
Sabastian's pov

"Mr. Brooks, with his boring lectures, if he knows how much I hate his teaching". Just at that moment, I was distracted by a strong scent. I couldn't relate to it, though my sense of smell is strong.

but this one is something else.


The Kiu in me (inner me, or wolf form) was agitated by this scent. "That's new, and a sweet

scent," he said. I groan back, just to let it know I'm in charge and to rewire my thoughts.


The class was distracted when the doors opened.


A gray-haired girl just stood there, like she needed an invitation to come in. "Her beauty was a radiant tapestry of grace, where each smile and glance wove a spell of enchantment upon those who beheld her". 


"Can we continue with the study?" Mr. Brooks said this after she had sat down close to Amber.


"She's the one," my Kiu said. What one? "Don't act dumb now, you stubborn brat," he cursed. Well, to be clear on this, I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. The scent keeps getting stronger, plus I can hear her heart pounding like it wanted to run out of her breast.


Well, let's say, as lycans, our sense of smell, hearing, and feelings are heightened, especially on full moons. But it's not a full moon yet! Why is this happening?


Mr. Brooks finally concluded his boring class. "Read up page 12 for the next class", "like I've been following all this while". I muttered to myself.


I looked at Blake to confirm if he also felt what I felt, but he was cold and comfortable, like everything was fine. "Am I the only one noticing this?". 




Her chair made a scrambling noise, and I rolled my eyes. It was Amber. I could hear every word she whispered. "Trying to make a good impression?" I scoffed. Knowing she's just trying to nose around," that's what she's good at," I groaned. But she just kept her cool; only that she's still nervous. I can feel her pulse right from where I sit.


Our eyes just locked, and at that moment, I felt like walking up to her, maybe talking to her. "No, I can't," I said to myself. What's so special about her? Well, that's something I don't understand. Why am I feeling this way for the first time?


I haven't felt this connection with anyone, even when I'm with Elena. "Speaking of the devil," I 

glanced at her; she was talking to Stephen, a guy on her pack. She's their Alpha and my betrothed. "I wonder how they will cope with her, yet I must marry her to keep the truce between our packs. I wonder why it has to be me. My elder brother should be the Alpha, not me.


The cycle rejected him to be the Alpha; instead, nothey chose me to be the Alpha. I could still remember the sour look on his face when he was rejected; even his mother was in support of it.


"Is everything alright? Josh asks. "Yeah, of course".

So, if you are going to the party, the whole pack will be there. Well, as the Alpha, I need to protect my pack. "Yeah, sure I'll, just text me". Before I could look up to her, she was nowhere to be found.


My inner wolf coursed me when I lost her. Luckily I could still smell that scent. I traced it back to the cafeteria, "but why am I doing this? she's a human". "She's mate" my inner wolf corrected. 

"Mate" I exclaimed trying to figure out if I heard him right. What do you mean she's my mate? "No way, is that why her scent was so strong?" I started figuring it out. But how could this be, she's a human.

The pack can't know about this, especially my mom. What about Elena, no I can't do this. I know the risks involved in this, plus I can't be seen as weak right? Because been with

a human will seem like it.