

"I will name 3 options and you will have to pick 1 but just know they are still dangerous places but there not like this world."

"Option 1 I can send you to a world where humans have abilities to crush mountains and split seas with but a punch of there fist and at the pentacles they are able to go to other planets and fight enemy's that are just as strong."

"Option 2 I can send you to a world where the humans instead of going down the science route decided to keep going with martial arts to the point they have people that are able to fight with such amazing speed and power that if a human were to pull the trigger of a gun the martial artist would hear the click of the gun and react to doge it before the bullet left the gun."

"Option 3 this one I do not recommend for it is pure brutal not for the weak of heart in this world humans fight each other with there bare hands vs those that fight with weapons but the problem is they are bloodthirsty they seek power to the point they just want to see others crushed beneath them this world is ruled might makes right..."

Von-"call me crazy but before I say this what will be my mission"

"Your mission depends on which place you go to"

Von-"I choose all 3 all in one world"

"You realize this will be a extremely hard mission to complete right?

Von-"yes and me there but give me time to grow stronger"

"Time is something you might not have with all 3 together from the start you'll be at a disadvantage but I'll at least give you sometime to get stronger"

"When you are born in this new world you will need a new name and you will have a system to help you but it won't be able to help you much only really help you by showing you your progress"

"Now what name do you wish to be called"

Von-"ill take the name von"

A glow from the red orb starts developing you.

"may you find what you seek in this new existence, oh also you'll be born a random gender so I wish you luck on getting the one you want"

Von-"wait-WHAT I would have liked to k-

The red glow finally evaporated von and his ashes blew away in the wind....