
FrostBitten (Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Lost. Confused. Threatened. He had no memory of where he was, how he had gotten there, or anything except his own name. On the run from bloodthirsty beings that wanted his head on a pike, dealing with powers he couldn't control, seeing visions of people and places he had no recollection of, Chion Pagos wondered if he was truly meant to be alive. The only thing that kept him going was the image of a hill with an abnormally large tree. //1 chapter every other a day, 1 on patre0n. patre0n.com/ShadowDrev Discord: https://discord.gg/AZnQSJQEGh Donate to Patreon for a plethora of benefits. Extra chapters, sneak peeks at other projects, and even first hand looks at character designs for my Original novel. Novel should last about 1000 chapters, more or less depending on pacing, story direction, and so on. Timeline is a year before Percy shows up to camp. //Special Note: Those who purchase $20 Tier and above will get exclusive access to high tier rewards. This includes the first pages of a Manga for my original novel, NameLess, and even a free first edition copy when the first volume is complete.

CarlosDr3vna · Book&Literature
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47 Chs


//Help me reach $540 before the end of July. I'll rapid fire these chapters to reach that goal. 3 on here, 1 on Patre0n. One chapter left to write. Every donation helps me keep consistency and prevents me from dropping the novel. EVER.


Goal: $271/$540

Also, Game Night is happening Monday night at 9 pm EST in my discord server. We'll be playing Among Us. Hope to see you there.




Annabeth didn't look very excited to follow Circe's instructions, but even so, she didn't fight it as Hylla guided her towards an adjoining room. The blonde girl gave Chion and Luke one last look before disappearing altogether, leaving the two in the room with the goddess.

"Right then. Let's have a look at you two." Circe smiled slightly. "You two are the real problem. Males usually are. So unrefined and uncaring. Hygiene is usually a mess. Come this way."

Instead of carefully checking them the same way she had done Annabeth, the woman walked over to a mirror fixed to the wall near the back of the room, a full-length mirror that stood well over size feet tall. Maybe it was because of Chions' alertness to his own surroundings, but he could feel a sort of aura coming off objects surface, something magical in nature. He wasn't too worried about it being some sort of weapon, but he was definitely curious as to what the mirror was. When Circe passed by it, it seemed to be a simple mirror, so he wasn't exactly sure what to make of it.

"Normally, a mirror would show you what you look like already" The goddess seemed to have read the youths thoughts because they were immediately answered. "This one shows you what you WANT to look like, or COULD look like. The best version of yourself that you haven't quite reached."

Glancing towards Luke, she motioned for him to come over, pointing directly in front of the mirror.

The son of Hermes didn't even hesitate to follow the goddesses command, eagerly stepping up to the designated position. Based on Luke's expression, it seemed that whatever power Circe was using was greatly affecting Chions' compatriot. He didn't interfere, though, letting it all play out.

"Look carefully." Hecate moved a bit closer to the blonde teenager, leaning in slightly. "What do you see?"

Luke reached up and touched the scar on his face. "My hair seems longer and stylized. My scar....it's gone. Different clothes. No acne."

"Indeed. This mirror allows you to see the real you. The one that you aspire to be." Circe glanced towards Chion and then back to Luke. "Here at this Spa and Resort, we aim for the highest measure of customer satisfaction and will go to the lengths necessary to meet the vision you see for yourself. With some treatment and some applications of magic, your transformation to your ideal image is as easy as a few simple steps. Chionothýella, would you like to give it a shot?"

"Just Chion is fine," the youth said as Luke walked past, seemingly in a daze. "My full name is a mouthful."

Stepping up to the plate, Chion stared into the mirror, watching from the exact same spot that Luke had. Circe took position behind him and said the exact same thing she had said to Luke. The only difference from it all was that, unlike what the blonde had claimed to see, Chion only saw his reflection looking back at him. Neon blue eyes as clear as ice, a set of pearly whites that could rival the richest of snowfall, smooth skin clear of any sort of acne, and even unkempt hair that was wild and fluffy but somehow worked with his appearance. His clothes hadn't changed either, still donning the blue hoodie he hadn't yet returned to Walmart and a long pair of cargo pants with his fashioned pouches. It was unclear if the mirror was working or not, but Chion was certain that he was basically looking at a near replica of his own father, just much younger.

"So? What do you see?" Circe asked again.

Chion frowned. "I'm a bit taller. My hair is cut and tidy, as well as a shade of black. My clothes are different."

