
Fusion System: Through The Multiverse

Atlas Nova Dies and Meets Administrator Z. He gives the offer of reincarnation to Atlas and Two wishes and a huge amount of karma points. Atlas chose the Primordial Path System, Fusion system, and Accelerated growth. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- [Primordial Path System: Allows transfer of mater and soul through the multiverse of Dreams.] [Fusion system: Can fuse anything and everything based on user's creativity.] [Accelerated growth: Allows user to grow faster based on user's desires] --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Aliexa_West · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

CH - 001: The Day I Died

My parents were famous Dr. Angelica Roads and a Mr. Michel Nova. I was born on Aug. 29, 2193. The 22nd Century had Focus, Robotic war machines, Hyper loops, True A.I.s and a whole lot extra however the Governments of the world gave way to the Mega Corps and like you may have guessed Crime levels were through the roof. The Corps did not give a shit about public safety only profit, my parents chef among these, they would sell their own kids for profit.

Dr. Angelica Roads and a Mr. Michel Nova were top of the field in medical enhancement and robotic engineering. I was born with a 'Gift' the ability to adapt to anything. My parents found out by me electrocuting my self. The first time I reacted the same way a 'normal' one year old would. The second I only felt a buzz and no lingering my self apparently I grabbed high voltage cable and was 'Playing' with it. They preceded to do some tests even razing the voltage to around 400,000 and all i felt was a very light buzz, As they continued the resting they found out my blood carried my Immunity over to the next host. After that my hell began.

Twelve years of testing and DNA extraction left my body In a terrible condition and my father started to take pity on me and gave me some cybernetics and a A.I. chip containing [I0c-n0142] aka Icon. This allowed to access the Internet to read Manga, Light and Web Novels, Watch Anime, and last but nought least leak the test info to every Mega Corp. This lead to me escaping the lab and triggering the purge after I copied all the data.

I sold the data on the black market and made a pretty penny. I manged to go to school and on my way to university I Dodged a runaway Truck, a falling billboard, a crane's dropped payload, a small meteorite, a drunk speeding super car, and collapsing building. I did nought however manage to ovoid the falling space station and derailed train I was pend under a flipped train car when the space station wreak fell right on top of me.




???: 'Bahahahahaha, Now that was entertaining watching you stole on by the carnage with out bating a eye'

I awoke in a void with a glowing humanoid shadow.

Atlas: "Were am I"

???: 'You are currently in my scandium oh and unfortunately your soul is nought strong enough to persevere me and my surroundings'

Atlas: "Why am I here"

???: 'Four reasons, one a admin fucked with your soul, two you karmic value, three you past the isekai trial, and lastly but nought least you interest me. As four what the hell that all means is the admin who fucked with you gave you those 'Abilities' and that process you built up a immunity to soul manipulation. The blood and tissue that was harvested from you saved a lot of people and that raised your karma. Your immunity maid the trail system glitch. So, you have (241,783,123 Kp) and Three wishes as compensation, Here is the catalog'

Atlas: "What the hell is all this?"

Z: 'It's a list of what I can gift you'

[24 Hours Later]

Z: 'Are you done yet?'

Atlas: "No."

Z: 'Come on it's nought rocket science.'

Atlas: "You realize they are nearly Infinite choices right."

Z: 'Really you don't have to be a genius to create some broken combo. Hell, if you want I could pick four you?'

Atlas: "Sure, What is your recommendation?"

Z: 'Primordial Path, Fusion System, Accelerated Growth, Scandium Seed, Multiversal Shop, and Fusion Amplification (x20). Oh and after that you would have enough to by a daily reward system'

Atlas: "I'll take it."

Z: 'Here you go'

Two large glowing orbs entered me fallowed by five smaller ones.

Z: 'Oh, I forgot to tell you your Immunity will make this process long and painful as your soul tries to resist the two tier 10 relics. Unfortunately I am unable to help as I am a tier 9 entity.' (Quietly snickering)


[01 Year Later]


Z: 'HAHAHAhaha, Your aren't strong enough now bye.'




Atlas: "Ow, why did he have to through me away"

I landed on a metal disk shape platform with in a void of stars and a translucent screen is hovering in front of me as a familiar voice appears in my head.

???: {Master, i missed you.}

Atlas: "Hello and welcome back Icon. So, what do we do."

Icon: {Master first we need to chose a record to start our advancement, I would recommend we focus on the body. Due to your soul master constantly reforming your body with Source Energy is unfeasible. The system adapted and will transfer your body with some augmentations from record to record}

Atlas: "let's see filter rank one records"

[Search Results]

[MHA: Rank 1-2]

[Black Clover: Rank 1-4]

[MHA: Rank 1-3]

[One Piece: Rank 1-4]

[Danmachi: Rank 1-6]




Atlas: "I chose MHA it will allow me to build up the basics of combat and maintaining my image."

Icon: {Master before that how about altering your name / appearance}

Atlas: "Good point considering I am let's gust say 'Disfigured' from the tests and new life new me."

[12 Hours Later]

I altered my appearance to have plume hair bronze skin and golden eyes.

(Image Here)

Atlas: "That's good enough. Now my name shall be."


