
FrostBitten (Percy Jackson Fanfic)

Lost. Confused. Threatened. He had no memory of where he was, how he had gotten there, or anything except his own name. On the run from bloodthirsty beings that wanted his head on a pike, dealing with powers he couldn't control, seeing visions of people and places he had no recollection of, Chion Pagos wondered if he was truly meant to be alive. The only thing that kept him going was the image of a hill with an abnormally large tree. //1 chapter every other a day, 1 on patre0n. patre0n.com/ShadowDrev Discord: https://discord.gg/AZnQSJQEGh Donate to Patreon for a plethora of benefits. Extra chapters, sneak peeks at other projects, and even first hand looks at character designs for my Original novel. Novel should last about 1000 chapters, more or less depending on pacing, story direction, and so on. Timeline is a year before Percy shows up to camp. //Special Note: Those who purchase $20 Tier and above will get exclusive access to high tier rewards. This includes the first pages of a Manga for my original novel, NameLess, and even a free first edition copy when the first volume is complete.

CarlosDr3vna · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

A Calm Discussion (1/2)

//Powerstones will be put into effect at the end of each week. Patre0n Tiers will be put into effect the moment the purchase is made.

In terms of Powerstones and Patre0n donations, be sure to specify on which novel you want updated. I have NameLess (Original Novel), FrostBitten (Percy Jackson), and WaterLocked (Danmachi). I'll update according to which novel I owe and/or the highest bidder, mainly because I'm broke and the aim is customer satisfaction.

If needed, I can split focus onto an additional story as well but ONLY one so as to maintain quality. Patre0n Subs have a higher priority than powerstones unless we hit top 10 and onwards.


Goal: $240/$420


"Jackson Overland Frost." Chion muttered the name softly to himself as he surveyed the blade, its bleached color akin to that of freshly fallen snow. "The demigod on par with the God of Forging and friend to the gods of Olympus. The man who is also my father. Heh. Kinda makes me feel stupid for not figuring it out sooner."


"With the family dynamic amongst us gods, that's a feat no one could replicate before or after Jack's existence."


(("Yeah. Very stupid.")) Chion smiled bitterly as he resheathed his blade. (("Take pride in being logical and yet misses out on the most obvious of clues."))

The more the youth thought about the entire thing, the more obvious it seemed to be. The clue about him being the son of Frost and the way it was worded. The name Hephaestus had said when talking about Chions dad. He had definitely thought the wording odd but hadn't truly connected the dots, even after the god had said the mans first name, something that SHOULD have painted a clear picture. Maybe it was the amount of things that were swirling around the youth or the ADHD but Chion felt that he was missing out on a lot of things he normally would've never overlooked. He didn't think he had suddenly become dumber though it certainly felt like it sometimes, as if some outside force was preventing him from using his brain.

Nevertheless, Chion shook it all off. He had pieced it together, even if a little later than normal, and now knew a bit more about his past than he had prior.

For the time being, that was more than enough.

Chion pushed it to the side and instead focused on the present and near future. He had tasks he wanted to complete before reaching the Spa And Resort in addition to some information regarding the Sea Of Monsters as well as the Bermuda Triangle as a whole.


The sound of the radar going off nearly made the white-haired youth jump, instinctively grabbing Katavro's hilt as he swiveled on his heels, searching for the threat. After seeing what had caused the noise and realizing his reactions were rather superfluous, Chion let out a sight of relief before straightening himself up and moving to see what the commotion was about. Despite having never actually seen one before, the teen was able to understand what he was looking at and how it worked, mainly thanks to the instruction manual he had skimmed shortly after Annabeth. On the radar screen, a green wave pulsed outwards in all directions, sending out a signal that could detect rather large objects as well as movement.

In this particular instance, on each consecutive pulse, a green dot was shown just at the edge of the screen, almost out of sight. The dot was abnormally large in comparison to the Overland, making it seem like a mere pinprick, and was moving quickly, appearing on the left of the screen and then the right every time the wave spread outwards.

(("That's interesting.")) Chion pressed a few buttons on the radars control panel, zooming out and increasing the devices' strength to get a better look. (("A sea animal? No, it's moving too quickly and erratically. Scylla and Charybdis are fixed to the other entrance as well so it's not them. Depending on positioning, speed, its overall size, as well as the current depth.....it can't be anything except a monster. Even with our current trajectory, it's able to keep up. Mythological speaking, I don't know of many ocean based entities."))

Forgoing the radar, Chion moved over to the camera feed and began to readjust some things, twirling dials and pressing some buttons. Eventually, he was able to maneuver two of the built-in rear cameras in the direction of the large blip, one on either end. The cameras were powerful, but even they could only capture such a fast-moving object by working in tandem.

