
Full time Artist

"Music, film, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, literature..." "You know all of them?" "Just a bit." "So, you mean you know a little about each?" "Yes, I know a little about each." With a system in hand, he conquers the world through art, becoming the uncrowned king whom everyone from all walks of life admires and worships. **This is a translation** 14 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Debut Season

"So, this is where you're hiding."

Lin Yuan's contemplation was interrupted by a voice. Immediately following, a handsome, fair face blocked his view of the starlit sky.

"Jian Yi."

Almost instinctively, Lin Yuan called out the name of the intruder.

The tall and handsome youth was Lin Yuan's classmate since elementary school, middle school, and now university—

His true confidant.

Now, Jian Yi reached out and pulled Lin Yuan to his feet.

Immediately after, Lin Yuan felt a weight on his shoulders. A woman's coat had been draped over him.

Turning his head, he was met with a radiant smile.

This was a young woman, with long hair cascading over her shoulders, minimal makeup emphasizing her natural beauty.

"Xia Fan."

Much like when he saw Jian Yi, Lin Yuan couldn't help but call out her name.

Because this girl named Xia Fan, just like Jian Yi, had been Lin Yuan's classmate through elementary, middle, and now university—

Another true confidant.

"It's breezy at night. Remember to wear a coat when you step out."

Xia Fan reminded Lin Yuan, even though she, Jian Yi, and everyone else running on the field were dressed in summer attire, like short sleeves.


Lin Yuan replied.

But as soon as he uttered a single word, both Jian Yi and Xia Fan looked at him in unison, their eyes filled with suspicion.

"Why do I feel like there's something different about you?"

Jian Yi voiced his thoughts.

Xia Fan didn't speak, but her expression clearly conveyed her agreement with Jian Yi's observation.

"It's because I'm not entirely Lin Yuan anymore."

Lin Yuan spoke with a smile, feeling his statement was fairly objective. Half of him belonged to the original owner—at least his emotions towards friends and family, as well as his physical appearance, were the same as the original owner's.

"Did a ghost possess you or something?"

Jian Yi burst into laughter, seemingly unfazed by the revelation.

Xia Fan's expression lightened, seemingly comforted by the jest.

Lin Yuan sighed in relief.

This way, he felt less obliged to explain further.

Having grown up with Lin Yuan, both Xia Fan and Jian Yi were fully aware of his circumstances and his frail health.

Hence, from a young age, they had always taken care of him.

From an emotional standpoint, Lin Yuan didn't want to deceive them, yet he had to play along to a certain extent.

"Mr. Lin, let me put it plainly."

Jian Yi spoke earnestly, "Being a 'novelist' is one of the top ten most desired professions voted by young people across all continents. Just in our Qin state, countless people strive for this dream. Expecting to shine in this industry based on a fleeting passion is, frankly, quite challenging. There's no need to doubt your life choices on a chilly night on the grass."


Lin Yuan's gaze shimmered with contemplation.

Jian Yi mentioned it for a reason.

Not long ago, the original host had conceived the idea of writing novels. Acting on this impulse, he had penned a hundred-thousand-word manuscript and submitted it to an online competition, hoping to debut as a 'novelist'.

The competition was lively.

Should a 'novelist' successfully debut, not only would their work have the precious opportunity to be published, but if the sales reached a certain threshold, adaptations could extend to anime, film, even games.

It was the dream of countless aspiring novelists!

Most importantly, it was lucrative!


Precisely because such competitions were so popular and the original host's talent in novel creation was truly average, his entry was eliminated in the first round of reviews.

Jian Yi deduced that Lin Yuan was brooding on the field because of this rejection.


Neither Lin Yuan nor the original host truly cared about the competition's outcome.

The original host's decision to end his life had nothing to do with the competition's failure. After all, joining was more of a gamble.

What if he won and made some money?

With this mindset, he participated.

The original host was always driven by the urgency to graduate and earn money.

He constantly felt guilty towards his family and strived to compensate them for their sacrifices.

The choice to become a singer was not just about fulfilling a dream.

It was also about the lucrative prospects in the industry!

Saying things like "dreams shouldn't be tainted by money" would be disingenuous.

For the original host, if money could be made by compromising his dreams, he wished for his aspirations to corrode faster—

So he could buy his sister a beautiful dress.

Free his elder sister from her bound life.

Allow his mother some respite from her strenuous job.

"Don't listen to Jian Yi."

Xia Fan believed Lin Yuan was upset about the competition's result.

However, instead of asking him to give up, she encouraged him, "There are many such opportunities. For instance, next month, one of Blue Star's top publishers, 'Silver Blue Library', will host the 'Supernova' novel award. You can try entering then."

Come on, Xia Fan."

