
Full time Artist

"Music, film, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, literature..." "You know all of them?" "Just a bit." "So, you mean you know a little about each?" "Yes, I know a little about each." With a system in hand, he conquers the world through art, becoming the uncrowned king whom everyone from all walks of life admires and worships. **This is a translation** 14 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Placeholder Singer

6:00 PM.

Classes had just ended, and Lin Yuan received a text from Jian Yi: "Wanna grab dinner tonight? Xia Fan's treating!"

"No, I have plans tonight. You and Xia Fan go ahead."

As Lin Yuan replied, he walked out of the school gate. Parked beside the entrance was a red sedan.

"Long time no see, hop in."

The window of the red car rolled down, revealing a woman who removed her sunglasses and waved with a smile.


Lin Yuan greeted and then entered the car.

This woman was the agent, Zhao Yu. Now 35, faint crow's feet peeked from her eyes. When she smiled, she looked friendly; when she didn't, she seemed cold and serious. Overall, she exuded an aura of steady experience.

"Lin Yuan."

Glancing back through the rearview mirror, Zhao Yu stepped on the gas. "Your song doesn't have lyrics yet. Need me to find someone to write them? There are only ten days left until the Newcomers Talent Season."

"No need, the lyrics are ready."

"What about the arrangement... will you use the one you've made?"


"Alright then." Zhao Yu smiled. "Do you know what the real competition is during the annual Newcomers Talent Season in November?"

"What is it?"

Zhao Yu, while driving, explained, "Newcomers Talent Season is a general term. What companies are really competing for is a position on the Qin state Fresh Music Chart. Only those who make it to the top twenty are considered to have truly stood out."


This was no news to him.

As Zhao Yu stopped at a red light, she turned to face Lin Yuan. "Your song is pretty good. If it ranks well on the Fresh Music Chart this November, I can help transfer your contract to the composition department."

"Thank you."

A sparkle lit up in Lin Yuan's eyes.

He had always wanted to go in the direction of a composer. This was also his major in school. He wouldn't need the limelight like a singer, and he could also gain the "recognition" mentioned by the system.

Right then,

Lin Yuan heard the system's voice: "Ding! Congratulations on triggering a new task."

[Task Name: The First Song]

[Task Content: Successfully record "Life Like a Summer Flower"]

[Task Reward: A Bronze Treasure Chest]

A new task before the previous one was completed?

Seeing the task details floating before him, Lin Yuan began to look forward to the recording. He hoped to nail it tonight.


Half an hour later.

Lin Yuan arrived at Starlight Entertainment.

It was a 21-story skyscraper. Everyone in the building wore formal attire, badges representing different departments of Starlight Entertainment pinned to their chests. The prestige of a major company was evident.

"Hello, Ms. Zhao."

Being a notable figure in Starlight, many greeted Zhao Yu as she passed. Zhao Yu nodded in acknowledgment, then led Lin Yuan straight to the ninth-floor recording studio.

"Ms. Zhao!"

Seeing Zhao Yu approach, a chubby agent waiting on the ninth floor hurriedly greeted her. "The equipment is all set up."

"Where's your guy?"

Zhao Yu glanced around, only seeing the studio staff bustling about.


The chubby agent wiped the sweat from his forehead. "He's stuck in traffic. I've already called him several times! When he arrives, I'll give him a good scolding."

"Can't he leave early to avoid traffic?"

Zhao Yu's eyes were cold. "If you can't manage newcomers, let someone else handle them. Start the clock now. If he's not here in 15 minutes, find someone else to sing. What's the use of opportunities if they're wasted?"

"Okay, okay..."

The agent nodded nervously, took out his phone to make another call, cursing the tardy newcomer in his heart.

At that moment,

An assistant-looking woman emerged from the elevator and hurriedly approached Zhao Yu. "Ms. Zhao, the manager wants to see you..."

"I got it."

Zhao Yu massaged her temple, feeling the onset of a headache. The manager calling meant more pressure about the Fresh Music Chart.

It was her own fault for being too proud.

Back then, she boldly made that pledge in front of the company's top brass.

Glancing at Lin Yuan, the innocent instigator of her predicament, Zhao Yu felt a burning frustration she couldn't vent.

Suppressing her inner frustration, Zhao Yu's gaze held a warning as she instructed the recording studio staff and the chubby agent, "This song is Lin Yuan's creation. When recording, Lin Yuan's suggestions take priority. Understood?"


The chubby agent and the group of staff hurriedly nodded towards Lin Yuan, who stood behind Zhao Yu. It was clear they didn't dare to defy Zhao Yu's orders.

Lin Yuan also responded with a nod.


With pressing matters to attend to, Zhao Yu left.

The chubby agent went downstairs to make a phone call.

After about ten minutes of waiting with the staff, Lin Yuan suddenly heard angry shouts in the distance, "If you were any later, you wouldn't have a chance in this year's Newcomers Talent Season! Do you know how many years you've waited for this? And I got reprimanded by Zhao Yu because of you! Everyone knows she's not in a good mood, and you're literally asking for trouble!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, bro! It's my fault!"

A shorter young man hurriedly apologized, bending over almost double in front of the chubby agent, "I never expected to debut this year! Rest assured, bro, I'll seize this opportunity tonight, I won't embarrass you. Thank you for securing me the last spot in the Newcomers Talent Season!"

"Enough talk, prepare for recording."

The chubby agent rubbed his temples, presumably from high blood pressure.

