

The dregs of life seem so nice to some people the monotonic drawl of working day in and day out 5 days a week sometimes 6....

But to me that's a life I wish I didn't have to live when we were in school No one ever told us what life had in store for us they asked us when we were young "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Truthfully I wanted to be something great....but now I want nothing more than to be "Free".

A freedom from the Neverending cycle of waking up go to work go home the friends you grew up with nowhere to found from the age of 19 when you left your school and then your told you gotta work till the age of 60.

But it didn't end there every couple of years retirement kept going up in age now it's 65 what's stopping them from raising it again the truth....

The truth is I want nothing more but an "escape" a place like no other I used to dream about helping others saving people being a hero....then I got older and realized most of the so called "villains" where just people like you and me tired of the never ending cycle...

So why not attempt something risky, something daring, what am I talking about? Heh well what if I told you there was a way out, I know your saying there's noway but there is....let me show you what happened to me and how I found my escape from this empty life,this empty existence.