Jian Yi rubbed his forehead. "Lin Yuan couldn't even pass a minor web competition, and you're pushing him to challenge the 'Supernova'?"

"It's the experience that counts," Xia Fan replied defensively. Deep down, she didn't really expect Lin Yuan to succeed. She simply wished he would engage himself in something. Ever since the problem with his vocal cords and his switch to the composition department, his spirits had been low.

Jian Yi, lacking Xia Fan's sensitivity, enthusiastically briefed Lin Yuan: "Even someone like me, who doesn't follow the literary scene, knows how intense 'Supernova' is. Most of the participants are seasoned writers who have been grinding for their dreams for years. Some even debuted but didn't do well, so they'd rejoin the competition under pseudonyms, presenting themselves as newbies..."

In summary: 'Supernova' was a battleground for elites.

"Alright, I get it," Lin Yuan laughed, cutting off Jian Yi, but he noted the information about 'Supernova'.

In this world rich in artistic ambiance, it seemed there were numerous channels to gain recognition.

However, he didn't have a novel yet.

He'd have to rely on the system's generous provision.

Then there's the song "Life like a Summer Flower". Lin Yuan pondered on how to release it and instinctively looked towards Xia Fan—

Xia Fan was a student in the vocal music department.

When Lin Yuan hadn't switched his major, they were classmates. In terms of professional skills, Xia Fan was undeniably competent, her singing talent almost rivaling Lin Yuan before he lost his voice.

However, Xia Fan was merely a student.

Would a student release a song through online channels?

Such a method might be too slow in gaining recognition. Without proper promotion, the song might just fade into obscurity.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing Lin Yuan's gaze, Xia Fan inquired curiously, "Do you want to eat or drink something? I can get it for you now."

"No," Lin Yuan replied. "I have a friend... well, a 'friend' who composed a song and wishes to release it. Do you know any suitable channels for it?"

"Have you lost your mind?" Jian Yi sneered, "Didn't you sell yourself for fifty thousand yuan before? You should naturally approach your backer, the Starlight Entertainment company. It would be wasteful not to use such a major company."

Lin Yuan blinked, realization dawning upon him.

After the original host was admitted to Qin state Music Academy, he showcased an astonishing vocal talent. In his freshman year, he was scouted by a talent agent and signed to a renowned entertainment company known for its reputation and size.

The signing bonus? 50,000 yuan.

Given the original host's dire need for money, he had unhesitatingly signed an eight-year contract, despite knowing the bonus was on the lower side. The money he received was promptly handed over to his mother.

But who could have anticipated...

That the boy with such extraordinary vocal prowess would lose his singing ability shortly after signing the contract.

Facing such a situation, the entertainment company that signed him simply accepted their bad luck. From then on, they left Lin Yuan to his own devices.

Perhaps aware of Lin Yuan's family situation, they didn't ask for compensation. However, they also never brought up contract termination, seemingly having forgotten about the existence of an artist named Lin Yuan in their roster.

"Wait a second."

While Lin Yuan was deep in thought, Jian Yi suddenly piped up: "Mr. Lin, since when did you have friends that Xia Fan and I don't know about?"

"An imaginary one."

Xia Fan covered her mouth, trying to suppress her laughter, then added, "If you're thinking of releasing a song, there's an opportunity soon. The annual 'Newcomers Talent Season' is coming. All major entertainment companies will be on the lookout, but you'd need to meet their registration criteria..."


Lin Yuan smiled.

This was the utopia for artists, a world steeped in entertainment!

If you have talent, the path to fame is practically laid out before you, extending right to your doorstep!

The Newcomers Talent Season.

This was one of the paths to fame, a tradition specially set up on Blue Star to nurture musical talent:

Every November, Blue Star would host the Newcomers Talent Season event!

During this period, senior members of the music industry would tacitly hold back on releasing albums or even singles, temporarily pausing their operations to give the newcomers some room.

Some seniors even promote juniors they deem promising.

Major entertainment companies seize this chance to launch their new artists. Wave after wave of newcomers would then give their all, hoping to stand out.

Initially, Lin Yuan had the opportunity to debut during this season.

Regrettably, now he could only hope to debut as a songwriter.

However, Lin Yuan was no longer the original host, so debuting as a songwriter brought him more joy.

The profit distribution model for newcomers on Blue Star is:

From the profit generated by song downloads or listens, the company typically takes 80%, leaving 20% to be shared between the singer and the songwriters. The costs for arrangers and producers are generally settled by the company.

The specific ratio depends on the contract.

Usually, the singer and composer get the larger shares.

Apart from the company's cut, Lin Yuan didn't have to share his earnings with many others. After all, he took charge of both lyrics and composition, and the system provided ready-made arrangements. Now, all he needed was the company to provide a channel to break into the Newcomers Talent Season, and a placeholder person who can sing—

And split the profits.