Chion was able to see it immediately, if only for brief periods. A blurry lump moving rapidly through the ocean waters, an unknown entity that easily eclipsed the size of the submerged vessel the youth was commanding. With its sheer size and unreal agility, the youth wouldn't have been surprised if it ate whole whales as an appetizer. It was neither gaining ground nor losing any, merely keeping pace with the Overlands top speed as if curious about its existence. For some reason, Chion had the sneaking suspicion that the blob wasn't even actually trying. For all intents and purposes, given the situation, if the thing chose to attack the Overland, the youth doubted they could fend it off while underwater. They were in its territory and completely at its mercy.

"Surfacing is redundant. We need to be properly positioned to launch the underwater missiles, which means slowing down and redirecting. Even if we hit it, there is no current information on its durability, let alone what creature it is." Chion bit the tip of his thumb as he ran through possible solutions and their outcomes. "If we make direct contact with our weapons, we might just anger it further. Nothing to go off of and no proper way to fight back. Maybe doing nothing is the play here. If this thing really wanted us gone, we'd already be a piece of crumpled tinfoil."

Tapping a sequence of buttons, Chion changed all of the cameras back to normal and ignored the beast in its entirety. The most likely scenario was that the monster was curious about what tiny speck was moving through its territory. The hope was that once it realized it wasn't worth the chase, the vessel being a minnow in comparison, it would simply leave.

And sure enough, Chions prediction was right on the money. After a few minutes, the blob sped up slightly and then moved in a completely different direction until it had left the radars range completely.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the youth wiped the back of his hand against his sweaty forehead, having perspirated quite a bit due to the intensity of the situation. Chion began another checkup on all things within the submarine, making sure they were on the right track, had sufficient oxygen levels, decent speed and pressure, and so on and so forth. He had no plans on ever saying anything to the other two about what he witnessed. If it wasn't an immediate issue, it didn't need to be mentioned. As long as they could keep moving towards the Spa And Resort, that's all that mattered.

"With that aside, we should be there in maybe two hours." Chion steered softly to the right. "I don't know where it's located, but it shouldn't be too far out of the way. Definitely have to surface soon."

"Surfacing would probably be a good thing."

Chion turned his head slightly as Luke walked into the room, moving his hands over his face. Maybe it was the youths own imagination, but the blonde teen looked even more tired than before, the bags under his eyes far more prominent than the start of their journey. As Luke moved to the back and plopped down onto the floor, Chion couldn't help but think that maybe he wasn't getting that much sleep.

"Hey man. You alright? Looks like you got dragged around on your face." Chion turned to face him. "Couldn't get any sleep?"

Luke rubbed his eyes. "You could say that. Maybe the floor just isn't for me."

"Well, we should be nearing the location shortly." Chion glanced at the compass. "I do suggest trying to get some more rest, but if you can't do that, then that's also fine, I suppose."

"How come you aren't sleeping?" Luke asked as he yawned. "I'll watch the ship for you."

"Not tired."

The two fell into silence for quite some time after that, each of them lost in their own thoughts, doing nothing and saying just as much. But, eventually, Luke raised the question that made Chion pause and refocus on the teen once more.

"What do you think of the gods, Frost?" Luke leaned forward, arms over his knees. "Aside from all the help and the gifts received from them. What runs through your mind when you think of the gods?"

Chion stopped what he was doing and turned around, locking eyes with Luke.

"What do I think of them as individuals?" Chion touched his chin. "Well, seeing as I haven't met all of the major ones and can only go based on stories, my answer will vary for each of them based on impressions from what I know. As a whole, I'd say that they're the embodiment of being human and contain all of the flaws that humanity possesses. Problem with that is they're infinitely stronger than the average mortal and throw that weight around as they see fit. They demand respect in regards to their reputation as gods but more often than not do little to deserve such respect. Take Zeus, for example, the king of the gods. He's-"

"Try not to say their names actually," Luke interjected. "Words have power and you could easily evoke their attention."

"Doesn't matter." Chion shrugged. "If they wanted me dead, they'd have killed me a long time ago. I'm not saying that they're good for nothing, I'm just saying that they don't follow any standard us humans have. They see themselves as powerful beings and as such, don't really care all that much for the human world. Individually, I might have some issues with their actions and stories, but as a whole, I don't really care. They can do as they please as long as it doesn't get in my way of finding my way forward."

"No resentment for how they treated you? For taking away your memories?"

"I need to know WHY they did it before I jump to conclusions." Chion turned back to the steering wheel and slightly readjusted their course. "Getting mad before properly getting the details or fully understanding is a fools game. A look before you leap type of situation."