The youth sighed with relief, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He looked excited and anxious at the same time. Then, spotting Lin Yuan, he exclaimed, "Lin Yuan?"

He took a few steps closer, scrutinizing Lin Yuan, then burst into laughter, "It really is you! What are you doing here? Oh, I get it. You're working part-time, right?"

Lin Yuan was silent, trying hard to recall who this person was from the original host's memories.

The youth, oblivious to Lin Yuan's confusion, continued to ramble, patting Lin Yuan on the shoulder, "You truly are our vocal department's most outstanding junior. Already working part-time at Starlight in just your second year... We're technically colleagues now!"

He handed Lin Yuan a thermos cup.

"Fetch me some water, junior," he laughed, "I've been running around and am quite exhausted. But this bit of fatigue is nothing. After recording this song, I'm debuting!"

Lin Yuan finally remembered.

This person was Sun YaoHuo, a graduate from the Qin state Art Institute's vocal department. Lin Yuan remembered him as an alumni performer during the department's events. And indeed, due to Sun YaoHuo's talents, he had been signed to Starlight Entertainment shortly after graduation.

"Standing around for what?"

Sun YaoHuo chuckled, "Go on, fetch me that water. It's good experience for you."


Lin Yuan went to get the water.

The surrounding studio staff exchanged awkward glances.

The chubby agent, seeing Sun YaoHuo's condescending attitude towards Lin Yuan, felt his blood pressure rising again, "Sun YaoHuo! Who do you think you are talking to?"

He rushed forward and gave Sun YaoHuo a smack on the back of his neck, "You should be calling him 'Teacher Lin'!"

After a moment,

The agent turned to Lin Yuan, who was still pouring water, "I apologize, Teacher Lin. Sun YaoHuo sometimes lacks a bit of sense..."

"It is indeed good to drink water before recording."

Lin Yuan answered seriously, handing the filled thermos cup to Sun YaoHuo.

Sun YaoHuo accepted it, somewhat dazed.

The agent, still upset, admonished, "Show some respect to Teacher Lin. Don't be so presumptuous."

Sun YaoHuo opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but no words came out. He was clearly befuddled.

I'm several years his senior! How am I being presumptuous?

A nearby staff member, holding back a smirk, asked, "Newcomer, have you memorized the melody? If so, let's follow the lyrics and give it a go to get the feel."

"I've memorized it."

Sun YaoHuo hurriedly responded.

Lin Yuan added, "Let's begin then."

Once in the booth, Sun YaoHuo began singing according to the lyrics. His talent was evident; otherwise, he wouldn't have been signed to Starlight right after graduation.

But with the original host's vocal training background, Lin Yuan had high standards. Even if Sun was only a placeholder, he needed to show some skills,

"The humming in the beginning isn't smooth enough."

It was a polite way of asking him to start over. Sun YaoHuo nodded understandingly.

As the music played once more, it was quickly interrupted by Lin Yuan, "You're enunciating too heavily. Lighten the articulation; the emotions will come through more intensely."


Sun YaoHuo felt somewhat awkward being continuously corrected by his junior. He felt as though Lin Yuan was intentionally making things difficult for him. Anyone with a thinner skin might have been utterly mortified by now.

Perhaps this was affecting his performance.

Despite several attempts, Sun YaoHuo's performance did not meet Lin Yuan's expectations. Finally, Lin Yuan decided, "Let's take a 10-minute break before we try again."

In terms of vocals, Sun YaoHuo should have no problem completing this song. The issue likely lay in his mindset.

A minor adjustment was all that was needed.

Relieved, Sun YaoHuo sat on a chair outside the recording booth, gulping down the water from his cup in one go.

As he set the cup down, Lin Yuan naturally took it from him, refilling it from the water cooler.

Is he mocking me?

Sun YaoHuo mumbled, "Um... Teac... Lin Yuan..."

"You can just call me 'junior'."

Lin Yuan interjected, setting the filled water cup down.

Sun YaoHuo chuckled awkwardly, not daring to be confrontational.

He hesitated before inquiring, "Lin... junior... I didn't know you compose music too."

Lin Yuan explained, "I fell ill before, which affected my vocal cords. In my second year, I transferred to the composition department."

Sun YaoHuo paused.

Then, shaking his head in sympathy, he patted Lin Yuan's shoulder, "Such a pity... such a pity..."

He repeated "such a pity" three times.

Losing one's voice was devastating.

He couldn't imagine himself being unable to sing.

Then it dawned on Sun YaoHuo that he might have been too familiar with his actions. The young man in front of him wasn't just his junior anymore; he was a lyricist with considerable authority. That's why Lin Yuan could casually instruct him!

In other words,

If Lin Yuan decided to kick him out and have someone else sing "Life Like Summer Flowers," Sun YaoHuo would have no say. The attitude of his agent towards Lin Yuan had already said it all—

His long-awaited debut was in the hands of his junior, Lin Yuan.

"It's alright."

Lin Yuan said earnestly, "Thank you."

Sun YaoHuo froze, realizing that his thoughts were rather shallow. This junior didn't harbor any of the intentions he had imagined. Lin Yuan simply regarded him as a collaborator.

"Lin... junior!"

He took a deep breath, "Let's record the song again. This time, I'm prepared."


Lin Yuan stood up with anticipation.

The second round of recording went incredibly smoothly. As the recording concluded, Lin Yuan received a notification from the system:

[Task Completed: First Song]

[Reward: Bronze Treasure Chest]