive dishwasher.

As everyone finished eating and began to leave, Bowser stopped them before they could get up.

"I need you guys to get ready, I'm gonna set the grill up and get started cooking. Just put on something nice. Taemin, check your bathroom. I put your stuff in there. Also, I have something to say to you guys about spring break. When it ends, Taemin's gonna be going to school for the first time, so don't let the boy get messed with and show him around before anyone else does. I'm gonna take him by the school today so he can be enrolled, " he concluded his announcement. "OH! And everyone should be here by 6:00, and that's in about 5 hours. So be ready, " he said. Everyone dispersed, and I walked over to Bowser. He threw me the keys to an unfamiliar vehicle.

"White Camaro, outback. I'm gonna go get Morton to come with us, " he said. I nodded and pushed the back door open, going out into the backyard, walking past the stunning guest house and down the stone staircase and onto the massive driveway that went throughout the property.

I was shocked to see at least 6 luxury cars out there. There is 2 in the front, but more back here! I shakily unlocked the white Camaro and climbed into the back of it. I pulled out my phone and called Wendy from the adoption home.

"Hello? This is the adoption agency of-"


"T-Taemin?" Wendy stuttered.


"H-How is it? Is he loaded?" I could practically feel her shit-eating grin through the phone. I rolled my eyes. I realized I left my new phone in the house on my bed.

The inside of this car is comfier than my old room at the facility.

"This guy has 8 kids, take a wild guess, " I heard her gasp through the phone.

"I know! I heard one of the agents that are supposed to check out the properties and stuff gossiping about him today! I didn't know it was true, " she said.

"I love them so much, Wendy!"

"Awww, " she cooed.

"My dad is coming back Wendy! I'm gonna call you back okay?"

"Sure thing! Don't forget!" she says sternly.

"Okay, I won't haha, bye! Keep an eye on Rick for me,"

"I will don't worry! Bye!" I hung up, pleased to finally be able to speak to her.

Bowser opened the car door, Morton following his lead. He began to get in the front but stopped to get in the back with me.

Bowser tossed his wallet and house key in the passenger seat and took off down the driveway. He grinned at us.

"Wanna do something cool?" he grinned. We nodded and he took off full speed down the driveway, sailing through the estate and through the open gate. Almost hitting 100 mph, he skillfully worked the Camaro out onto the hilly, curved road. The engine roared loudly, piercing my ears. I was smiling widely the whole time.

Once calmly cruising through the roads normally, I piped up.

"That was AWESOME!" I yelled unconsciously. I didn't mean to outburst but that was the most thrilling thing I've done for a while. Bowser laughed heartily, happy that I was happy.

"He does that a lot!" Morton laughed.

"Damn Skippy!" Bowser turned out of the neighborhood, turning onto the main road, picking up immense speed really quickly. He was going over the speed limit but not by much.

"Our school is really cool. It has 4 buildings! 2 dorms, and 2 academic buildings. It has a band program, and all of us are in it-"

"About that, " Bowser cut in. He looked at me in the rearview mirror.

"I'm gonna have to enroll you in the band. It's a fun program, and it's also a family thing, " he said.

"It'll be super fun to learn an instrument!" I said happily. Bowser smiled softly, satisfied that I was agreeing with him. This could be really fun for me to experience at a real school.

About 15 minutes of light conversations later, we made a right at the light and pulled into the school. The buildings were aged and run down, but I could see school buses parked in the bus lot and students that reside on campus hanging out in front of the dorm buildings or at the tennis or outdoor basketball courts. It's funny how theirs are smaller than the ones in my backyard. We park and get out, walking into the main building. We walk into a hallway with wood paneling walls and into the reception area. Letting our dad do the talking, Morton turns to me.

"Wanna go play basketball?" he asked.

"Are we allowed?" I asked nervously. He nodded quickly.

"Okay, I'm not very good though, " I said.

"Its alright bro, I won't go too hard or anything, " he said, slinging an arm around my shoulders as we walked out of the door. I gawked as I walked around, taking in the appearance of each building.

Morton let go of me as we entered the building that read "Sports Hall". Walking through the building, the lights were dim, and lockers were scattered about. I followed Morton into the gym, which was empty. He walked over to the basketball rack and I just kinda stood there, not playing since Rick taught me how last year. We played a lot and I got pretty good at it. I just haven't played in a while.

Morton grabbed a green basketball and took a shot from where he was standing, swishing the shot nothing but net.

"Ooh!" he exclaimed, walking over to me. I laughed at him and he laughed along before walking to the bleachers. He began to tug off his jeans, revealing black basketball shorts.

He grabbed the ball and walked over to me, dribbling it.

"No rules, except traveling, that's the only one, " I nodded at him.


He passed me the ball and I passed it back to him. He tried to go around me, dribbling awfully skillfully considering he had converse on. None the less I attempted to grab the ball, and he blocked me with his shoulder and tried to go around me the other way. I switch my feet, grab the ball as quick as I could, and dribbled toward the hoop, doing a layup in one swift motion. Morton's jaw dropped and Bowser walked into the gym straight after.

I was grinning widely. Morton slid his pants back on as our dad walked over to us.

"You're enrolled, finally. I paid upfront but she wanted to send me some sort of bill and Spring Break ends in 2 days, " he huffed.

"Paid?! Wait, this costed money?!"

"Son, What did I-"

"I know dad, " I sighed. "How much?" I asked. He hesitated for a bit. "$25,000" per year," He said hesitantly, not wanting to make me stress. My mouth dropped at the expensive price, but I just closed my mouth and moved on. Times 25k by the nine kids he raised, that's 225k per year. Divide that by 12, and that's $18,750 per month! I shuddered thinking about it.

Ooh! I may be smart as Wendy said I was.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I asked.

"You know where it is?" Morton asked. I punched him in his chest playfully, earning a giggle from him. "We passed it ya goof, " I chuckled. He nodded and Bowser told me they'd be at the car. I nod and push open the doors leading to the hallway as they took an exit door. I walked through the halls until I find the bathrooms. I go to open the door and-


"Oh my God, I am so sorry!"

"Agh! My nose!" I groan in pain as the girl's bathroom door had collided with my face at high speed.

"I was just rushing, and I went to go back to my dorm, and oh my god- you're nose is bleeding!"

I look sarcastically at my blood-covered hand.

"You don't say?!" I wince as I try to touch it.

"Let me help y-"

"No, it's okay! I gotta get some towels," I say, going for the door.

"Are you sure you don't want help?"

" It's just a nose bleed, it's fine. I'll see you around uh..."

"M-Miller, "

"Alright, see you around Miller!"

"Bye! Sorry about your nose!" she said, running out of a side door and rushing to some other building, scurrying inside. I go to the bathroom and grab towels and wash off my hands and face the best I can.

"Who designed this building? Who thought it was a good idea to put the girls and boys bathrooms right next to each other, Jesus, " I ranted to myself quietly, running cold water over my nose. I was rudely interrupted when Morton burst through the door shoving his phone in my face only to find me cleaning up the blood.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just bumped into a door," I said. He gave me a concerned look before backing down. I finished cleaning and turned to him.

"Why are you trying to blend the phone into my face?" I ask. He shrinks back guiltily.

"Iggy says it's important! I'm going back to the car man, be back soon," he says walking out.

I put his phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"So junior found something...interesting laying on the hallway,"

"Iggy? Is everything okay?"

"No, it's serious, and I'm concerned, " My breath hitched at the dark and serious tone his voice took on.

"Get home. Now, " he asserted, hanging up.

As I walked out of the bathroom door, I wondered what I was in for.