
Frozen Sword in a Cultivation World

A mysterious star shot across the sky as piercing laughter stretched across the starry sky. In star that was shot lay a blond boy separated from where he belonged. It was a moment to be remembered and it was recorded in the notes of Remembrance, and as the star left the worlds behind. Note: This is a Record of A Mortal's Journey to Immortality fanfic. The original novel was one of my favorites back in the day. Paired with our boy Yanqing. He needs some Ws Will update whenever I feel like it. First time writing so writing quality is probably not the best. I will also update some of the earlier chapters since the quality isn't as good as later on.

Reader_Noti · Video Games
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31 Chs

Chapter Six: Moonlit Slash in a New World

It's been 40 minutes since they fainted and now I have prepared enough to speak in an actual conversation! Speaking to myself has been quite difficult since the words I try to speak now are the same as literal gibberish!

Sigh. Why do I have to do this to myself…

It took another five minutes for the man and woman to both calm down after waking up, but soon they were able to speak to the young man. 

"My apologies for our actions earlier, good sir." The man spoke in a quacky voice, which caused the young man to fight with every fiber in his being not to smirk or laugh.

"No, it's alright my friend. I'm lost in this area, do you have any information on where we are?" Yanqing spoke in a robotic manner that seemed to be rehearsed prior to their conversion which caused the lady to mentally cringe. 

"Well good sir, this is actually the province of Lan located in the state of Yue. The village over there is the Green Mountain Village." Although the man spoke in perfect form and language, the quacky voice that sounded like a duck caused any seriousness in Yanqing to disappear until he heard "State of Yue".

Both sides were panicking mentally at this stage, two worrying for their lives as the person in front of them could be a martial artist or even a young master of a powerful family, and the other dying inside at the revelation of his location.

"I see, thank you for the information", said Yanqing in a low voice before abruptly disappearing like how he appeared earlier. 

"Honey, are we hallucinating?" spoken with tears in her eyes, the woman wanted no more of this adventure and to return home and sleep.

"Hopefully. If this was a dream then I'd want to wake up in your arms and not in front of a ghost. Should we report this to the Eight Mysteries Sect?" 

"It's not worth it, I don't think it'd be good for our village if a bunch of martial artists intruded… Though it was quite interesting since the boy has extremely dirty hair. Does he wash?"

"Let's just go back home and not talk about this. Let's treat this as an experience…"

"Agreed… do ghosts wash their hair though?"

The two promptly looked at one another before they both ran while screaming their lungs out. The question of whether or not ghosts washed remained stuck to their heads for the following weeks. 

On the other hand, a young man was determining how much he could die inside. 

"I'm in a cultivation world, and it's the Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality…" the voice was extremely disgruntled with his gaze directly on the ground while drawing circles to distract himself. 

"I mean it's not one of those hyperversal tier worlds at least, but this is still not a good option. I don't know where I am in the timeline and if I came late then there's a good chance the devil invasion would come any time now…" 

"I mean the main character had a bunch of cool lightning swords so…"

The stick soon broke in the hands of the inhuman, but not un-cultivator strength of Yanqing. Another stick was chosen as the next victim.

It's been an hour since the conversation and my mind is finally back to normal. Why do you do this to me? Now I need to hide myself in front of old monsters and deal with young masters. Should I move to the State of Fengdou to escape the war?

Fuck. Righteous cultivators will never be righteous in the face of free benefits. 

I mean if I'm looking on the bright side there's a decent chance I could become a cultivator as well. The Xianxia genre was loosely based on the Loufu and Xianzhou history and fiction. So, maybe I could too? I'm guessing those butterfly creatures are spirits of nature then?

Yanqing, Yanqing, I know you are extremely talented but if we are too talented we are completely screwed. If we have a heavenly root or anything that's less than three roots then we might as well jump off some cliffs to find secret opportunities.

Out of any of the possible worlds in this damn universe we go to the one without a proper ascension gate. In order to reach Deity Transformation one must contain all five elements within their body otherwise they are stuck at the Nascent Stage for their entire life…

Who do I even curse here? The Heavenly Dao or God? Is there even a God here? Damn Heavenly Dao!