"Normally, you can't change things about yourself such as height, facial features, hair color, and the works. However, we do it all." Circe nodded as she stepped away from Chion and headed to a nearby desk. On the desk was a sort of container of sparkly juice next to a basket of fruit. It was literally sparkling. "It's quite simple, really. Just one of our patented Shakeovers, and I guarantee you'll see results immediately. Or your money back. Not that you spent any money."

(("Shakeovers?")) The youth zeroed in on the drink in question, the one that the goddess was now fixing up for the two of them. (("A potion maybe?"))

As the woman fixed two large cups worth of the shakes, Luke wandered over, seemingly in a daze and situated himself in front of the Shakeover. Chion followed suit but much more cautiously, unsure of what to make of it.

"Here. Why don't you give it a try?" Circe smiled sincerely as she slid the drinks towards the duo.

Again, the nagging feeling of doing what she said made its appearance, but this time, Chion freely fought it off, having already been prepared for it. Whether intentional or not, it seemed that Circe had the ability to bend others to her will with her voice alone, though it was an ability that was most likely limited to some extent. It could freely affect demigods, even powerful ones such as Luke, who was reaching for it the moment the goddess had told him to. Without a word, Chion placed his hand over Luke's cup and elbowed him sharply in the side, digging it in.

"Ow!! What are you doing?" Luke scowled, coming back to his senses.

"Stopping you from being inferior," Chion rebutalled. "You really gonna trust someone whose been using her voice to order you around?"

"Order me around?" Luke sounded immensely confused.

(("He doesn't realize it wasn't of his own volition. That's a terrifying power. If it had affected me....")) Chion shuddered to think what would've happened if they drank the Shakeover. (("Well. Doesn't matter. We just got to make sure we keep her on her toes while we try to find that Fleece."))

A look of intense frustration flickered across Circe's face, but it was so brief that unless one was looking closely at her, it could easily be passed off as something else. She maintained her pleasant demeanor and kept everything professional. Instead of making it a big deal, she slid the drinks back and put a lid on them.

"That's a shame to hear. I assure you that it's all harmless, even my voice which tends to be a bit attracting to the opposite gender. If you don't feel like drinking the Shakeover, that's quite alright." Circe clapped her hands together. "We'll be having lunch in a few hours anyways which will function the same way. I urge you to stay a while before you continue on your journey. Take as long as you need. Family is always welcome in C.C's Spa and Resort. I'm sure that after all you been through, you and your friends would enjoy a relaxing day at the resort."

"I didn't mean to sound so harsh with that," Chion explained. "Expect that I find your methods to be quite.....unnecessary."

This time, the goddess didn't even try to hide her emotions, scowling at the youth.

"What exactly are you getting at?"

"You can't change the way you are that freely under regular circumstances. What you want to become will always change as time goes on, but you still won't be able to do anything about it. You say that the mirror shows you how you want to look and the Shakeover changes you to match that. But it's ridiculous." Chion tapped the side of the glass. "Shouldn't one learn to love themselves the way they are and for who they are? Your body is gonna change and grow old, wither away into nothingness as you age. Seems a tad redundant for a Spa to try and change people physically when you could instead rely on their insecurities and have them keep coming back by giving customers the best damn service known to man."

Chion was basically bullshitting his words at this point. Half the stuff he was saying didn't really make sense and he was more than aware of that. He just wanted to see how the goddess would react to it and hope she would slip up in her anger.

However, Circe seemed to realize this and handled it quite well, a mask of professionalism concealing a cold anger.

"What we do here is none of your concern. We work to assure everyone leaves happy and healthy. Those who stay in the Resort are carefully attended to, fed, and watered daily." The goddess put away the Shakeover and organized the area. "If you don't want our service, then you're free to leave after lunch has been served. If you DO want our service , you can stay for up to three days for free. Afterward you'll have to pay."

Chion made a mental note of how cool and collected Circe was, deciding to change tactics entirely.

"Very well. We'll take you up on your offer." The youth gave a slight bow, attempting to smooth over what he had said. He didn't care about showing respect, only putting on a show. "We'd be honored to stay here."

Luke followed suit, giving Circe a bow. After the elbow jab and Chions choice of words, it seemed that the man had returned to his senses. For the most part, he looked fine, just a bit on the perplexed end of the spectrum, as if he was still trying to figure out what was happening.

"Annabeth will be having a few hours to recuperate and get the full care treatment we can provide." Circe walked past them and headed to the door the blonde girl had walked through. "You can either wait in here or take a look around the resort. Do either of those as long as you don't disturb the guests."