
Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback

After failing her tribulation, Ye Leng'an returned to the first world. In her previous life, she was the fake daughter everyone in the Ye family hated. With the real daughter around, she seemed even more worthless in comparison. Meanwhile, the real daughter was adored by everyone. Ultimately, Ye Leng'an was tortured and killed by the real daughter's admirers. She suffered a terrible end. After she died, her soul transmigrated into the cultivation realm. Thanks to her hard work, she cultivated until the tribulation period, and she was only one step away from ascending as an immortal. However, during her tribulation, she failed because of her inner demons from her time in the first world. In this lifetime, she returned with all her glory. She was no longer a loser. Hehe. Now that she had reincarnated, she wanted to regain the honor that once belonged to her. Anyone who stood in her way would be annihilated. Was the real daughter a medical genius who had the potential to become a miracle doctor? Apologies, but Ye Leng'an was the real deal who could bring the dead back to life. She had spiritual pills that countless bigshots would kill for! Was the real daughter a computer genius who could easily access any part of the internet? Apologies, but Ye Leng'an was the one who invented the internet. She was like God, who could control who lived or died in it. Ye Leng'an reincarnated in the world of cultivation and took the world by storm. While countless bigshots found themselves falling head over heels in love with her, a mysterious man who had secretly had a powerful background directly pulled her into his arms. "You belong to me, Honey," he announced. Ye Leng'an helplessly rolled her eyes. "This guy really does get jealous easily!"

Summer Powder · Urban
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1038 Chs

The Showdown

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

"Ye Leng'an, what is that attitude?" Ye Shen slammed the table hard. "Are you disowning your parents?"

He flamed with so much indignation that he looked like a father who was irritated by his naughty daughter. However, if one looked closely, a trace of guilt could be seen under his anger.

"I'm not sure if you're my parents yet." Compared to his exasperation, Ye Leng'an appeared much calmer. "But my legal guardians are definitely not you."

After she moved her household registration out of that Ye family, she directly hacked into the public security system and changed her guardians. She remembered that she chose a person named Huangfu Ruiling to be her guardian. She remembered that he was about 32 years old.

Of course, Huangfu Ruiling did not know that she suddenly showed up in his household register. She did it very discreetly, and at least, she was sure that he did not know her existence.

The reason why she did this was to avoid being controlled both by these two Ye families. Although she had already experienced two lifetimes, she was still underage and needed a guardian.

"Ye Leng'an, what did you do?" Ye Shen involuntarily panicked at her composure.

He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that the girl in front of him seemed to know everything.

That made him feel as if all his trump cards had been exposed to the sun.

"You don't need to know what I did." Ye Leng'an shook her head with a smile. "But, don't you think that you should give me an explanation for what you've done?"

"Leng'an, you…" Li Zhaohui managed a smile. "What nonsense are you talking about? You're our daughter! If you hadn't been swapped by mistake, you would have grown up by our side all these years. I know that you might not be able to adapt to such changes in a short period of time, but you can't hurt our hearts like this!"

"That's right." Ye Shen took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. "I don't know where you heard those rumors, but we're your biological parents. There's no doubt about it. If you don't believe me, we can go for a DNA test."

"There's no need to do so." Ye Leng'an smiled and shook her head. "I don't know what the people behind you have done, but I don't believe that you are my parents. As long as I don't believe you, you're not my parents."

Although Ye Leng'an looked careless, she sounded firm and determined.

Ye Shen and Li Zhaohui felt cold all over, sweating. Their heads were buzzing, and they couldn't even think at all.

"Dad, and mom." Ye Ping, who had been standing at the side, had no idea what was going on. He was completely confused. "What does sister mean?"

"You are Ye Ping, right?" Ye Leng'an looked at Ye Ping with a smile. "I mean I'm not your sister, nor am I your parents' daughter. I will never treat them as my parents."

"What?" Ye Ping immediately jumped up and scolded her directly to her face, "You dared to disown your parents. You're an ingrate. You…"

"Take your hand back." Ye Leng'an still had a smile on her face, but this time she sounded ice-cold. "I hate it when people point their fingers at me. If you don't want your fingers anymore, I can help you break them."

Her tone was cold and unemotional. She didn't seem to be joking at all. She meant it.

Ye Shen and Li Zhaohui doted on their only son, which contributed to Ye Ping's arrogant personality. Even so, Ye Ping's blood froze when Ye Leng'an treated him with indifference. He wanted to continue scolding her. However, when he met Ye Lengan's gaze, the flame of his arrogance was immediately extinguished.

"Very good." Ye Leng'an nodded and then looked around the house. She asked after her eyes settled on Ye Shen, "How is it? Do you like my house?"

"This house isn't very old and it's well located. Its price may be two to three million. To be honest, it's much more expensive than your house!"

Ye Shen didn't say anything. He couldn't deny the truth that Ye Leng'an had told him. At the same time, he wasn't sure what Ye Leng'an's intentions were.

He felt a little regretful that he had come today. However, he gave in to the greed in his heart after seeing this house.

"You don't have to worry about how much that Ye family gave me." Ye Leng'an sat up straight and stared at him. "I left that place without taking anything with me. As for this house, I bought it with all my savings. It should be the only valuable thing I have."

Ye Shen tried to compose himself and then looked at Ye Leng'an in confusion. "What exactly do you want?"