I could try absorbing the things I see in the air, but if I mess up there's a good chance I might experience qi deviation and actually go crazy. 

If I were to scale my current self I could maybe kill a late Qi-Condensation Cultivator but even then it could be unfavorable to me. If Core Formation guys can one shot mountains then Foundation should be Hills, and Qi Condensation should be street level. 

Wait, now that I think about it I should be able to fly now?

[Ice Control] 

A pool of water nearby was frozen before deconstructing and condensing into the shape of a sword. It had guardrails surrounding the sword just to guarantee the safety of the user. 

Although it looked ridiculous it was something a transcendent cultivator could approve of. Though, it would be from an entirely different world. 

Yanqing lightly jumped onto the sword, nearly missing but that's besides the point. He soon used a smaller blade to create a small cut. 

The blood dripped on the new frosted sword before it glowed a tinted red. A connection was formed between the two and tendrils of spiritual energy began to grasp the sword. 

The sword slowly began to lift off in defiance of any physical laws that would dictate it in most other realms. 

As soon as the lift off began, the sword suddenly accelerated, driven by the instinct of the wielder to fly directly to the sky in a 90 degree angle. 

There was no time for Yanqing to prepare as he thanked a certain Heavenly Dao Transcendant for the idea of adding guard rails onto his flying sword. 

If a Qi-Condensation cultivator were to look to the sky, they would assume that an eccentric Foundation Establishment elder was messing around. 

One of the first rules of the cultivation world is to avoid eccentric people as they are often crazy. The second is that the more crazy the cultivator, the stronger they are.

Therefore in the face of a powered crazy individual, the best option is to run away.

While the wild cultivators were sprinting away, a certain young man was having the time of his life. By using the remaining liquid and spiritual energy he was able to form a grip on the soles of his shoes allowing him to fly freely without the guard rail. 

An instinct soon took over as the young man's body began to act on its own. Mirroring and referencing a memory burned deep within his mind.

The disintegrated guard rail soon morphed into two smaller blades alongside the main sword, which was comically large. 

A dance of two swords and a human emerged in the glistening light of dusk as the sun setted with a brilliant finish as the smaller blade was used to create a crescent slash reminiscent of the moon. 

Ice and frost fell from the sky in the form of a crescent, with each slash building on top of the previous one to create no opportunities for escape.

At the final moment of the dance, the two swords merged with one another to create a much bigger crescent slash that fully embodied the crescent moon.

[Cascading Laceration]

Any distraction was removed as the slashes grew in size and number. Spiritual energy rioting at the site of the energy, attracting more and more reiki to the area. 

The ground cracked and split due to the momentum of the slashes with chill beginning to invade the surrounding areas as the plants around began to freeze.

This would be a common scenario if not for the last fact. From the view of certain outsiders, it was unique as the ice created was of a unique substance unlike any other. The air was filled with frost, but not as unwelcoming as before. 

As the dance ended, the young man soon descended to the ground below in exhaustion and exhilaration. A big smile remained on his face as he fell into the arms of a welcoming dream of his family. Elation was present alongside the reminder of Remembrance. 

"It doesn't matter for now, let the embrace of anew free you from your shackles. Fly like the free swallow you are–" A voice from the past spoke out, as if it was living from the end towards the present.


[Status]: Recovering

[Race: Human - Xianzhou)

[Health: 1317/1317]

[Mana: 9/485]

[Strength: 59+4]

[Stamina: 65+4]

[Agility: 69+4]

[Dexterity: 61+8]

[Intelligence: 88+9]

[Will: 25+13]

[Skills: Instinct(B+), Madness(C+), Swordsmanship(A+) - Mortal(?), Bloodlust[B]]

[Talents: Ice Control(B) [4537/15000], Locked]

Note: Yanqing's original stats could be said to be around 100 for each stat. Though some stats are obviously higher than others. Due to the injury, he is still currently recovering and cannot get a real gain until then. 


[Status] - Disappearing

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also please tell me if there's any grammatical errors. I will fix them as soon as possible.

If there's any error about Yanqing's character depiction (When he's not amnesiac anymore), please tell me.

Reader_Noticreators' thoughts