
Frozen Rage (How To Train Your Dragon)

In this book you will see the reincarnation of a simple homan in the world of HTTYD. He don't have any magical powers or godly sistem, but hey, he have his memories from the past world, this is more then enough to survive in this world.

Alexei_Nazarov · Movies
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 Ice cave

(Hello everyone, finally the exams are over and i can rush with chapters, i will try, only try to do 1 chapter per day during my vacations. Congratulations to people that was waiting my new chapters all that time

I have to advise everyone that this chapter can be little… strange because it is based on things that the actual reader doesn't know and it will be revealed in future chapters. This is because I want to make my book more lively and interactive with the readers. In the end of the chapter I'll present the project of the dragon I want to give to MC, the abilities and other things still can change with your opinion in chat. Please, don't go to read only the dragon's description because I think that the knowledge about his encounter is important.)

I was walking in the village to calm my nerves. My father has not appeared in the village for a week, I know that there is nothing I can really do, I'm just a 10 years old boy, but, even with this knowledge it is impossible for me to sit quietly.

Gobber forbade me to go in search of my father, I can freely walk in the village, but if I want to go out I'll be stopped. I'm sure that it is possible for me to get out of the village without being noticed, even during the day, but I understand that it is madness to get out of the village at night without preparation.

The only 2 things that practically hold me in the village are first the bad that is this idea. All that time I walked in the forest with my fathers guidance and I don't feel prepared to do it alone. The second is that all my stuff was requisitioned by Gobber and now I'm not allowed to blacksmith, because I can create new hunting stuff.

- Hey, are you still worried about your father? - The voice of Gobber from behind scared me, and I jumped forward and faced him.

- Oh, Gobber, this is you, please, don't scare me like that anymore. - I said while taking a breath.

- You are very disconcentrated now, this vay even a harmed viking like me, without a leg and arm can sneak to you, but, it seems that your mother teached you well, good posture. - When he said about posture I found out that I'm actually in combat posture and prepared for battle. - You are really similar with your father, the manner of moving, words, food preference, face, eyes and even your luck. I can't understand how the dragon that is supposed to feel earth vibration didn't feel you. You have a lot of your mother like your temp… nevermind, you actually reminded me of something from the past, I will let you go in search of your father.

I looked at him like an idiot, he is practically sending a child to the wild, what is happening with this guy!?

- Why are you looking at me this way, you are the child of a hunter and a warrior that already learned a lot from the both, I believe you will be okay, just don't go too far from the village or places you know and be carefull. Good? - He said and smiled. - Your stuff is on the table in the blacksmith.

- Why? - I asked him.

- Because if you don't even try to save him, you will not forgive yourself, now move. - I runned to the blacksmith, I didn't hear the next Gobbers words. - Please, Odin, forgive me if I was wrong about this child.

I took all my staff, there are a lot of important things and went to the forest. There were a few places that my father showed me and they can be good places for a wounded viking to hide itself, like a few small caves and one ice cave.

The last one is very strange, the ice cave is part of a immensive aisberg in the isle that doesn't melt in summer. I can only guess how it is possible.

(P.S. This is the same aisberg where is hidden one of the parts that leads to the treasure of the Hamish the First, there are two caves that don't intersect. MC is talking about the entrance that leads to the heart of the aisberg.)

There was not even one dragon in my way and I easily checked all parts where my father could be, only the ice cave was left. The entrance of the cave was empty, my father will never go inside too far because even in summer it is cold inside, that is really shocking. Hmmm, this is a really good idea to make ice cream.

I was about to go back to the village, but I was curious that I could make all that ice to still be here for all this time. The temperature in summers here is really high and Berk suffers a lot from forest fire, and even with all these conditions, all that ice doesn't melt.

I headed into the cave. I'm sure I'll be fine, after walking in the Whispering Deaths cave that can happen to me here? I walked this way for a minute and it started to get very cold, when I was about to head back I heard noise under me.

Crack, Crack.

The ice under me cracked and broke, fortunately I didn't fall too deep, just 1 meter or so. In the bottom of the broken floor I saw an egg, a big dragon egg. It was frozen in ice. Curiosity made me cut the ice and take this egg to my backpack.

In the past world I loved biology, and one of the things I remembered is that the animal can be frozen, to conserve his state. If I remember well, tiny animals can be revived if defrozen if short time. Even if the egg does not revive, I'll conserve it like an amulet or something for style. Vikings like stuff like this.


Dragon family name: Frozen death.

Classes: Mysterious, Water, Fear.

Dragon type: Ancient, mutated, extinct.

Danger: Extreme.

Dragon breath: The dragon strikes a substance that they make burn in their mouth. This substance instead of producing heat, while burning, is freezing everything.

Normally the dragons used their breath underwater and it looked like a blast of ice, that while approaching their mark grew in size and later was attached to the enemy and froze it to death.

In the superficie it seems like a blue substance that burns with blue fire and froze everything near. The water will only worsen the situation, the best decision is to use earth against the flame.

Description: This is a quadrupedal white dragon. His head has a triangle form with two blue transparent horns that have the same form as Alduins. The eyes are deep blue and can see in water. The mouth has 2 rows of sharp teeth. The neck is short and the head is practically attached to the body.

Legs are short and not very powerful, the dragon uses them to dive more than to move on earth, that makes his running speed pretty low. Legs have claws that the dragon uses to cut the ice and eat the fools that were frozen by their breath.

Wings are very large, but not very strong. The dragon can fly a large distance but it fails many dragons in terms of speed.

The dragon scales are not very resistant to any damage, and instead many dragons don't protect well against fire, but the dragon can become invisible, this works better underwater.

Mutations: The dragon accumulated a large amount of magic while being frozen in an ice cave, this magic made him mutate. It gained telepathy with the first he saw.

The great amount of magic can make him mutate again.

This is the dragon, it takes a long time for me to invent something like that but i think this dragon is not bad. You can tell me your opinion in the comments, maybe I made this dragon way too strong, or too weak.

At the same time I have another question that is very important for the future chapters. Will it be good for the MCs dragon to be another reincarnated or not? This question is very important because it can affect the story a lot.)

I'm sorry for making this chapter so small, I promice the next will have at least the double size. Waiting for errors reports.

Alexei_Nazarovcreators' thoughts